cute in his palm

Chapter 1420 What to Marry 2

Chapter 1420

Mu Jiu stood there, looked at Xia Guang and said with longing.

"Jiu'er, do you want a wedding like this?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

He will always remember what she said.

Mu Jiu subconsciously nodded, but soon shook her head again. "We're all married."

The wedding has been held long ago, do you want to come again?

She doesn't want to have a second wedding.

"How about making it up again?" Jiang Dingcheng kept it in mind.

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng's words, Mu Jiu stared at him with wide eyes, knowing that this man was definitely serious again.

Now she suddenly has a headache, and she really can't just ask Jiang Dingcheng casually, because if he mentions it, he will take it seriously.

"No need, whoever has a wedding before will do it again, this is called a second marriage, are you tired?" Mu Jiu pouted in front of him and said.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng laughed.

"Second marriage means getting married with a different husband. You two are first spouses, not second marriages." Jiang Dingcheng corrected her mistake seriously.

What's so ugly about a second marriage but not a second marriage.

When Mu Jiu heard what he said, it was purely preposterous.

Anyway, he is a man who can turn nonsense into great truth, so you can't tell him too much. Anyway, no matter what she says, he has reason.

"I don't want this, I'm too tired." Mu Jiu said directly.

Jiang Dingcheng raised his hand and gently rubbed his forehead.

"Okay, if you don't want to, we won't do it. If you want to do it anytime, please tell me." Jiang Dingcheng said solemnly.

What he got in exchange was a punch from Mu Jiu.

This man, sometimes she really doesn't know what to do with him.

"Let's go, Mr. Jiang, let's go see Boss Huatian." Mu Jiu took his hand and walked forward.

Ruoda's beautiful sea of ​​flowers, a happy couple holding hands and bathing in this beautiful glow, there is an indescribable beauty, which directly becomes a beautiful picture scroll.

When people look at it, they can't bear to look away.

The house where the boss and the proprietress live is some way away from the guest rooms. It is a small three-story building with a private yard. The white European style is particularly beautiful.

There is also a white windmill in front of the house, which is really like a small castle in a fairy tale.

It can be seen how romantic the boss and his wife are.

"Husband, this place is really beautiful." Apart from praising the beauty of this place, Mu Jiu suddenly realized that she didn't know what words to use to describe it.

Suddenly there is a feeling of being in a fairy tale world.

Jiang Dingcheng led her by the hand and walked into the courtyard, just when the proprietress came out, she still had a big belly, probably five or six months old.

"Boss Jiang, Mrs. Jiang, you are here, please sit in the room first." The proprietress said politely.

It was only then that Mu Jiu discovered that this woman was very beautiful, and she had the feeling of a gentle woman from a water village in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Thank you, where is Boss Xiao?" Jiang Dingcheng asked directly.

"I went to the flower house. I should be back soon. You sit down first. I know you have booked a room to stay in the flower field today. I didn't expect to come here." Mrs. Xiao led them to sit down in the living room, and then poured wine for them. Tea.

The side she pointed to was where they lived.

They knew Jiang Dingcheng, but they were not very familiar with him.

After all, Jiang Dingcheng is so famous, there are not many people in Huai City who don't know it.

In addition, Huatian has been cooperating with Jiang's Group for a long time, and has become their largest customer of Huatian these years, so I still know him to some extent.

"Mrs. Jiang, please drink tea. These are picked and dried from the flowers in our flower field. They are green and pollution-free. You can drink them with confidence. I usually like to drink them." Mrs. Xiao said seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu laughed, and took a sip of the glass of water bluntly. It tasted much better than the herbal tea she bought in the market, and the fragrance left her teeth.

"Mrs. Jiang, how does it taste?" Mrs. Xiao looked at Mu Jiu seriously and said.

"It's very good. It's much better than the one I bought outside." Mu Jiu took another sip after speaking.

The taste is really good, she is not trying to make Mrs. Xiao happy by speaking nicely, she is telling the truth.

When Mrs. Xiao heard what Mu Jiu said, she immediately laughed. "Really? It's great that Mrs. Jiang likes it. When you go back, I'll send you a big bag to pay for it."

Just when Mu Jiu was about to say that she planned to take a large amount of dried flowers back as a souvenir, Jiang Dingcheng called.

"Jiu'er, Mrs. Xiao, you two talk slowly, I'll go outside to answer the phone." After speaking, she went out directly.

He could see that Mu Jiu and Mrs. Xiao hit it off, and the two chatted happily, but it was a bit redundant for him to be there, so it would be good to simply leave and let the two of them exchange their feelings.

Mu Jiu actually likes to make friends, but she didn't dare to make more friends these years.

"Mrs. Xiao, I was just about to tell you about this. I want to prepare a special return gift for my son's [-]-day banquet in a few days. I saw that the flowers here are so beautiful, and now I have drank dried flower bubbles from here." I just want to ask Huatian to help prepare more scented tea as souvenirs, those who like to drink scented tea can brew it, and those who don’t like to drink it can be placed as decorations, do you think it’s okay?” Mu Jiu was very gentle Said to Madam Xiao.

To be honest, she really likes a woman with a gentle personality like Mrs. Xiao, which makes a man want to protect her at the first glance.

After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao immediately curled her lips and laughed. "It's my honor, Mrs. Jiang, that you like our flowers. I can prepare them for you. About how many copies."

"One thousand copies like this, put them in glass bottles, and you can arrange the rest, I trust your vision." Mu Jiu looked at her with great confidence and said.

"Yes, about when."

"a week later."

"Okay, then I will send the child's father to Jiang Fu." Madam Xiao said with a smile.

The way she smiles is really beautiful, and it matches the flowers in the flower field so well.

"Mrs. Xiao's child is a few months old. That day you can attend my son's [-]-day banquet with Mr. Xiao." Looking at Mrs. Xiao, Mu Jiu felt a sense of intimacy, so she was willing to invite the couple to attend Xiaobao's banquet. Hundred Days Banquet.

"It's only one week to six months." Mrs. Xiao said happily while touching her belly.

Probably because they are both mothers, Mu Jiu and Mrs. Xiao chatted a lot afterwards, talking about Jiang Tianen, how Mrs. Xiao was conceived and other things.

Until Jiang Dingcheng and Boss Xiao came in, they were still chatting happily.

Jiang Dingcheng likes to see the smile on Mu Jiu's face, and hopes that she can chat with more people.

(End of this chapter)

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