cute in his palm

Chapter 1446 Wonderful Night

Chapter 1446 Wonderful Night

It can only be said that the old lady Luo really misses when Jiang Dingcheng and Luo Shiyang were together, that lonely and cold child would obediently call her Grandma Luo every time she went to the Luo's house.

He even made a promise in front of her that he would treat Luo Shiyang well in this life, never leave her, and love her well for the rest of his life.

It's really not easy for a man to say something like this, which shows that he is really determined to treat this woman well.

But, what a pity, it was Luo Shiyang who abandoned this man first, making this vow meaningless.

"Mrs. Luo, this is a title of respect for you. I respect you very much." Jiang Dingcheng said in a very formulaic tone.

If it was just to respect her, she would rather not have it.

Hope this kid can treat her like before.

I hope that he can remember that he still has a little bit of old love for Luo Shiyang, this time he can go to the hospital to see her, just one look, and that stubborn girl will agree to the operation.

Until now, she was unwilling to undergo surgery, fearing that she might not see Jiang Dingcheng for the last time.

What's the use of being so infatuated now?
If he had considered Jiang Dingcheng's mood a little before and would not leave his side, his marriage would have been married a long time ago, and the children should all be in kindergarten, so there would be no such thing as Mu Jiu.

"I know, then I won't force you, I promise you can call me whatever you want, I just sincerely hope that you can call me Grandma Luo like before, it will be more kind." Mrs. Luo smiled said.

"Then, you can do whatever you want. We'll go to greet the other guests first. You are familiar with the family, so just do whatever you want." Jiang Dingcheng looked at them and said.

"It's okay, you go and get busy." Mrs. Luo said with a gentle smile on her face.

Jiang Dingcheng hugged the little guy with one hand, and walked in another direction with his arm around Mu Jiu's shoulder.

"Dingcheng, are you in a bad mood?" Mu Jiu saw that he was not in a very good mood, so she asked him directly.

In fact, after meeting the Luo family, she was also in a bad mood.

After all, this is the guest of Mrs. Jiang's banquet, and it's hard for them who are juniors to say anything.

"Well, I feel bad when I see people from the Luo family now." Jiang Dingcheng said in a low voice, only the two of them could hear him.

After all, today is a banquet, and all the big shots are here, so it's not good for people to hear him talk about the Luo family like this.

"Don't hate the entire Luo family so much just because of one Luo Shiyang, even though I don't like their Luo family at all." Mu Jiu said sincerely.

She had no friendship with the Luo family before, and the first Luo family she met was Luo Shiyan. This woman had already made her hate the Luo family very much. Later, Luo Shiyang came out, and she really hated this family to the extreme.

Therefore, even if you see Mrs. Luo now, you will still be unhappy.

"You're a husband and wife, aren't you?" Jiang Dingcheng was suddenly in a good mood.

Now if he is in a bad mood, he can only be healed by Mu Jiu. A word, a look or a small movement from her can heal his bad mood.

Mu Jiu raised an eyebrow at him. "Mr. Jiang, do you like it?"

"Of course I like Mrs. Jiang's appearance. Mr. Jiang likes it the most." Jiang Dingcheng said directly.

"Well, as long as you like it." Mu Jiu said bluntly.

Now she is becoming more and more domineering, which sometimes makes Jiang Dingcheng unable to react. Of course, he also likes Mu Jiu's domineering side.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet today's distinguished guests." Jiang Dingcheng led her to meet the guests, all of whom were prominent figures in Huaicheng, who would be helpful to Mu Jiu in the future.


Mu Jiu followed Jiang Dingcheng around the audience for a week, getting to know all the big names, and letting her know how extensive the Jiang family's network is in Huaicheng.

This night, Mu Jiu was the happiest and drank a lot of wine.

So, at the end of the banquet, Mu Jiu was drunk.

Jiang Dingcheng handed the little guy over to his aunt, and carried Mu Jiu back to the room by himself. Today, all the Jiang family members will stay in the Jiang mansion. This is the old lady's request, so all the rooms have been cleaned up early in the morning. .

"Xiao Jiu, be good, we're in the room." Jiang Dingcheng carried Hao back to the bed, soothing her emotions.

"Alcohol, I still want to drink, I'm happy." Mu Jiu looked completely drunk, half-closed her eyes, blushed, looked at Jiang Dingcheng with a smile on her face, and desperately shouted for wine.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Dingcheng was all drunk, but he was really happy.

Especially in the back and Guan Xiaotong and the others were completely free to drink.

Jiang Dingcheng originally wanted to stop them, but seeing them drinking so happily, he finally gave up, let Mu Jiu indulge once in a while.

Among the girlfriends, she and Guan Xiaotong were completely drunk, while Xu Yanke and Tao Mian had good self-control, but they still drank too much.

Jiang Dingcheng arranged for their respective people to pick them up to ensure their safety.

"I know you're happy, but Sa can't drink anymore, let's drink water." Jiang Dingcheng brought a glass of water and handed it to her, supporting her with one hand and feeding her with the other.

"Well, water, don't want it, drink it, drink it!" Mu Jiu began to act coquettishly, waving her arms like crazy.

Jiang Dingcheng saw that she couldn't drink water properly by herself, but after drinking so much wine, she needed to drink a little water to slow down, so he thought of an excellent way.

After raising her head and taking a big sip, she lowered her head and sealed her mouth to pour water in.

This time, Mu Jiu couldn't bear to refuse, and was forced to drink the water he fed into his mouth.

"Well..." I hate it.

Although Mu Jiu was drunk, she was still conscious.

Knowing that he asked Jiang Dingcheng to feed him like this.

"Do you want more?" Jiang Dingcheng said looking at her angry face.

God knows how cute Mu Jiu is like this, with staring eyes and a bulging red face, just looking at him angrily.

All the resentment is only written on the face.

"I know you want more." Jiang Dingcheng took the initiative, took a sip of water, and kissed him directly.

After feeding the water this time, he was not willing to let go and deepened the kiss bit by bit.

Mu Jiu also felt his enthusiasm, and subconsciously reached out to wrap his arms around his neck and responded to him seriously.

Jiang Dingcheng no longer cared about anything else, he just wanted to hug her tightly, make her a part of his body, and never separate her again.

This night is destined to be a wonderful and lingering night.

Let two people who love each other love each other even more deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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