cute in his palm

Chapter 1430 One white-eyed wolf

Chapter 1430 A white-eyed wolf

Jiang Dingcheng's words reached Mu Jiu's heart, because it is true that the relationship between the two of them is not good enough to take her in.

"However, you have to think clearly, if Su Yaoting catches him, he will kill the child directly." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

He understands Mu Jiu's thoughts too well.

With her personality, she absolutely does not allow the child to be aborted.

She loves children so much.

Mu Jiu shook her head immediately upon hearing this possibility. "How is this possible? Since Su Luotong is so willing to give birth to a child, no one has the right to destroy it, so I don't agree to let Su Yaoting do this." Mu Jiu said excitedly.

Only Su Luotong, the biological mother, can decide whether the child will stay or not, no one can decide whether it is, not even her own brother.

If Su Luotong wanted to abort the child himself, Mu Jiu would not persuade her much. After all, it would be a crime for a woman to give birth to a child before she was ready to be a mother.

It is not a good thing for adults or children.

Therefore, as long as Su Luotong doesn't want to abort the child, she will never let anyone abort the child. No one has the right to deprive the child of his life.

"So, our place is obviously the best place to protect their mother and son." Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu quietly with his black eyes and said.

This is actually very clear.

It is to let Mu Jiu choose for herself. If Su Luotong is kept, she must untie the knot in the past and treat her like a friend.

If he drives him away, then Su Yaoting will definitely kill the child.

In fact, Mu Jiu had no choice but to leave the child behind and let go of her prejudices. She couldn't let such an unborn little life die young.

"I know what to do, Mr. Jiang, I might have to live with another girl under the same roof for some time in the future, have you figured it out?" It wouldn't be a big deal for Mu Jiu to live in the same house with Su Luotong, after all We lived together for so long when we were young, but Jiang Dingcheng was different.

"Don't worry, this villa has an attached small building. I will let Su Luotong live there, and I will take care of her nanny and servants." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly, he was not so magnanimous to want to be with her. There was another woman in the same room, not to mention this woman once had his idea.

Mu Jiu doesn't mind, he will.

"Why didn't I know there was an ancillary building." Mu Jiu was surprised when she heard about the annex building. Why didn't she know about it?

"It's okay not to mention the sundries. It's just a two-story building with a poor view." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

"Oh, that's not too good to live in, how about..."

"Mrs. Jiang, this is a very serious question. Let me tell you, I will not share the same room with any woman except you. You are not jealous, but I am." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

After hearing his passionate confession all of a sudden, Mu Jiu's face was bewildered.

"What, what about Auntie?" Although Mu Jiu was moved, she still felt sorry for his reason for not allowing Su Luotong to live in their main house, after all, she was a pregnant woman.

"I don't have any attraction to Auntie, understand?" Jiang Dingcheng still said seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing. "Mr. Jiang, you don't have much confidence in your own charm. We all know that Mr. Jiang is charming. You can go from 99 to just leave."

Jiang Dingcheng directly pinched her face with his hands. "Stupid woman, I only need to attract you alone. Others have nothing to do with me. In short, this time you listen to me and let her live in a small building. She will be taken care of equally well, or you will be driven out of Lanwan directly. I will let her Su Yaoting came to pick him up."

"Mr. Jiang, it's too cruel, and if you ask Su Yaoting to pick her up, he will take her directly to the hospital." Mu Jiu said nervously.

"Then I don't care, it's not my child." Jiang Dingcheng still said coldly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was powerless to refute.

But what he said was quite reasonable. Mu Jiu also knew that the woman Su Luotong came from a white-eyed wolf. Although it seems that she has changed a lot now, who can [-]% guarantee that she will change from good to good?

At first, she was worried that she would lure wolves into the house in order to protect the child in her stomach, but now it seems that as long as Jiang Dingcheng is around, any monsters and ghosts will rest and make trouble.

If Su Luotong meets Jiang Dingcheng, he will only be tortured into scum.

Therefore, sending her to live in a small building is just in case.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, I understand. I don't have any objection to your arrangement this time." Mu Jiu chose to surrender, and completely listened to Jiang Dingcheng's arrangement. She had no extra opinions.

"Well, that's good." Jiang Dingcheng rubbed her head and said.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled embarrassedly.

Jiang Dingcheng was relieved, after marrying such an idiot wife, he naturally had to pay more attention, otherwise he would be sold out one day, and he was busy giving money.

When Su Luotong didn't figure out what she was like, of course he wouldn't put Mu Jiu in danger, and when he was bullied by this woman, he would feel distressed.

Su Luotong treated Mu Jiu badly in the past, but now he came to find Mu Jiu with the child in his stomach, who knows what kind of heart is An?
"Mr. Jiang, you are becoming more and more insidious, everyone should beware of schemes." Mu Jiu said while holding Jiang Dingcheng's palm.

"Don't worry, the only person I won't calculate in this life is my wife." Jiang Dingcheng said with a serious expression.

"Really, Mr. Jiang's wife is so lucky, I never thought you love your wife so much." Mu Jiu was still quite complacent.

Jiang Dingcheng loves her so much, how can he make her unhappy.

"Because my wife is stupid and doesn't need to calculate." Jiang Dingcheng answered as a matter of course.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard this, her small face immediately became unhappy. This arrogant man actually called her stupid and threw his hand away. "It's stupid, otherwise why would I marry you."

Jiang Dingcheng knew that she was upset, and immediately put one hand around her waist and kissed her directly. "Fool, Mr. Jiang has only loved that little idiot all his life, all his life."

When Mu Jiu heard this, the expression on his face finally calmed down.

"Little idiot, are you happy now?" Jiang Dingcheng said and pinched her nose directly.

"I'm not happy." Mu Jiu deliberately turned her face away to avoid looking at him, but the smile on the corner of her mouth still couldn't help but bend, even the deepest part of her eyes was filled with a happy smile.

(End of this chapter)

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