cute in his palm

Chapter 1414 She Has Something on Her Mind

Chapter 1414 She Has Something on Her Mind

Mu Jiu's words struck Luo Shiyang's heart like a blade.

From raw pain to numbness, it only takes a few minutes.

"Mu Jiu, you said that!" Luo Shiyang still didn't want to believe what she said, although Luo Shiyang had already recognized this fact in his heart.

In Huaicheng, no one can stop Jiang Dingcheng's actions.

Even Mrs. Jiang is the same.

Therefore, if he really wanted to come and see her, he would have come here long ago. Back then, the two of them were sent to the hospital together from Powa'er Mountain.

Jiang Dingcheng woke up first and knew where she lived.

But he never came to see her once, no matter what method she used to intimidate her, it was useless.

It can only be said that in Jiang Dingcheng's heart, she is really nothing.

As long as there is still a little bit of position, he will definitely not ignore her all the time.

So, the heart ached at that moment and died.

"I'm just telling the truth. Although Ding Cheng is my husband and he loves me, he is not a wife slave. He will not come here just because I won't let him come to see you." Mu Jiu remained calm. Said.

Seeing Luo Shiyang's expression, Mu Jiu probably understood that the way she used the beating worked.

"Luo Shiyang, please be self-aware. You don't have surgery. It's your own choice whether you want to die or not. You can decide for yourself. Don't disturb me and Dingcheng's life anymore, because you are really dead. Cheng won't come here, I know you still have commitment in your heart, or it's not love, but unwillingness." Mu Jiu said word by word.

Luo Shiyang stared at Mu Jiu slightly.

Why, this woman is completely different from what she expected before?

There is such courage.

It made Luo Shiyang more and more impressed.

And Mu Jiu like this also made Luo Shiyang a little bit of a sense of crisis.

Mu Jiu is much smarter than she imagined.

"So, what do you want to say?" Luo Shiyang's fighting power was ignited again.

Although what Mu Jiu said is right, she is not a soft persimmon, it is impossible to let her blindly ride on her head, she is the lofty Luo Shiyang.

"If I were you, at least I wouldn't wait here complaining and waiting to die, but would try my best to return to the former beauty." Mu Jiu said coldly.

"I've finished what I want to say, you decide whether you live or die, and don't bother me and Dingcheng in the future." Mu Jiu got up and left directly after speaking.

Luo Shiyang on the hospital bed suddenly fell into an expression of extreme pain.

She understood what Mu Jiu meant.

When Luo Shiyan opened the door and came in, she saw her elder sister sitting on the hospital bed in a daze, she was completely lifeless.

In the end, what did Mu Jiu tell her to make her stay like this.

You must know that during this period of hospitalization, Luo Shiyang was the one with the most temper, and there was not a single day when he was quiet.

But when Mu Jiu left just now, she told her that she said everything she should say. As for what she said, Mu Jiu didn't explain clearly, anyway, she reminded Luo Shiyan.

There are only two results. Luo Shiyang will either be stimulated to recover and undergo surgery, or he will not be able to bear the blow and commit suicide.

What is this nonsense!

Luo Shiyan was frightened.

I really don't know that Mu Jiu is such a courageous woman, is she messing around?

"Sister, sister, what's wrong with you, are you okay?" Luo Shiyan asked her sister worriedly.

"I'm fine." Luo Shiyang looked at Luo Shiyan after a while and said.

Is this still okay?

It's obviously a big deal, okay?

"Sister, what did that woman Mu Jiu say to you to make you so angry." Luo Shiyan said directly.

Luo Shiyang didn't say anything, just shook his head.

"Sister, what does this mean?"

"I'm a little tired and want to rest, you go out first." Luo Shiyang lay down directly after speaking, and now her mind is full of what Mu Jiu said.

She needs to sort out her mind and what to do next.

She may not have Jiang Dingcheng in her heart for a long time, or she has never loved Jiang Dingcheng from the beginning, and she will rely on his side, nothing more than because of his obedience to her, so that such an excellent man can treat her Obedience and obedience will satisfy her vanity and pride, but there will always be a lack of passion between them, until the appearance of An Tenglong, it is like throwing a stone into her peaceful heart, stirring up waves.

Mu Jiu was really right, now that Luo Shiyang has nothing, he came back to find Jiang Dingcheng because he was unwilling.

Since she can't threaten him with her life, then she will live a good life again.

Reappeared in front of Jiang Dingcheng with the most beautiful posture.

Luo Shiyang can be sure that although she didn't love Jiang Dingcheng before, Jiang Dingcheng loved her.

With this, she has the confidence to return to Jiang Dingcheng's side again.

Luo Shiyan saw the back of her sister lying on her side. Although she was a little unwilling, she had no choice but to exit the ward silently.

After Mu Jiu came out of the hospital, she was a little aimless.

She didn't know whether what she just said to Luo Shiyang was right or wrong, anyway, it was really from her heart, not just to stimulate Luo Shiyang.

No matter whether she can think clearly, anyway, there won't be much intersection in the future.

After thinking about it, I decided to go to the Jiang family to find Jiang Dingcheng.

Seriously, now she needs someone to talk to, and Jiang Dingcheng is obviously the first one that comes to her mind.

I don't know when, but whenever something happens, she will be the first to think of Jiang Dingcheng.

So he took a taxi directly to Jiang's.

When they arrived at Jiang's, they arrived at Jiang Dingcheng's office smoothly.

"Boss Jiang, are you busy?" Mu Jiu pushed open the door, then raised her hand and knocked.

Jiang Dingcheng, who was working there with his head bowed, raised his head directly, and smiled when he saw Mu Jiu coming in.

"Mrs. Jiang is inspecting the work. No matter how busy Mr. Jiang is, he has to stop the work. Why didn't he notify me in advance?" Jiang Dingcheng got up and walked to Mu Jiu's side and said.

It can be seen that she has something on her mind.

If there was nothing else, she probably wouldn't even think about coming to see her husband.

"Of course I didn't notify in advance, otherwise how would I catch..." She didn't say the following words, but Jiang Dingcheng knew what she wanted to say from the mischievous smile on her face.

"Mrs. Jiang, don't worry, come and arrest, because Mrs. Jiang will never catch anyone. I'm sorry for disappointing Mrs. Jiang." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

"Well, Mr. Jiang is still self-conscious, otherwise, if I catch you, I won't let you go easily." Mu Jiu said with a faint smile at her.

Although she tried her best to keep calm, the sadness in her eyes still showed her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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