cute in his palm

Chapter 1087 The Excessive Guy

Chapter 1087 The Excessive Guy

The doctor told Guo Jiang Dingcheng that the emotions of pregnant women are very easy to be emotional, and a little thing will make their wild thoughts magnify, so you must pay attention to Mu Jiu's mood, and you must not let her mood fluctuate too much. Especially not to be sad.

Once a pregnant woman is sad, it will be difficult to be happy all of a sudden.

So Jiang Dingcheng used all his words to make Mu Jiu happy, just not wanting to make her too sad, so as not to stop her when she was sad, and then the baby would also be depressed.

"Well, well, I understand, I will not let the baby become a melancholy baby." Mu Jiu nodded obediently, she would not let the baby become a melancholy baby.

So she must become happy.

"Husband, you said that those children who are not talkative and melancholy little princes are because the mothers-to-be were unhappy and cried too much when their mothers were pregnant with them?" Mu Jiu suddenly asked Jiang Dingcheng curiously.

Jiang Dingcheng was amused by her question, and the corners of his mouth raised into a faint smile. "That's right, so do you want our baby to become a melancholy little prince or a melancholy little princess?"

Mu Jiu shook her head immediately. "No, I hope our baby is a sunny and cute one, not a melancholy one."

Seeing Mu Jiu's serious look, Jiang Dingcheng laughed. "You're right to think like this. When mother is happy, the baby is naturally a sunny, cheerful, happy baby."

Mu Jiu nodded, and then tried her best to raise a smile. Jiang Dingcheng understood that Mu Jiu is still a very coaxable woman. Although she is in a sensitive period, it is easier to smooth her hair without any thorns.

"Well, I know, I will be more happy every day in the future, and watch more beautiful things, so that the baby will be beautiful and happy when it is born." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

At this moment, she is like a pure child, Jiang Dingcheng is willing to hold her in the palm of his hand and love her forever, such a woman should not be left outside to suffer.

In the first 20 years of Mu Jiu's life, he didn't protect her by her side, which made her suffer, but for the next 80 years, he will protect her, and she won't be hurt in any way.

"That's the right way to think about it. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll let the hotel chef prepare it later." Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

Mu Jiu is a little hungry now, but she doesn't want to eat dinner, but wants to eat snacks. "Jiang Dingcheng, I want to eat some snacks, and then shouldn't Gu Xiao arrange the dinner? I don't pick anything, as long as it's not something that pregnant women can't eat, I'll follow suit."

Mu Jiu is considering the overall situation. Since Gu Xiaoquan booked Peach Blossom Island this time, then everything is arranged by him. Mu Jiu doesn't want to be specialized, so he follows the crowd, as long as he pays more attention to the food. , Just don’t eat things that pregnant women are fasting for.

She is a very easy-going person, so as not to spoil the atmosphere and affect everyone's mood because she is a pregnant woman and everyone takes her feelings into consideration.

"I'll bring the snacks soon, but Gu Xiao is a little out of sorts right now." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly, and then went to dial the hotel's internal line.

Mu Jiu was a little surprised when she heard that she was out of mood. "Did something happen? Wasn't it good before?" Mu Jiu asked worriedly. Although Gu Xiao deliberately lost his way in Taolin, it shouldn't be Guan Xiaotong who was in a bad mood. After being cheated, Guan Xiaotong will definitely be very upset.

So, it should be Guan Xiaotong who is in a bad mood.

"It's nothing, Gu Xiao has been turned away." After calling, Jiang Dingcheng walked up to Mu Jiu and said.

"Shut up? Xiaotong?" Mu Jiu said in surprise, but after thinking about it, she realized that it was actually the same thing.

Guan Xiaotong's temperament is very strong, it is normal for Gu Xiao to be rejected.

"Then it seems that this time Gu Xiao really provoked Xiaotong. She only treats people like this when she is very angry." Mu Jiu explained that she is usually careless, and she always makes big things into small things. , trivial matters, nothing particularly makes her angry, she won't get angry.

I'm afraid Gu Xiao really annoyed Guan Xiaotong.

"Jiu'er, Gu Xiao changed his pursuit of Guan Xiaotong, what's your opinion?" Jiang Dingcheng decided to seriously ask Mu Jiu's opinion, what did she think about Gu Xiao giving up pursuing Tao Mian and instead pursuing Guan Xiaotong.

"Gu Xiao changed his pursuit of Xiaotong?" Mu Jiulue asked him hesitantly.

Jiang Dingcheng nodded.

"Is this true? Gu Xiao won't change the ticket again? Gu Xiao is too unreliable. He just can't catch one, so he just changes the ticket to chase the other. It's not good to chase anyone, but it's better to chase My friend, this is the first time I have seen it. It is normal for Xiaotong not to agree, so it is considered light to shut him down. I didn’t beat him up directly. If I were Xiaotong, I would definitely beat Gu Xiao. I don't even know my own mother." Mu Jiu said very seriously, and uttered a series of words in a flash.

"In a word, he is too unreliable. I don't agree with him. Xiaotong is unreliable. If he meets Gu Xiao who is unreliable, then he should live a good life." Mu Nine vetoed it very justly and solemnly.

Regarding Gu Xiao's pursuit of Guan Xiaotong, she was opposed to it, and of course she would not directly interfere with them. It was God's will to be together, and it was destined not to be together.

Two unreliable guys like Guan Xiaotong and Gu Xiao shouldn't be together.

Jiang Dingcheng had only one thought. It seemed that this time Gu Xiao dug a hole and buried himself. If you want to pursue Guan Xiaotong, you don't just need to pass Guan Xiaotong's level. There is also Mu Jiu here.

"Jiu'er, do you dislike them so much?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her in a low voice.

Mu Jiu's opinion is very important to him, and now he is totally following along, so whatever Mu Jiu's attitude is, he is always on her side.

How can a brother's happiness be as important as his own woman, he is such a valuer of sex than friends.

"I don't like them either. Gu Xiao went too far this time, so I don't care about their affairs." Jiang Dingcheng coaxed his wife.

If Gu Xiao knew that the second brother only had a wife and no brothers in his heart, he would probably die of anger.

It happened that the kitchen delivered something.

Jiang Dingcheng took the things and pushed them in front of Mu Jiu. "Jiu'er, don't think too much about eating, let them solve their own affairs, just let nature take its course."

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: New Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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