cute in his palm

Chapter 1413 Wishful thinking

Chapter 1413 Wishful thinking

What Luo Shiyang was thinking, Mu Jiu didn't need to think too much to know, but she didn't have the mood to talk to her, she only opened her mouth slowly after she had scolded enough.

"Luo Shiyang, I didn't come here today to make fun of you. I just wanted to see if you were dead. Since you're still alive, it's fine. Also, I promise to be my husband. I won't allow him to see other women. Especially you, your face is enough to scare him into nightmares." Mu Jiu said clearly and slowly.

These words were like needles pricking Luo Shiyang's heart.

Although she was angry, she had to admit that Mu Jiu's words were correct.

To be able to say that Jiang Dingcheng is her husband so ostentatiously, this kind of confidence is not something that any woman will have.

In the past, when Jiang Dingcheng treated her well with all his heart, she refused him ignorantly, and then left him to go abroad with An Tenglong, and he was tortured abroad for five years.

Although her requirements were fully met in terms of material life, she was banned.

If she hadn't been so stupid back then, leaving Jiang Dingcheng to go to An Tenglong's side, then she wouldn't have suffered so much now.

And the person who can call Jiang Dingcheng's husband will only be her, not this girl who came out halfway.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs and regrets in this world.

Luo Shiyang can only face the facts.

That means Mu Jiu is Jiang Dingcheng's current wife.

"Mu Jiu, I don't want to see you now, get out of here." Luo Shiyang's self-esteem was a little hurt.

One was Mu Jiu's sudden intrusion, which made her see her face ruined like this.

The other is that when Luo Shiyang heard Mu Jiu say that he would scare Jiang Dingcheng, Luo Shiyang's heart was full of pain.

Could it be that she and Jiang Dingcheng are really impossible?

"Don't worry, I don't like to stay in this ward that smells of disinfectant. Since I promised Luo Shiyan to come and see you, I will naturally leave after I finish speaking." Mu Jiu said lightly.

As if she wanted to stay so much.

Even if I begged her to stay a little longer, she would not be willing.

"I don't care what you are here for, and if you want to say anything, don't say anything, just get out now..."

"Sister!" Luo Shiyan is now in a bit of a dilemma. On the one hand, she wants to help her sister, but on the other hand, she hopes that this woman, Mu Jiu, will get out and stop irritating her sister.

"Luo Shiyan, you go out first. I have a few words to say to Luo Shiyang alone, and I will leave after I finish. The smell of this place is too unpleasant." Mu Jiu was still calm.

She has long understood a truth.

When faced with a mad dog barking, the less you care about it, the more boring it will be.

Luo Shiyan looked at the two of them worriedly.

"If you don't go out, then I will go out." Seeing her hesitation, Mu Jiu said directly.

Luo Shiyan no longer hesitated and nodded in agreement. "I'm going out, you help me persuade my sister."

Luo Shiyan instinctively felt that Mu Jiu could persuade Luo Shiyang, anyway, there was no other way, and one had to try to know if a dead horse was a living horse doctor, what if it succeeded?

"Luo Shiyan, are you planning to join forces with outsiders to stimulate me now? Do you want me to die? You have been in Paris for ten years, and you are still so stupid. Do you plan to send you out again?" Luo Shiyang turned to Luo Shiyan who was about to walk out of the ward. roared.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan stopped suddenly.

What does this mean?
Her most beloved and favorite elder sister called her stupid!It's just a little unbelievable.

However, for the sake of her sister's loss of control, she didn't mean to blame her sister now, so she opened the door and went out.

There were only the two of them in the ward.

"Get out too." Luo Shiyang said preemptively.

Mu Jiu glanced at her lightly, then pulled the chair and sat down, obviously not taking her words seriously.

However, facing this ruined face, I still have some lingering fears.

It takes a person with a strong heart to dare to look directly at this face.

It is estimated that Luo Shiyan became numb from fear after watching for a long time, so she will no longer be afraid.

"Say, I'll leave after I finish speaking." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Luo Shiyang was already tired after yelling for so long, but now she doesn't want to say any more, because she already knows that no matter how much she yells, Mu Jiu, a dead woman, will still not go away.

"Okay, hurry up and get out of here." Luo Shiyang was tired.

Mu Jiu didn't hesitate to speak directly.

"Luo Shiyang, you are ruined like this now, people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, how scary it is, I think you should know better than me." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyang's heart tightened.

She obviously wanted to refute something, but this was the truth, leaving her speechless.

"This face is your own, and your life is also your own. If you are dead and ruined, it has nothing to do with us. Why should you let others cherish something that you don't even cherish? You don't even want your life. , I don’t deserve Ding Cheng’s sympathy at all, don’t worry, even if you die, Ding Cheng won’t come to see you.” Mu Jiu said calmly.

Although these words are reasonable, they are too painful.

"Mu Jiu, what do you know, what do you know, you don't know anything at all, why do you speak to me in such a tone, can you know the relationship between me and Dingcheng? I know In your heart, you wish I could die now!" Luo Shiyang said anxiously.

She really hated Mu Jiu talking to her in such an attitude.

Why is this woman!

Just because he married Jiang Dingcheng and became Mrs. Jiang, did he use his status to tell her what to do?

She, Luo Shiyang, doesn't need such cynical words.

"Yeah, I wish you could die soon, because Dingcheng has been paying for you from the beginning to the end, and you have been hurting her all the time, and now you still want Dingcheng to come and help you, taking your life Threatening him, do you think you still have the qualifications to do this now? Don't say I stopped him from coming, if it was what Jiang Dingcheng was going to do, who in the whole Huai City could stop it, I think you should be stronger than me It is clear that Jiang Dingcheng has great influence in Huai City, and it is his own intention not to visit you." Mu Jiu explained everything clearly.

Women sometimes know women best.

Although Luo Shiyang has deep thoughts, the most obvious emotional troubles will still be written directly on his face.

Let people see clearly at a glance.

Threatening her own life all the time is nothing more than forcing Jiang Dingcheng to show up, and then seeing her like this to win his sympathy, and then want to reconcile as before.

It can only be said that Luo Shiyang's wishful thinking was too good.

Now that she has nothing left, she still wants to return to Jiang Dingcheng's embrace. It's simply wishful thinking, and Mu Jiu will never agree.

(End of this chapter)

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