cute in his palm

Chapter 1426

Chapter 1426
After Jiang Dingcheng replied to Luo Yang's email, he closed his notebook directly.

Let him send someone to keep an eye on Cheng Mingfeng secretly, find out where he is and who he has been in contact with recently, especially if he has had contact with An Tenglong or the Mafia.

You know, Italy is the territory of the mafia, and Cheng Mingfeng has tens of millions of money, so it will naturally attract their attention.

It wouldn't be a good thing if the people with the black palm were to stare at him.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng had to catch Cheng Mingfeng before they spotted someone and wanted to make a move.

Otherwise, if the matter becomes too big, it will not be closed.

"I've finished washing, are you okay?" Mu Jiu came out of the shower and said while wiping her hair.

"It's okay." Jiang Dingcheng got up and took the towel from Mu Jiu and said.

Then he pulled her to sit on the edge of the bed and began to brush her hair.

"Dingcheng, remember me and tell me if there is anything, I know you have something on your mind." Mu Jiu said calmly, every time Jiang Dingcheng is fine, there must be something wrong.

She knows this all too well.

As Jiang Dingcheng's wife, Mu Jiu is naturally willing to share some of his troubles. Since they are husband and wife, they should share difficulties and share happiness.

However, if Jiang Dingcheng really didn't want to, she couldn't force it.

"I will take care of the company's affairs, don't worry." Jiang Dingcheng said softly.

He didn't want Mu Jiu to know about Cheng Mingfeng for the time being.

After the matter came to an end, he planned to tell Mu Jiu that Cheng Mingfeng, a man, he would never let go easily, and he did such a bad thing to Mu Shi.

Mu Jiu's hatred for him was already deeply rooted.

"That's good. If you have any troubles, you can tell me. We are husband and wife, and I will share some for you." Mu Jiu said to her seriously.

This is from the bottom of my heart.

Mu Jiu has always known that she is not from the business circle, and she is actually unable to help Jiang Dingcheng with many official affairs, and instead makes Jiang Dingcheng worry about Mu Jiu.

Therefore, in terms of mood, she just hopes to share some of it for Jiang Dingcheng.

"We are husband and wife. If I am in a bad mood, I will definitely tell you. Even if you don't want to hear it, I will let you listen." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Mu Jiu wanted to help him share some things so much, he was already very moved.

"I'll do it myself, you go take a bath." Mu Jiu urged him to take a bath.

"Wait for me obediently, I'll take a shower." Jiang Dingcheng said with a faint smile at her, and then went to the bathroom.

Mu Jiu sat there with her mobile phone looking at Jiang Tianen's photo.

It is also very uncomfortable for a mother who left her child for the first time.

When Jiang Dingcheng came out, he saw Mu Jiu's happy and complicated face there, and knew that she was thinking of her son. Although it was said that the child would leave his parents when he grew up, that was something that happened after he grew up.

not now.

The child is only three months old, and the mother will feel uncomfortable if he leaves for one night.

Mr. Jiang originally planned to abduct Mrs. Jiang for a honeymoon or something after a while. The time is about a week to a month.

Unless you bring that brat Jiang Tianen with you.

If you just take him there, how can it be considered a honeymoon?

If you want to live in a world of two, I'm afraid you have to wait until Jiang Tianen is two or three years old, and go to kindergarten without a mother.

Mr. Jiang's great and sweet plan died before it even started. It's really hard to think about it.

So why give birth to a son, it was born to make him jealous.

"Jiu'er, miss your son?" Jiang Dingcheng went over and said with his arms around Mu Jiu.

Even though he felt somewhat resentful towards that brat Jiang Tianen in his heart, he still had to act like a loving father in front of Mu Jiu. That was Mu Jiu's son who was born after a difficult pregnancy in October, so of course he had to be good. love.

It's just that comparing his son with Mu Jiu, naturally Mu Jiu is more important.

That's how he loves to hate.

"Well, I've thought about it a little bit, the little guy is still so young, I don't know if he can sleep well or not." Mu Jiu said slightly worried.

"You don't have to worry about this. Didn't auntie say that Jiang Tianen fell asleep, which means that he didn't miss you very much, mother. It's normal for boys to be independent early on. They are born with an independent personality. It's getting late, let's go to bed earlier, and we can see him when we go back early tomorrow." Jiang Dingcheng took her mobile phone and said.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything more, she nodded obediently and lay down.

It's just that Jiang Dingcheng didn't intend to let her fall asleep so peacefully. On such a wonderful night, smelling the light fragrance of flowers, if she didn't do anything romantic, she would be sorry for the beautiful scenery.

"Jiu'er, I want it." Jiang Dingcheng said directly.

Mu Jiu was so ashamed, she didn't refuse, and put her arms around his neck silently.

Men who are encouraged immediately turn into wolves.

The next day, amidst the scent of flowers, Mu Jiu woke up contentedly, and it was already bright outside.

"Are you awake? Are you tired?" Jiang Dingcheng was sleeping beside him, putting his arm around Mu Jiu's waist and said, after saying hello, he pressed a light kiss on her face.

"Not tired, what time is it now." Mu Jiu glanced at the sky outside the window, they lived on the second floor, so from the window, they could see a large flower field behind the house, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

Waking up early in the morning to see such a beautiful scenery will make people feel better all of a sudden.

At least that's how Mu Jiu feels now.

"It's 08:30, how about going to have breakfast at nine o'clock, take you to see the roses in the glass greenhouse, and then go home?" Jiang Dingcheng told her about today's itinerary.

Mu Jiu nodded cooperatively after listening.

"Dingcheng, look, we can see the flower fields while lying on the bed, it's so beautiful." Mu Jiu said happily looking at the large flower fields outside the window.

Jiang Dingcheng followed her gaze and hugged her shoulders with a smile. "It's very beautiful. Guan Jian wants you to like it, and what you like will be the most beautiful."

Who said that Jiang Dingcheng can't talk sweetly? It's obvious that he is good at it. There is simply no man who can compare with him. He came so casually that even Mu Jiu couldn't stand it.

"Mr. Jiang, the early morning is too sweet." Mu Jiu said with a slight smile at him.

"It's not sweet, as long as Mrs. Jiang likes it, I have sweeter ones, I don't know if Mrs. Jiang would like to listen." Jiang Dingcheng continued, he had already discovered that teasing Mujiu is a particularly fun thing.

His little wife has been married to him for so long, and she still blush when teased.

(End of this chapter)

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