cute in his palm

Chapter 1086 That's Just a Dream

Chapter 1086 That's Just a Dream

That girl is a distant relative of the mother's family, and she has to be called cousin in terms of seniority. She was admitted to Huai University this year, and she came to Huai City first for the reason of familiarizing herself with the school and Huai City in advance, so her mother asked Chi Heyu to help her. Take care of her, because her school is close to where he lives, and when she was in elementary school, he helped with tutoring lessons, so the little girl recognized him and asked him to pick her up and live with him for a month until the school started. He Yu has no reason to refuse.

Therefore, it is purely to trouble him to come to Huaicheng to see some school one month in advance.

Won't you wait until school starts to come back?
At that time, the only impression I had on her tutoring homework was that this punch was too noisy, and she didn't listen to what others said, and played around on her own, causing Chi Heyu to have headaches, and just wanted to stay away from such a brat.

Thinking that he would have to live with this crazy girl for the next month, he was really afraid that he would suffer from a nervous breakdown, so he left her in the villa and left her to the care of the housekeeper and servants. He planned to live in Peach Blossom Island for a month before going back, At that time, Huai University started school, just throw her at school.

He has never kept women by his side, because women are inherently troublesome, especially for a bratty girl, he has no intention of dealing with it.

Chi Heyu's favorite women have always been mature, smart, well-educated women who understand the rules of his game and don't cause trouble for him. For a girl like Luo Simiao, he can hide as far as he can.

Knowing that noise was what he disliked the most, his mother still wanted to push that girl Luo Simiao beside him. Did she think that he was too leisurely, so she brought such a child over and let him take care of her.

But he couldn't refuse his mother's request, so he had to bite the bullet and take it first.

So, he has a big trouble to deal with, so he doesn't have any thoughts to take care of Gu Xiao's affairs.


As soon as Jiang Dingcheng entered the room, Mu Jiu just woke up, looking for someone with a confused face, glanced at the room, and felt relieved after seeing Jiang Dingcheng.

"Where did you go just now?" Mu Jiu asked him directly, with a trace of grievance in his tone.

Because she clearly remembered that the two of them slept together, but she couldn't see him when she woke up. This feeling made her a little scared and uneasy.

Panicked as if he couldn't find Jiang Dingcheng suddenly.

In fact, although Jiang Dingcheng said in a high voice that he couldn't do without her and couldn't sleep without hugging her, she was also like this herself. He will feel at ease only after seeing him.

Mu Jiu didn't know if the dependence on him like this was good or not, at least she didn't hate it now, since the incident with Hua Fu, she had discovered her love for Jiang Dingcheng, and she never wanted to leave.

What kind of things will happen in the future is a matter of the future, and she doesn't want to think about it now.

Just thinking, as long as Jiang Dingcheng is by his side.

"Jiu'er, did the sound of my footsteps coming in wake you up?" Jiang Dingcheng walked over and sat on the edge of the bed looking at Mu Jiu and asked, just now when he saw her looking for him all over the room, Jiang Dingcheng was still a little moved , thinking that he was so valued and cared about by Mu Jiu, of course he was very happy.

"Jiang Dingcheng, where did I think you were? I'm a little scared not to see you." Mu Jiu threw herself into Jiang Dingcheng's arms, and then murmured about her worries.

Jiang Dingcheng raised his hand and patted her on the back to calm her uneasy emotions. "Jiu'er, I said I would not leave your side. I just went to the corridor and made a phone call. I'm right by your side. Don't worry."

Mu Jiu rested her head on his chest, and when she heard his heartbeat, she felt that Jiang Dingcheng was really still by her side, hadn't left, hadn't been lost by her, she was really super insecure.

"Well, I was dreaming just now." Mu Jiu came out of his arms, looked up at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

As soon as Jiang Dingcheng's heart tightened, he knew that Mu Jiu must be dreaming, and it was still a nightmare, otherwise he wouldn't wake up after sleeping so suddenly.

"Don't be afraid, come and tell me, what is your dream?" Jiang Dingcheng coaxed her.

Mu Jiu looked at him, then shook her head, for her it was a nightmare, she didn't want to tell Jiang Dingcheng to hear it, because it was not a good dream. "It's okay, as long as you're still here."

"Jiu'er, did you dream that I left your side?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her face unwilling to say it and said, Mu Jiu's expression will always be written directly on her face, so you can see it from her face. It could be seen that she was afraid of what she had just dreamed about.

When Mu Jiu heard Jiang Dingcheng's words, her eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief. "You, how do you know, is my dream real, you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Dingcheng directly interrupted her. "Fool, I said I would not leave your side. Even if you beat me and scolded me to drive me away, I would not leave your side. Besides, there is a baby now, how can I be willing to part with you and the baby? So, Don't think about such things anymore, okay, promise me not to think about it, you and the baby will always be my concern, my everything, I will not leave your side, unless, it is you who really don't want me anymore." Jiang Dingcheng When it comes to the latter, there is still some grievance.

It's the first time he said so many love words, but this is his determination, as long as Mu Jiu doesn't drive him away, then he will stay by Mu Jiu's side for the rest of his life and never leave.

"Jiang Dingcheng, there will be no exceptions." Mu Jiu looked into his eyes and said very firmly.

Why didn't she want Jiang Dingcheng's? It's too late for her to stay by his side?

"So, Jiu'er, that's just a dream. Don't be afraid when I wake up from the dream and I'm still by your side." Jiang Dingcheng patted her on the back and said along with her thoughts.

"Yeah." Mu Jiu nodded obediently, what if he couldn't see him after waking up from the dream?She didn't dare to think about it, and then threw herself into Jiang Dingcheng's arms, trying to drive away the wild thoughts in her mind.

But the dream just now was too real, Jiang Dingcheng desperately drove her away from him, a new woman appeared beside him, he didn't love her, he loved another woman, so he didn't need her anymore.

Sadness and despair swept over her body at once.

"Fool, I know that pregnant women tend to think wildly, but you are not allowed to think about such things in the future. Think about something happy, understand? If it is too sad, the child born will be depressed since childhood, and you will not You'll be happy." Jiang Dingcheng coaxed her.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Plays Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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