cute in his palm

Chapter 1084 His troublesome essence

Chapter 1084 His troublesome essence

Jiang Dingcheng raised his eyebrows, saying that he had just witnessed the whole process, of course he didn't know what happened before the elevator opened, but Gu Xiao should be no better.

Guan Xiaotong is like a ball of fire, Gu Xiao is like a piece of ice, the fire will soon melt away.

In fact, in the final analysis, Jiang Dingcheng was still a little gloating, and this was the real time for Gu Xiao to meet his opponent. The previous Tao Mian completely ignored Gu Xiao, but he was singing a one-man show by himself, and Guan Xiaotong was the same. completely different.

Guan Xiaotong and Gu Xiao's quarreling like this is something that couples would do, not like Tao Mian, he kept chasing after him desperately, but Tao Mian ignored him at all.

"I said earlier that Tao Mian is not suitable for you. You can't impress her." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly. , will pay more attention to other people's relationship status.

"So, you also think Xiaotong and I would be more suitable, right brother?" Gu Xiao said a little excitedly.

He said that he and Guan Xiaotong would be more suitable.

"However, Guan Xiaotong's character is actually much more difficult to deal with than Tao Mian." Jiang Dingcheng analyzed calmly.

Anyway, I'm afraid of waking Mu Jiu up when I go back to the room, and I have nothing to do standing here, so I might as well help Gu Xiao analyze it so that his negative emotions don't reach their peak.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be here to accompany Gu Xiao in such a leisurely way.

"I know."

"Also, Guan Xiaotong and Tao Mian are good girlfriends." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

There is a deeper meaning in these words, Gu Xiao will not fail to hear it.

People with close girlfriends usually don't turn against men because of men, so Gu Xiao's current situation is very embarrassing, and Guan Xiaotong completely rejects him because of Tao Mian.

If you want to be friends, don't mention anything about confession, because you can't even be a friend after confessing.

Guan Xiaotong's personality is just too strong, with a personality like strong wine, and he has such deep affection for his girlfriends. He is not the kind of person who would fall out with his girlfriends because of a man, so if Gu Xiao really intends to pursue Guan Xiaotong What Xiaotong said was indeed a challenging thing.

"Second brother, I understand what you mean." Gu Xiao nodded and said.

"So, you know it well." Jiang Dingcheng patted him on the shoulder and said, he will not interfere with Gu Xiao's affairs, especially if it is related to Mu Jiu's friend.

Because from Mu Jiu's point of view, she doesn't want any of her friends to be hurt.

"Second brother, you, don't you plan to help me?" Gu Xiao immediately turned down when he saw that Jiang Dingcheng had no intention of helping him at all. Originally, he wanted to draw his second brother into the alliance. With his advice or something, at least he won't rely on himself for everything and is a little helpless.

"I've said it before, I won't do things that make Jiu'er unhappy. These three friends are very important to Jiu'er. She doesn't want to hurt any of them. If you do things like this now, Although they didn't cause any substantial harm to them, in Jiu'er's heart that is harm, if you abandon a best friend who turns to her, this is an act of harm." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

"Then what should I do, second brother?" Gu Xiaoye, who used to roll around in the crowd of women, was a little scared now.

"You still have to fight for your own happiness. I just hope you're not kidding. I won't interfere in this matter." Jiang Dingcheng expressed his attitude.

If he didn't stop it, it was already a great tolerance, and if he wanted him to help, don't even think about it.

"But if you really hurt any of them, I will stand on Jiu'er's side, do you understand?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at Gu Xiao and said, this was a kind of warning, just to let Gu Xiao understand , if he dared to hurt Mu Jiu's friend, then Jiang Dingcheng would definitely punish him.

Now he is completely a wife-protecting maniac.

"Second brother, I understand." Gu Xiao understood now, what kind of situation he pushed himself into, he asked for it himself.

"Okay, you can be sad by yourself, I have to go back to the room to see Jiuer, but I suggest you go back to the room and take a good bath, and then change into a good performance at night, at least better than the current one." Jiang Dingcheng After speaking, he left directly.

Gu Xiao, who stayed behind, stood alone against the wall. Chi Heyu, who happened to come last night, got out of the elevator, heard Jiang Dingcheng's words, and walked towards them.

"Second brother." Then he turned his head to look at Gu Xiao, it was very strange to see his decadent look, and he couldn't stand it at all. "Fourth brother, second brother is right, you don't look confident at all now, go back to your room, take a shower and change into new clothes."

"Why are you here so late?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at Chi Heyu and said, Chi Heyu, who was always in the early hours but not late, also came so late sometimes, expressing a little curiosity.

"I encountered a trouble, so I delayed for a while." Chi Heyu said displeased, and his brows were knitted when he mentioned this trouble.

"What's the trouble, do you need help?" Jiang Dingcheng asked, making Chi Heyu say it's trouble, maybe it really is a big trouble.

"It's okay, it's all settled." Chi Heyu said lightly, as for the trouble, it's not time to let Jiang Dingcheng and the others know about it, because this trouble is a troublesome spirit, not a troublesome matter.

As soon as he heard Chi Heyu say this, Jiang Dingcheng knew that he didn't want the big guys to know, so he didn't ask any more questions. He could always handle Chi Heyu's affairs by himself. There was something he couldn't solve.

"Third brother, why don't I help you solve your troubles." Gu Xiao immediately became interested, and now he just wants to change his goal a little bit, so that he won't make himself too sad.

However, Chi Heyu simply refused.

"No need, my troubles have been solved, you should take care of your own troubles, I just can't figure it out, why did you just give up on Officer Tao and change to a lunatic?" Chi Heyu said bluntly .

In the eyes of all of them, Guan Xiaotong came from a crazy woman, because people are like crazy, they come here for whatever they say, there is no logic at all.

"What kind of lunatic, does she have a name, okay? There are so many reasons, if you like it, you like it. It's good if I can control my heart." Gu Xiao said directly.

Jiang Dingcheng and Chi Heyu exchanged glances, did Gu Xiao really fall this time?
When it came to Tao Mian's matter, they all thought that Gu Xiao was set.

 Gezi's new article~ "Young Master Li Plays Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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