cute in his palm

Chapter 1427 Things Are Not Simple

Chapter 1427 Things Are Not Simple

After the two had a simple fancy breakfast, they went directly to the glass greenhouse.

Because Mu Jiu is allergic to roses, she has never dared to get close to roses. Now she can see roses up close through a layer of glass, which is a very good thing.

Of course Mu Jiu is happy.

Jiang Dingcheng took her by the hand and walked to Black Rose's greenhouse.

Mu Jiu looked at the black and gorgeous roses inside, and suddenly felt a sense of utterance in her heart, it was beautiful, and more of a shock, there were such beautiful flowers.

"This is a black rose, is it pretty?" Jiang Dingcheng asked Mu Jiu.

In fact, just by looking at her current reaction, she already knew that she seemed to like it very much.

The smile on Mu Jiu's face can never deceive anyone.

Mu Jiu turned her head to look at Jiang Dingcheng, her eyes were shining brightly, this is the expression she likes.

"Very beautiful, I like it very much." Mu Jiu said happily.

Although I can't directly hold the roses and smell the fragrance in my life, it is also very good to be able to look at the roses inside through the glass like this, and it is still a black rose.

This is a rare rose variety in the world, very rare.

"I'll take you to see other varieties." Jiang Dingcheng stretched out his hand in front of Mu Jiu and said to her.

There are other precious species, Mu Jiu immediately looked at him happily. "Okay, what other breeds are there, are they special and beautiful? I want to see them." Mu Jiu said excitedly, feeling overjoyed.

She has known for a long time that there are many varieties of roses, but she has not seen too many varieties. They are nothing more than the most common big red roses and pink roses.

The public knows these two kinds, and so does Mu Jiu.

These are the two things that I see a lot.

So it's not too surprising.

Now that we have arrived at the flower field today, we must take a good look at the rare varieties of roses here.

Jiang Dingcheng directly took her by the hand and went to another greenhouse. "There are yellow roses, white roses, blue roses, and green roses in this world."

Jiang Dingcheng explained to her one by one, and Mu Jiu was very happy to hear it.

She has actually heard of roses of these colors, but well, she has never seen them with her own eyes. Except for black roses and blue roses, she has never seen them with her own eyes.

It is very rare for her to see roses of so many colors today.

"It's really a green rose, there are actually green roses." Mu Jiu stared at the green rose and was so excited that she lay on the glass happily like a child, her eyes were fixed on the rose inside and she was happy No way.

Seeing that Mu Jiu was as happy as a child, Jiang Dingcheng also laughed, put his arm around her shoulder, and accompanied her to stare at the green rose inside like a child.

No matter how special this flower is, it is not as special as Mu Jiu's. In Mu Jiu's eyes, the most beautiful scenery is the green rose in front of him, but in Jiang Dingcheng's eyes, the most beautiful scenery has always been Mu Jiu, and it has never changed.

No matter how time changes, he only knows that Jiu'er is the most beautiful scenery in his eyes. This is something that will never change in his life. She is enough for the scenery of this life.

"Husband, hubby, these special green roses are so beautiful, but it's a pity that I won't touch them in my whole life." Mu Jiu said with some regret.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng laughed and rubbed her head.

"It's okay, just take a look." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

It is better for her to be safe than to make her like flowers.

"En." Mu Jiu nodded obediently.

"After reading the flowers, let's go back. I miss Xiaobao, and Su Luotong is still staying at home. It's not good for us to be outside. I don't know what's going on with her now." Mu Jiu said anxiously.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her say that she missed Xiaobao so openly, it was a little bit tasteful.

Jiang Tianen, a brat, was born to snatch his wife.

"Let's go, I have to go back and see what's going on with Su Luotong." Jiang Dingcheng's mood became even worse when he thought of Su Luotong's troubles.

Originally, he and his wife could live a peaceful life in the second world, but none of them let them live in peace.

Nasty enough.

Seeing that Jiang Dingcheng frowned when he mentioned Su Luotong, Mu Jiu hurriedly raised his hand and rubbed the space between his brows. "Hey, it's okay, Su Luotong's problem shouldn't be too big, just ask clearly."

Mu Jiu's words did not slow down Jiang Dingcheng's mood at all, but made him more serious.

It would not be that simple if Su Yaoting knew about this matter.

"Jiu'er is easy for you to think. Let Su Yaoting know about this matter, he will definitely let her beat the child." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly, as a man, he knew Su Yaoting's thoughts too well.

Cheng Mingfeng was the person he took care of, so trustingly handing over the company to him ended up letting him down like this. In this case, Su Yaoting hated Cheng Mingfeng, a man, and naturally he didn't want his sister to give birth to his child.

Now that Su Luotong has actually found their head, Jiang Ding's heart is for this woman. The relationship between Mu Jiu and Su Yaoting will become tense. Of course, he doesn't care at all. .

Anyway, he never wanted the relationship between Mu Jiu and Su Yaoting to be as close as possible.

It's just that if he knew this, Mu Jiu would definitely be sad.

Mu Jiu is still a sensitive person in her heart, Su Yaoting has been kind to her all these years, and she is not blind, so she can see it naturally.

Therefore, if this friendship puts her between the siblings, it will be very difficult.

"Why do you have to kill the child? I believe that Su Yaoting and I think the same. We don't want to kill the child. After all, the child is innocent." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

She thinks like this, but Su Yaoting may not think like this.

If so, Su Luotong would not rush to find Mu Jiu to hide from him.

So, Su Yaoting was straightforward this time, otherwise Su Luotong wouldn't have been hiding.

For a man like Su Yaoting, once he has made up his mind to do something, he will definitely not change so easily, so this matter is not so easy to deal with.

"Jiu'er, I know you think like this, but Su Yaoting needs to think like this too. In short, this matter will be a bit troublesome to deal with, so you have to be mentally prepared." Jiang Dingcheng wasn't trying to scare Mu Jiu, What he said was the truth.

This matter is not as simple as it seems to Mu Jiu.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she also thought about it for a while, maybe it was really troublesome.

"Let's go back and talk about it first, see how the situation is, and then make a decision." Mu Jiu said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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