cute in his palm

Chapter 1421 I'm in love with God

Chapter 1421 I'm in love with God

He is clear about the personalities of Boss Xiao and his wife, so he can rest assured that Mu Jiu and Mrs. Xiao will be friends, and it can be seen that the two of them get along very well.

That alone is enough.

Anyway, as long as Mu Jiu can get in touch with people who can make her happy.

Besides, the proprietress Tan Ning is still the daughter of the Tan family in the imperial capital. Although she fell in love with a man that the Tan family disagreed with, that is, the current Boss Xiao, and eloped to Huai City with him, she is still the daughter of the Tan family. The fact that does not change, as long as the Tan family does not announce the severance of Tan Ning's relationship, it will still be.

Jiang Dingcheng's business will extend to the imperial capital in the future, which can be regarded as making connections in advance.

"It's rare that Mrs. Jiang and I hit it off so well. How about staying at home for dinner at night, taking a walk in the flower field after dinner, and then going back to the greenhouse." Tan Ning looked at Mu Jiu and the two of them and said.

Mu Jiu readily accepted it, it was a good proposal, there is also a restaurant over the greenhouse, but it definitely doesn't feel like home like the homely dishes served by the proprietress.

"Honey, what do you think?" Mu Jiu turned to look at Jiang Dingcheng.

Mr. Jiang Dingcheng, a 24-year-old filial and good husband who is a wife slave, naturally agreed.

"Of course, then I will trouble Boss Xiao and Mrs. Xiao." Jiang Dingcheng said politely.

Boss Xiao is a young man with dark skin. His handsome facial features can tell that he is a very handsome man.

"Boss Jiang, you're being polite. I usually cook at home, and I'm afraid I won't be able to entertain everyone on Tuesday." Boss Xiao said with a faint smile.

There is a restaurant on the side of the flower house that specializes in cooking dishes for guests. Almost [-] guest rooms are basically full every day, so the restaurant over there is for meals, and they also cook their flower fields' special flower meals.

At home, Boss Xiao cooks for his wife himself. Tan Ning is a little picky. The dishes he cooks can satisfy her appetite. After so many years, Boss Xiao's cooking skills are getting better and better.

"It's our honor for Boss Xiao to cook in person." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Boss Xiao is busy in the flower field every day, and he has to cook for Mrs. Xiao after every meal.

So, every couple has their own definition of happiness.

Although Mu Jiu is envious of the simple and happy life of Boss Xiao and his wife, she is also very satisfied with her married life with Jiang Dingcheng.

There are tens of millions of people in the world, and there are thousands of kinds of misfortunes, and there are also thousands of kinds of happiness.

"Then sit down for a while, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare dinner." Boss Xiao said enthusiastically, then turned and went to the kitchen.

Jiang Dingcheng felt that it was a little awkward for him to be there with two women, so he got up straight away. "I'm going to help Boss Xiao, and the two of you are chatting."

As soon as Tan Ning heard that Jiang Dingcheng was going to fight, she immediately stopped him. "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang, how can this work? You are a guest, so how can you let the guest cook and help you?"

Jiang Dingcheng didn't care, he just spoke lightly. "It can be seen that Mrs. Xiao and my wife are already friends. In this case, if I go to help Boss Xiao, it is considered as helping a friend."

Jiang Dingcheng said it like this, and if he stopped it, he would be a little out of touch.

Tan Ning is also a generous person.

"That's hard work for Mr. Jiang." Tan Ning thanked Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything, he just gave Mu Jiu an affectionate gaze and went to the kitchen.

Tan Ning liked the little interaction between the two of them very much. "Mrs. Jiang, I have heard a lot of rumors about Mr. Jiang. They all say that he is all kinds of aloof. Now I realize how untrue those rumors are. His tenderness and affection for you is really commendable." There's water coming."

Tan Ning's straightforward words made Mu Jiu feel a little embarrassed.

She had heard many praises about Jiang Dingcheng, but this was the first time she heard such praise.

"Mrs. Xiao, this is the award. He is actually not as good as you said." Mu Jiu's face was stained with embarrassment.

Tan Ning smiled slightly. "Mrs. Jiang, you don't need to be polite. Show affection or something. I'm not being abused. By the way, my name is Tan Ning. You call me Tan Ning or Xiao Ning. Mrs. Xiao is too alien, and I feel that I All of a sudden, I am 20 years old."

Mu Jiu is not someone who likes to meet outsiders too much, since Tan Ning has said so, she has nothing to pretend to be. "My name is Mu Jiu, Xiao Ning can just call me Xiao Jiu."

"Xiao Jiu, this name sounds nice, it lasts forever." Tan Ning said seriously.

"So, Huatian's name is Ningxiang, probably after your name." Mu Jiu suddenly thought of something and said.

Hearing this, Tan Ning first smiled slightly.

"That's right, Xiao Yue insisted on taking it like this back then, so let him do it." Although Tan Ning said with some displeasure, her eyes were overflowing with happiness.

There is a man who is willing to hold himself in the palm of his hand and pamper him like this. This is what any woman wants.

Even planting a flower field wants to take his wife's name in it, which shows how deeply he loves his wife.

Xiao Yue is Boss Xiao's name.

"Ningxiang Huatian sounds very nice, as beautiful as your name. Boss Xiao has a good eye." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Mu Jiu's job allows her to come into contact with all kinds of strangers every day, but she doesn't have any strangers that she can fall in love with immediately.

Tan Ning felt like an old friend to her.

So I would like to talk more.

"Xiao Ning, you are not a native of Huaicheng." Mu Jiu didn't like to inquire about other people's privacy, but she couldn't help her curiosity.

Xiao Yue knew at a glance that he was a person who could endure hardships, thin but muscular, but Tan Ning was like a flower raised in a greenhouse, her skin had not been tanned, her face was delicate, she looked like a wealthy daughter, or Xiaojia Biyu has never experienced hardship at all, and with her accent, she knew that she was not from Huaicheng.

Mu Jiu was simply curious about how the two of them got together, where they came from, and why they wanted to grow flower fields in Huaicheng.

"I am from the imperial capital, and Xiao Yue is from Ancheng. Ancheng is not too far from here. Xiao Yue used to work in our house. A few years ago, we came from the imperial capital to Huaicheng to grow flowers together, just because I like it very much. To grow flowers, Xiao Yue contracted this large field to grow flowers." Tan Ning roughly talked about her emotions, but she didn't mention the details, after all, she and Mu Jiu are not too familiar, and it's not so much that they will be so heartbroken when they meet. stupid.

However, when talking about this, Tan Ning's face was full of happiness.

It can only be said that Xiao Yue really spoiled her.

I like flowers, so I set up a large field to plant flowers for her.

(End of this chapter)

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