cute in his palm

Chapter 1429 Actually Said Thank You

Chapter 1429 Actually Said Thank You

Mu Jiu went to the guest room where Su Luotong was resting, knocked on the door and there was no response. Mu Jiu guessed that she was probably still sleeping, so she twisted the door directly, but it was not locked.

The guest room is not very big, and at a glance, a person is covered under the quilt on the bed, with long black hair scattered messily on the pillow.

As soon as Mu Jiu approached, he heard Su Luotong's even breathing.

Sure enough, he is still sleeping, is this going to sleep for a few days and nights?

Mu Jiu sat directly on the edge of the bed, only to see clearly that her face was a little pale, she looked completely malnourished, and her exhaustion was evident on her face.

How many days has it been without sleep, and it is really worrying to be so tired.

Although, the two of them are not biological sisters, they have always disliked each other since they were young, especially Su Luotong treated her as an enemy.

But after all, after living under the same roof for so many years, she still has some feelings, especially seeing Su Luotong in this state, Mu Jiu felt a little distressed deep in her heart.

When sleeping, they are curled up there as if they are protecting the child, which shows that Su Luotong really, really likes this child and is willing to give birth to it.

It just so happens that some people can't tolerate such a child, and it's really powerless to say it.

I'm afraid I have been avoiding Su Yaoting's pursuit these days, that's why I didn't eat and sleep well. Now that I can finally sleep in peace, I naturally go to sleep with peace of mind.

It's just that she can't sleep without eating.

"Su Luotong, wake up." Mu Jiu reached out and patted Su Luotong's back and called her.

It's almost noon now. According to my aunt, she fell asleep after eating and taking a bath. She also slept for more than ten hours. Being hungry all the time is not very good for the child.

"Ugh... no, let me sleep again." Su Luotong murmured completely subconsciously. "I'm so sleepy, don't touch me..."

Seeing her like this, Mu Jiu saw a row of black lines across her forehead.

Is this woman sleeping stupidly?

"Su Luotong, I'm Mu Jiu, I'm back." Mu Jiu said to her in a soft voice.

Hearing Mu Jiu's name, Su Luotong slowly realized, then woke up and sat up to look at Mu Jiu.

"Well, you're back, good morning." Su Luotong was still a little embarrassed when he saw Mu Jiu, then he brushed his hair and looked at Mu Jiu with fascination.

In fact, the two of them have lived like enemies for so many years, and greeting each other is the least common thing to do, so it is a bit embarrassing for Su Luotong and Mu Jiu to greet each other now.

"It's getting late, it's past 11 o'clock, pack up and go downstairs to have lunch, you haven't eaten breakfast, this is not okay, you are a pregnant woman and need to keep up with nutrition." Mu Jiu is actually not used to it Su Luotong said hello, but after all, she is staying at her house now, so she still accepted her greeting.

"Oh, okay, then I'll tidy up a little bit." Su Luotong said immediately.

"Well, I'll wait for you in the living room." After saying that, Mu Jiu was about to leave.

When she walked out of the door of the room, Su Luotong suddenly stopped her. "Mu Jiu."

"Huh? What's the matter." Mu Jiu looked back at her and said.

"Well, thank you, this time I really want to thank you, thank you for not rejecting me, but for taking me in, otherwise I would really be homeless." Su Luotong spoke from the bottom of his heart.

This is what she wants to tell Mu Jiu.

In fact, she wanted to thank her very sincerely on the phone yesterday, but there were some words that couldn't be said, so she didn't say much.

After all, after being enemies for so many years, they suddenly become good friends. This change is too fast, which is not a good thing.

"No need, I'll see you downstairs later." Mu Jiu was also a little surprised when she heard her words, knowing how rare it was for Su Luotong to take the initiative to thank her.

You must know that she has always been hostile to Mu Jiu, but what she does and says is mostly aimed at her. She never thought that one day Su Luotong would take the initiative to come over and thank her.


I don't know if I should commemorate it today.

When Mu Jiu went downstairs, Jiang Dingcheng was sitting alone on the sofa and processing documents, his slender fingers typing on the keyboard.

When he saw Mu Jiu coming down, he looked up at her with a smile in his eyes.

"Come down, how is Su Luotong?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Mu Jiu walked directly beside him and sat down.

"I was still sleeping when I went up, and I woke her up, you know, she actually said thank you very seriously, it really is raining red." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng a little happily and said.

She never thought that the relationship between her and Su Luotong would develop further like this, so she was a little surprised.

"Isn't this great? This time, thanks to your promise to help her let her live, she can escape her brother's pursuit, so it is only natural that she will thank you." Jiang Dingcheng closed the notebook, then looked at her and said .

"So, are you happy in your heart?" Jiang Dingcheng asked directly, looking at Mu Jiu's slightly raised eyes.

It can be seen that she is still very happy.

After all, the two girls grew up together. Although they don't have the same feelings as sisters, they are also partners who grew up with each other. However, the two of them have always existed like enemies.

Therefore, hearing Su Luotong thank her personally now would really make her feel happy.

"Well, I was a little surprised." Mu Jiu nodded, but she was really happy.

After all, this is the first time the two get along in this way.

"Accidents are normal. You are now Su Luotong's umbrella. Now she can only rely on you." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

"Well, this is your point of view, right? Then do you think she deserves my help?" Mu Jiu is actually a little hesitant about helping Su Luotong. It was too late last night. Su Luotong Desperate, let her sleep outside alone.

It was daytime now, and she suddenly felt that she was nosy.

So I hesitated a little, was it wrong for me to care about her?

Jiang Dingcheng put the things aside, put one arm around Mu Jiu's shoulder, and held her in his arms. "What's bothering you, I told you, I've always been on your side, no matter whether you control or not, I agree with your approach, with the relationship between the two of you, you don't care if she kicks her out , is justifiable.”

(End of this chapter)

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