cute in his palm

Chapter 1431 The Sinner's Child

Chapter 1431 The Sinner's Child

Mu Jiu always felt that with Jiang Dingcheng around, she didn't need to worry about anything, because he would arrange everything in advance.

Since there is an attached small building, it would be better for Su Luotong to live there. Originally, Mu Jiu actually had some barriers to allow her to live directly with them in the main building.

After all, they are neither friends nor relatives, so living together is not very comfortable.

"Honey, it's really good to have you. Tell me, what will I do if you're not by my side in the future? I can't even handle a small matter well." Mu Jiu mumbled looking at Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled and rubbed her head.

"I will depend on you for the rest of my life. Are you planning to return the product now and leave my side?" Jiang Dingcheng said seriously, not joking at all.

Hearing what he said, Mu Jiu immediately shook her head.

"Even if you drive me away, I won't leave. I'm thinking about what to tell Su Luotong later." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng slightly embarrassed and said.

After all, it was a bit embarrassing for a pregnant woman to live in a small wooden building alone, but Mu Jiu was still a little embarrassed to speak up.

"This family is up to you. Su Luotong is just a boarding guest. How the master arranges it is naturally up to the master. If she is unwilling to accept it, then please ask her to leave Blue Bay." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly. Said.

Please forgive him, except for being gentle with Mu Jiu, he doesn't have a good attitude towards all women, especially women like Su Luotong who used to have bad intentions.

If he didn't drive her away directly, it was considered kind to her. If he still wanted to play any tricks, he would make Su Luotong regret knowing him.

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng's resolute attitude, Mu Jiu knew what to say. "I know how to tell her."

"People who are not affectionate are not afraid to make the other party unhappy. If you can't say it, I will arrange it." Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Jiang Dingcheng knew how his little wife was feeling, and he didn't like to see her embarrassed. If she couldn't make a decision, then he would make it for her.

Of course, Jiang Dingcheng would not discuss it with Su Luotong in person, and let the servants and housekeepers prepare it and then notify her. Whether she accepts it or not is her own business. If she does not accept it, she can leave directly.

Anyway, he won't force Su Luotong to live with him. There is nothing about this woman that makes people want to stay. She did too many bad things back then.

He would keep her because of Mu Jiu's face, otherwise Su Luotong would just beg for rice and have nothing to do with him, and he wouldn't have any sympathy.

"No need, I'll tell her myself." When Mu Jiu heard that Jiang Dingcheng was going to tell Su Luotong in person, she immediately stopped her.

You have to know who Jiang Shaoqing is, how can the two of them have a good chat, I'm afraid they can't talk well at that time, and he can just drive Su Luotong away, he can do it.

"Well, tell her yourself that I just want to go to the company and I will come back earlier in the evening. I hope Mrs. Jiang will take care of everything before I come back." Jiang Dingcheng said to her gently .

"Well, you can go to the company without worry, I will definitely be able to handle all this, don't worry." Mu Jiu assured her with extra seriousness.

There is still a way to deal with Su Luotong and Mu Jiu. After all, she has never lost since she was a child. Basically, Su Luotong lost to her, so Mu Jiu is quite confident that she can win.

"Then I'll go. When Jiang Tianen wakes up, tell him for me that Dad misses her and see Mrs. Jiang tonight." Jiang Dingcheng got up and kissed Mu Jiu's forehead before going out.

After Jiang Dingcheng left, Mu Jiu sat in the living room for a while, but she didn't wait for Su Luotong. She was a little strange, and worried that this woman, Su Luotong, would just fall asleep again in the bathroom.

This possibility is not without.

She still remembers one time, when Su Luotong came home from a make-up class and fell asleep in the bathtub, if Qin Kefang hadn't found her, she would have fallen seriously ill if she didn't drown.

Thinking of this possibility, Mu Jiu went upstairs directly.

But at the door of the baby room, I heard Su Luotong's voice.

"He is Xiaojiu's son, he looks really cute, what's his name." Su Luotong was teasing the little guy who just woke up in the crib.

Kid Jiang Tianen didn't recognize him at all, he stared straight at Su Luotong's face with his big black eyes for a few minutes, and then grinned.

Said that he did not hate this aunt.

Su Luotong actually hated children before, thinking that children were noisy and annoying and not obedient, but since she became pregnant by herself, she found that all children in the world are cute and angels.

Children who have not been baptized by the big dye vat of society are the purest.

You can see it in their eyes.

Simple, bright, without impurities.

Jiang Tianen's child is really beautiful, and he has completely acknowledged the good genes of his parents.

When Su Luotong came last night, Jiang Tianen had already fallen asleep. When he got up to play in the morning this morning, Su Luotong was still sleeping in.

This is the first time meeting Jiang Tianen face to face. She likes this child, and she can tell that this child also likes him.

So he stretched out a finger to imitate his small fleshy face, the skin was really elastic, smooth and tender.

It is not yet known what the child she will give birth to will be like.

It stands to reason that Cheng Mingfeng is actually pretty handsome, and she is pretty pretty, so the children born of two not ugly people should not be much different.

If it is a girl, I naturally hope to be more like her, she is beautiful.

For boys, in fact, she doesn't want to be like Cheng Mingfeng, after all, he has made such a big mistake, and if a child looks like him, it will be a mark of sin.

"Miss Su, Xiaobao's nickname is Lucky, and his real name is Jiang Tianen." Auntie explained to Su Luotong patiently.

In fact, Auntie doesn't know about their past grievances. Mu Jiu can let Su Luotong stay here, which should show that the relationship is pretty good, so Auntie's attitude towards Su Luotong can be considered quite friendly.

"Lucky, this nickname is good. He has collected all the good things in his life. It can be seen that he has been blessed very much. He will live happily and safely in this life." Su Luotong said with a smile.

In fact, Su Luotong was quite envious of Jiang Tianen's ability to reincarnate so well, becoming the eldest grandson of the Jiang family, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, and this life will be full of prosperity and wealth.

Just her kids?
The father absconded with the crime, and the mother was homeless and could only live in someone else's house.

A child like this is doomed to bear infamy from the moment he is born.

Children of sinners.

Thinking of this, Su Luotong felt inexplicably sad.

(End of this chapter)

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