cute in his palm

Chapter 1445

Chapter 1445

Since it was Mrs. Jiang's work, most of the people who came to Jiang Tianen's [-]-day banquet this time came for the sake of the Jiang family and Mrs. Jiang.

Then, naturally, those who have had friendship with the Jiang family will come here.

For example, the Luo family.

Except for Luo Shiyang who was hospitalized, all the Luo family members came here.

At that time, Mu Jiu was going down with the little guy in her arms. When she saw the members of the Luo family coming in, she was a little stunned, thinking that the Luo family would not come again this time.

However, she still understands that a visitor is a visitor.

"Xiao Jiu, this is Mrs. Luo, Uncle Luo and Aunt Luo." The old lady led Mu Jiu to greet them.

In fact, the old lady just entertained the members of the Luo family in name. After all, they have been friends for many years and did not expect them to come. She thought that if something like this happened, they would not come.

She actually came over, but Mrs. Jiang is also a sensible person, and the visitors are guests. Since they are all here, they need to be warmly received.

Forget it, say that the Jiang family doesn't treat guests well.

What these prestigious nobles care about most is the reputation of the family.

"Lady Luo, hello Uncle Luo and Aunt Luo, thank you for coming to attend the children's [-]-day banquet in your busy schedule." Mu Jiu looked at them with a smile and said.

Mrs. Luo was very angry seeing Mu Jiu like this, why is this girl so happy now, and her daughter is still lying in the hospital with a disfigured appearance.

Originally, all of this belonged to Shi Yang.

If there is no Mu Jiu's appearance, when Shi Yang comes back, all of this will be Shi Yang's.

Mrs. Luo always believed that Jiang Dingcheng still had Shi Yang in his heart. When the two were together, Jiang Dingcheng was obedient to Shi Yang.

If it wasn't for her in his heart, why was he still depressed after Shi Yang left for so long.

Based on this, Mrs. Luo can fully know that Jiang Dingcheng should still have Shi Yang's status in her heart. Based on this, she hates Mu Jiu even more.

"Dingcheng's daughter-in-law really looks like a sign, so be polite. Our Luo family and Jiang family are family friends. We have been in love for decades, so there is no need to be so polite. Since you are Dingcheng's daughter-in-law, naturally you are also from the Jiang family. People, you don’t need to be so polite with Grandma Luo, what can you call me Mrs. Luo, just call me Grandma Luo.” Mrs. Luo said while looking at Mu Jiu with a smile.

Anyway, she is the mistress of the Luo family, so she still has the bearing she should have.

Especially in the Jiang family's mansion, it is even more difficult to show any face in front of Mrs. Jiang. If that happens, the relationship between the two families will only be on thin ice.

Besides, if you directly lower your face like this, it will only make the Luo family look petty and unmannered.

"Grandma Luo is being polite." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

It could be seen that Mrs. Luo looked at her with resentment in her eyes.

You don't need to think too much to know why, it's nothing more than Luo Shiyang's matter.

Mrs. Luo must have naturally attributed Luo Shiyang's matter to Mu Jiu, thinking that Jiang Dingcheng's reluctance to see Luo Shiyang was the reason why she, as his wife, was the mastermind.

Anyway, in the eyes of Mrs. Luo, Mu Jiu is an out-and-out bad woman.

"Come on, let me see this fat boy." Mrs. Luo quickly turned her attention to the child.

The little guy didn't mean to be shy at all. Even though so many guests came today, he still acted very calmly. He was indeed a child of the Jiang family. A trace of timidity and fear.

"It's really beautiful. It looks like Ding Cheng. It's the same as Ding Cheng when he was a child. He looks really good." Mrs. Luo is just praising her child now.

"Old lady Luo has won the prize. Tian En looks much better than when I was a child." Jiang Dingcheng came over at some time, and generously put his arms around Mu Jiu's waist, and said to Mrs. Luo gently.

After Jiang Dingcheng said this, Mrs. Luo smiled a little embarrassedly. "Of course, all children are better than blue. This child will definitely be a very promising child when he grows up." Mrs. Luo boasted.

Anyone can say nice and auspicious words, and on a day like today, one should only say nice things.

"Borrowing Mrs. Luo's auspicious words, Tianen will definitely be more promising and better than me as a father when he grows up." Jiang Dingcheng accepted it very well, and he didn't show any embarrassment at all.

Mu Jiu was really helpless, others just boasted casually, but he really took it seriously, and he was still answering the conversation so smoothly.

It is good to believe half of what others say, and you must stop in moderation.

However, from Jiang Dingcheng's point of view, he had no intention of stopping at all, and his tail was almost up to the sky.

"It's too modest to be committed. You are the child I watched grow up. You are the most promising child among this group of children, so your child will definitely inherit your excellent genes and will only be better." Mrs. Luo was very pleased. Said calmly.

You know, in the first round, she really liked the child Jiang Dingcheng the most. Not to mention he is very handsome, and he is also very smart. Anyone who wants to marry him will be blessed for a lifetime.

So when Luo Shiyang was with him, Mrs. Luo was the happiest. From now on, the Luo family will have Jiang Dingcheng to rely on, so there will be no problems at all.

It's a pity that the sky always doesn't follow people's wishes. In the end, the two children have no fate to be together. It can be said that the Luo family does not have the fate to let Jiang Ding be the son-in-law.

If you want to blame, you have to blame Luo Shiyangtong, because she left Jiang Dingcheng's side willfully without knowing what is good or bad, leaving such a good man behind, saying nothing to pursue her freedom and ideals, and then leaving for five years.

Now, she is back, with a disfigured face, who would want her?

What's more, now that Jiang Dingcheng is married and has children, his relationship with the Luo family is over. If you want to blame, you have to blame Luo Shiyang for being willful.

Even if Mrs. Luo is a pity, so what?

It is impossible for Jiang Dingcheng to be with Luo Shiyang now, it can be seen that he really loves his wife Jiu.

"It's Mrs. Luo's praise." Jiang Dingcheng smiled and hugged Jiang Tianen into his arms. When the little guy saw his father's face, he immediately reached out to grab it.

"Dingcheng, don't you even want to call Grandma Luo now? It's a little strange to call Mrs. Luo directly." After hearing what he said, Mrs. Luo was really not very happy.

When he was with Shi Yang before, he would always call her Grandma Luo gently, or just call her Grandma after Shi Yang, but since the two young people separated, he never called her again, and only met foreigners when they met. She called out to Mrs. Luo, polite and unfamiliar.

(End of this chapter)

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