cute in his palm

Chapter 1085

Chapter 1085

Everything in this world is not absolute. What they thought so much at the beginning turned out to be a slap in the face for them.

Gu Xiao, a guy who is easy to change his mind, said at the beginning that he would not play anymore if he fell in love with Tao Mian, but after a long time, he changed his target again, and started with the people around Tao Mian.

Gu Xiao is really courageous enough.

"Fourth, I said that your heart is as easy to change as yours. If you like one, you can change to another if you can't catch up." Chi Heyu said calmly.

These words made Gu Xiao speechless.

Because no matter how he explained it, it was the truth.

He gradually shifted his attention from Tao Mian to Guan Xiaotong, and he didn't even notice it. When he found out, Gu Xiao himself was caught off guard, but he didn't think there was anything wrong, at least When he was with Guan Xiaotong, a crazy girl, he was very relaxed and happy.

They all said that the best kind of love is to feel happiness easily, and Gu Xiao is the most relaxed when he is with Guan Xiaotong, so he will not reject his feelings for Guan Xiaotong.

And after repeated verifications in the next few months, he was really sure that his feelings for Guan Xiaotong were not just on a whim, but that he really wanted to be with her.

Therefore, after confessing a few times, I still don't give up.

"Fourth, I just want to tell you one thing, don't be messy anymore, it's not good for anyone." Chi Heyu said to him very seriously, which can be regarded as some warnings from Chi Heyu to her.

Being a man can be flirtatious, but you must not be lewd. You still need to have your own principles, especially when it comes to relationships. Among the few of them, Gu Xiao is the most flirtatious and fun, but he will definitely not be a flirtatious man, so they They all hope that Gu Xiao can have a good home, instead of being tied up in a crowd of women all day long without feeling like he doesn't belong.

At that time, when he announced in a high-profile way that he would pursue Tao Mian, although everyone was not optimistic, they did not stop him. At least they saw that Gu Xiao was getting serious.

But now it seems that they overestimated Gu Xiao.

"Third brother, I know, don't worry, this time, I really believe that Xiaotong will not change again, and I will definitely chase her." Gu Xiao said there as if swearing.

Chi Heyu frowned and spoke. "What if I can't catch up? Give up like Tao Mian, and then change the target?" Chi Heyu didn't want to expose Gu Xiao's wounds at all. He announced loudly in front of him that he was going to pursue Tao Mian, and he was pursuing Tao Mian with the feeling that he would get married.

But what happened?He changed his target before chasing him, and it was Tao Mian's friend who did it. That's enough.

"Third brother, how can you say that about me? What kind of person am I, don't you believe me, don't you believe me?" Gu Xiao looked at the two brothers, wanting to seek his own truth in front of them. identity.

Unfortunately, none of them would agree with him.

"Okay, it's just that we know what kind of person you are, so we don't have too much hope." Chi Heyu said calmly.

"You guys talk, I'll go back and see Jiu'er." Jiang Dingcheng didn't want to discuss love with the two big men here anymore, and now it's not a student period, a few boys have nothing to do with girls, he has to go back and guard Mu Jiu , if she wakes up and can't find him, she will definitely be anxious, now Mu Jiu feels very insecure.

"Second brother, just leave me alone. Sure enough, you don't want a brother if you have a woman." Gu Xiao complained.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled coldly. "Jiu'er can give birth to me, brother can't." After finishing speaking, he left.

One sentence instantly killed Gu Xiao, and then Chi Heyu laughed unkindly. "Fourth, I told you earlier that you don't want to mess with your second brother, especially don't make fun of your second sister-in-law. Now she's the treasure in his heart, and anyone who dares to touch him will take the knife."

Chi Heyu's words are very reasonable, he understands the reason why Jiang Dingcheng protects Mu Jiu like this, a man like Jiang Dingcheng either doesn't talk about love, and if he talks about it, he will go for his whole life.

In fact, Mu Jiu was considered lucky. If he met Jiang Dingcheng like this, if he or Gu Xiao had such a personality, he might not be favored like this.

Fortunately, Mu Jiu is also a good woman, and she will not let down Jiang Dingcheng's sincerity. I just hope that the two of them can live like this for the rest of their lives.

"Third Brother, to be honest, do you think Second Brother and Second Sister-in-law will really live like this forever?" Gu Xiao asked directly.

Chi Heyu looked at the man who entered the room without hesitation, and glanced at Gu Xiao lightly. "Don't say this in front of Second Brother, or I'll have someone collect your body for you."

Gu Xiao died.

The second brother and the third brother are all cold and ruthless masters, who kill people with poisonous tongues at every turn. The two of them grew up eating poison, otherwise they would all be rude.

"Third brother, I'm in a lot of trouble now, please comfort me, why don't you comfort me all at once?" Gu Xiao looked at Chi Heyu coquettishly and said.

"It's useless to comfort you, it depends on you." Chi Heyu said ruthlessly.

"Don't even you think there is no possibility for me and Xiaotong?" Gu Xiao asked unwillingly.

"Are you willing to listen to the truth or lies?" Chi Heyu looked at him with a frown and said.

When Gu Xiao heard this, his face collapsed instantly. "Forget it, third brother, you hurt people as much as second brother when you tell the truth, so don't say it, I know it myself."

"Go back to your room, take a shower and change your clothes, you won't get sympathy for being so decadent." Chi Heyu said coldly.

"I know, I really can't get sympathy from you guys. I'm going back to my room." Gu Xiao murmured, with an unhappy expression on his face.

Chi Heyu saw Gu Xiao returning to the room in a state of desperation, but he didn't have any extra thoughts to go back to the room, and directly took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

I just took two sips and pressed it down.

The life that was originally relaxed and comfortable, suddenly turned upside down by a girl's film, this feeling is really uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Chi Heyu has been free since he was a child, and has never been subject to any constraints. Living in the mirror of his grandfather being a businessman and a gang, he has a cold personality since he was a child, and he doesn't like being disturbed by people around him.

A little girl just popped up, and he couldn't make a fuss, and the reason why he came to Peach Blossom Island at night was because he was going to pick up that girl and go back to the villa, so he wasted time.

Thinking of that crazy girl who was full of energy and couldn't rest for a moment, Chi Heyu's brows were twisted into Sichuan characters.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~~~
(End of this chapter)

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