cute in his palm

Chapter 1447 Parents want a chapter

Chapter 1447 Parents want to come back

This time, Mu Jiu slept until the evening of the next day before slowly waking up, feeling sore all over, but she was very happy in her heart, and finally found that she couldn't do without Jiang Dingcheng more and more.

This is Jiang Dingcheng's room in Jiang Zhai, so it is actually a little strange to Mu Jiu, but he can smell his unique smell.

As long as his breath is still there, she will feel at ease.

I glanced out the window and at the time, it was almost six o'clock.

Let them know that they wake up so late with a hangover and they will laugh.

Fortunately, she drank too much last night, so that people would not wonder why she woke up so late.

Jiang Dingcheng was not in the room, and he didn't know where he went?

Mu Jiu didn't dare to delay any longer, so she hurriedly got up, took a shower, changed clothes and went downstairs.

Mu Jiu went downstairs as fast as she could.

The downstairs living room was busy at this time, and most of the Jiang family were there, especially when I heard the little guy's giggling smile from a distance, it made people feel better.

"Grandma, what about Dingcheng?" Mu Jiu went to the old lady and asked her directly.

Looking around, there was no sign of him in the living room.

Of course, the third brother Jiang Dinghe was not there either.

This is so strange. Could it be that these two brothers have other things?
Mu Jiu pinched her son's little face, and then the little guy jumped on her directly.

"Xiao Jiu, you drank too much yesterday. Your head still hurts. I asked the kitchen to make you hangover soup. I'll let them serve it for you later. The second and third are going to the airport." The wife looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Airport?" Mu Jiu looked at the old lady in surprise, completely unaware that Jiang Dingcheng was going to the airport today. "Where are you going on a business trip?"

It was still the airport that Jiang Dinghe went to, what are the two brothers going to do, Mu Jiu suddenly became a little worried.

If Jiang Dingcheng had to go on a business trip temporarily, he should have left her a message or something.

"No, it's Tianen's grandparents who came back today, and the boss together. They couldn't book the flight to Huaicheng yesterday, and it's today. They didn't have time to come back to hold a hundred-day banquet for Xiaotianen. Xiaojiu, don't you?" Will you be angry?" The old lady looked at Mu Jiu and said seriously.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she quickly shook her head.

"Grandma, how could I be angry? I am already very grateful that Dingcheng's parents came back all the way. They have been very busy with their inspection work, and it doesn't matter if they don't come back." Mu Jiu was very serious. Said.

"You child, you are so considerate. They will be super happy to see you as a daughter-in-law." The old lady took Mu Jiu's hand very much.

As I said a long time ago, the child Mu Jiu will be a very kind and lovable child, and it is the Jiang family's blessing that Jiang Dingcheng married her.

"I haven't met the two elders formally yet, and I'm worried that they don't like me. By the way, how long has it been since Dingcheng?" Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and asked.

"We didn't arrive in Huai City until seven o'clock in the evening. They left at five o'clock, and the plane hasn't arrived yet." The old lady glanced at the time and said.

Mu Jiu felt guilty when she heard this time.

Fortunately, she woke up at this time, otherwise she wouldn't wake up until eight o'clock, and they would have brought her back. It's not a good thing to give them such an impression when they officially meet their parents for the first time.

I think her daughter-in-law is too lazy, and she sleeps until night before getting up.

"Well, then I'll go back to the room and tidy up and change into some serious clothes. Grandma, I'm a little nervous now, what should I do?" Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and said.

She was indeed feeling a little nervous. Although she was married, the wedding was held, and the children were all grown up now, this was the first time she met Jiang Dingcheng's parents, which made her feel nervous.

When the old lady heard Mu Jiu say this, she laughed instead, her voice was extraordinarily hearty. "Xiao Jiu, the second parents are not monsters. They are also your parents. They are very gentle and close people, and they don't get along at all, so you don't need to be nervous. You will know when you see them." Now, you look good like this now, you don't need to dress up deliberately."

Anyway, in the heart of the old lady, Mu Jiu is the best in everything.

Mu Jiu knew this, so she cared even more.

"Grandma, you don't know, I'm still very nervous. After all, it's the first time I meet them so formally. I need to treat them seriously and solemnly. I also know if there are more solemn clothes in the closet?" Mu Jiu was really a little I'm nervous, not pretending.

If she had known that Jiang Dingcheng's parents would be back today, she should have prepared her clothes in advance.

"Xiao Jiu, listen to grandma, it's fine for you to look like this normally, you don't need to do it deliberately, but if you're so nervous, drink the hangover soup first." The old lady asked the kitchen to bring the hangover soup for her to drink.

Mu Jiu didn't refuse this time, she drank it obediently, and then looked at the old lady. "Grandma, I was very sorry last night. I drank too much wine, so I... slept until this time and got up."

Mu Jiu simply explained, so that the old lady would believe that the reason she got up so late was because she drank too much last night.

"I know, it's okay. I was happy yesterday. If I could drink it, I would like to have a quick drink like you young people." The old lady didn't mean to blame Mu Jiu at all.

Young people should look like young people, so what does it matter if you get drunk a few times?The big deal is a hangover. If you don't do something out of the ordinary when you are young, when she is this age, even if you want to do something out of the ordinary, you can't do it, and your body can't bear it.

"Grandma, thank you for understanding. In fact, grandma, you are still very young, with such a strong body, you are not inferior to any young people at all, okay?" Mu Jiu said, holding the old lady's hand.

The old lady smiled very happily. "You, you know how to make grandma happy, that's all right, if you want to go upstairs, you can go upstairs, I'll just take Xiao Tianen."

"Grandma, I'll go up first." Mu Jiu didn't delay any longer, because there wasn't much time left to delay.

"Well, let's go."

After returning to the room, Mu Jiu quickly opened the closet. Although there were quite a lot of clothes in it, it was not from Lanwan where she usually lived. There was no serious formal clothes at all, and they were all for leisure at home.

Jiang Dingcheng, are you going to kill her this time?

It was the first time she met her elders, but she hoped to leave a good impression on them.

First of all, you have to have a set of clothes, and now the clothes in the closet are simply not acceptable, so I hurriedly called Jiang Dingcheng.

"Jiu'er, are you awake? Is there anything uncomfortable?" As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Dingcheng's voice came over.

The voice on his end was a bit noisy, obviously it was inside the airport.

(End of this chapter)

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