cute in his palm

Chapter 1080 What is the relationship

Chapter 1080 What is the relationship

When Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng arrived at the hotel, they saw Xu Yanke, Tao Mian and several brothers from Jiang Dingcheng's side all arrived, looking very lively.

"Ke Ke, Mian Mian, you guys are here. When did you arrive? Have you been waiting for a long time?" Mu Jiu ran towards them excitedly.

Jiang Dingcheng watched nervously from behind, his eyebrows were furrowed.

Seeing this, Xu Yanke understood why Jiang Dingcheng acted like this, so she quickly put her arms around Mu Jiu and told her. "We just arrived, Xiao Jiu, you have to walk slowly, you know, you are not alone now, you have a baby in your belly now, so you can't be so careless anymore."

With Mu Jiu's walking style, it's no wonder Jiang Dingcheng's eyebrows are twisted together, and anyone who sees it will sweat. Mu Jiu was much more stable and calm before, but after this pregnancy, his personality has become a lot more active.

Mu Jiu smiled Tiantian at Xu Yanke. "Ke Ke, I'm fine. I understand your own body. Even the doctor told me to exercise more. You and Jiang Dingcheng are making too much fuss."

Xu Yanke has nothing to do with her. After experiencing the incident at Huafu Villa, Mu Jiu's personality has become much more cheerful. This is actually a good thing for friends like Xu Yanke, but based on her understanding of Mu Jiu, This sudden cheerfulness did not make Xu Yanke feel good, but it made people worry even more.

I'm afraid that Mu Jiu will hide all the unhappy things in her heart, and then pretend to be okay to face everyone, and her thoughts will become more gloomy if she is smoldering. .

"Xiaojiu, it's fine if you can be sensible. In short, you must always remember that you are a pregnant woman with a baby in your stomach. It will not hurt to pay more attention to everything." Xu Yanke said in an elder tone. Looking at Mu Jiu said.

"Don't worry, I just don't care, this belly is getting bigger and bigger now, I can't ignore it." Mu Jiu said with a smile, and then subconsciously stretched out her hand to stroke her belly, a twitch was naturally raised on her face The aura of maternal love.

Once a woman is pregnant with a child, she will become very different, which can be seen from Mu Jiu's body.

"It's good that you know, what about Xiaotong and Young Master Gu, why haven't you seen them?" Xu Yanke asked her directly.

The lobby manager said that they went to eat together, but only Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng came back.

"Haven't they come back yet?" Mu Jiu asked a little strangely.

Could it be that both of them lost their way in Taolin, it's impossible, suddenly they felt a little uneasy.

"You didn't come back, the room card is all in Master Gu's hands, that's why we waited for him here." Xu Yanke asked directly.

Mu Jiu shook his head, then turned to look at Jiang Dingcheng. "The two of them won't get lost, right?" Mu Jiu was particularly worried about this.

It's fine if Gu Xiao pretends to be lost on purpose, but if Guan Xiaotong gets lost with him, it will be a big problem.

That piece of peach grove is very big, and it takes a long time to go around it.

"Jiu'er, don't worry, it's okay, they are in the fishing village now." Jiang Dingcheng is still very clear about Gu Xiao's itinerary, even if he didn't want to know Gu Xiao's itinerary, this guy kept reporting the location to him, so he is forced to know.

"Really?" Mu Jiu said in disbelief.

These two people are too unreliable, Gu Xiao clearly knows that he is the main person in charge of Taohua Island this time, but he even forgot about the big guy when he played by himself.

"Really, they're fine, how can a small Taolin trap Gu Xiao." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Mu Jiu was just too worried. Gu Xiao, let alone a peach forest, even a large virgin forest might not be able to trap him.

Therefore, Mu Jiu doesn't need to worry at all.

"Then..." Mu Jiu looked at Xu Yanke and the others.

Xu Yanke also heard their conversation, and then suddenly heard some important points. "Xiao Jiu, Young Master Gu and Xiao Tong are together?"

Xu Yanke has never been a gossip person, but she still needs to find out about Guan Xiaotong's affairs. Guan Xiaotong, an unreliable girl, is really too afraid that something will happen to her.

I have seen that something is not right between her and Gu Xiao, but I did not expect that there are really some clues.

No wonder, this time, he didn't wait to come with them, he came over Peach Blossom Island early in the morning, and it turned out that he was with Gu Xiao.

In the end, what else did Guan Xiaotong hide from her.

"The two of them are together, but they should have gone to play in the fishing village." Mu Jiu didn't see Xu Yanke's displeasure, but simply explained their affairs.

"Xiao Jiu, is there something between the two of them that we don't know about?" Xu Yanke asked directly.

This time Mu Jiu probably understood what Xu Yanke was going to ask.

"Ke Ke, things are not what you think." Mu Jiu said directly, because she was afraid that Xu Yanke would misunderstand what was going on between Guan Xiaotong and Gu Xiao, and Guan Xiaotong swore that she and Gu Xiao were not It's possible, so nothing will happen, and Tao Mian is still here, so it's not good to talk too much.

"What do I think?" Xu Yanke looked at Mu Jiu and asked.

Mu Jiu didn't know how to answer for a while, she said that just now, she was trying to cover up, and she said something that didn't exist before, as if it happened.

So now there is a lot of debate.

At the critical moment, it was Jiang Dingcheng who stood up. "Let me tell you to go back to the room to rest with the secondary card first, and we can talk about the rest later. Jiu'er is a little tired, so I will take her back to the room to rest first."

Xu Yanke didn't have any objection to this, but she was a little skeptical about the matter between Guan Xiaotong and Gu Xiao.

This girl, Guan Xiaotong, had nothing to do all day long and caused a lot of messy things, and she didn't know who would clean up the mess for her.

The lack of success and the ability to fail are gradually increasing. Could it be that she doesn't know at all what kind of person Gu Xiao is, and she is not someone she should provoke at all.

"Ke Ke, you don't have to worry about Xiao Tong's matter, she will be reasonable." Mu Jiu's thousands of words finally turned into this sentence to comfort Xu Yanke, but she didn't have any strength at all.

Guan Xiaotong is a guy that everyone knows is unreliable, isn't Mu Jiu talking nonsense when he says this?

"In the whole world, she is the most capable and careless in doing things. She can't do one good thing, but does one bad thing after another. I will ask her clearly when she comes back later." Xu Yanke said seriously .

Mu Jiu knew that once Xu Yanke showed her big sister's aura, things would become serious. Mu Jiu mourned for Guan Xiaotong, hoping that there was really nothing wrong between her and Gu Xiao.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"

(End of this chapter)

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