cute in his palm

Chapter 1458 Meeting for the first time

Chapter 1458 Meeting for the first time

Mu Jiu was quite worried about the old lady. After all, her age was there. She was no longer young, and her body couldn't stand any troubles. If she didn't sleep well in one night, no matter how much time she spent, she couldn't make up for it. , the old man is obviously not as sharp as yesterday.

Mu Jiu knew this very well, so she was even more worried about the old lady's physical condition. If something happened, she would be even more worried.

Before that time, Lin Weishuang has not been discharged from the hospital, and the old lady is ill again.

"Xiao Jiu, wake up." The old lady looked at Mu Jiu and said hello.

Even when she smiled, there was a little tiredness in the smile, which made Mu Jiu feel a little distressed.

"Grandma, did you not sleep well last night, your face looks very tired." Mu Jiu looked at the old lady worriedly and said.

"I'm fine, I'm worrying you, Xiao Jiu." The old lady said bravely.

Seeing her like this, Mu Jiu felt distressed. "Grandma, let me see what the kitchen is doing. Are you hungry?"

"I'm fine. I've asked the kitchen to cook some porridge and soup. I'll take it to the hospital for the three of them to drink. I don't know if Xiaoshuang has woken up." The old lady said with a worried expression.

"Grandma, nothing will happen. Let's go to the hospital together later, so you can rest assured." Mu Jiu calmed the old lady's emotions, fearing that she would feel even more uncomfortable if she got excited.

"Well, okay, let's go to the hospital to see Xiaoshuang in a while. If I don't see her in person, I won't be at ease. I have been dreaming last night. I dreamed that Xiaoshuang was very uncomfortable. Last night I You should go and see her." The old lady said sadly.

Mu Jiu could understand why the old lady was in such a bad mood, and reached out to hold the old lady's hand.

"Grandma, it's okay. I've seen my mother. Her nerves are recovering well. There won't be any major problems. Just wake up. Let's go to have breakfast." Mu Jiu led the old lady to the dining table and sat down. Next, I specially poured her a glass of warm water to moisten her throat.

After finishing breakfast in a hurry, the three of them brought Xiaobao to the hospital by the housekeeper.

The old lady was always the most anxious. Jiang Dingce supported her and walked in front, Mu Jiu was behind holding Xiaobao, and the housekeeper was at the back with breakfast in his hand.

"Grandma, slow down, it's just ahead." Seeing the old lady's anxious look, Mu Jiu hurriedly said.

The old lady didn't care so much, she immediately quickened her pace.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything more.

Just in time, the door of the ward opened, and Jiang Dingcheng walked out.

"Grandma, fourth child, have you come here so early?" Jiang Dingcheng was a little surprised when he saw the old lady.

He knew that Mu Jiu and the others would come over today, but he didn't expect it to be so early.

"Well, come here earlier to take a look and feel relieved." The old lady said directly.

Passing behind the old lady, Jiang Dingcheng's eyes landed on his wife.

"Jiu'er, thank you for your hard work." Jiang Dingcheng walked to his wife, and took Jiang Tianen from her hand naturally. The little guy obviously didn't like the smell of the hospital very much, and his little brows were frowned. There is no noise in my arms.

"It's not hard. How's mom doing? Are you awake?" Mu Jiu asked anxiously.

"I woke up. I woke up at five o'clock in the morning, but I was very tired and fell asleep again." Jiang Dingcheng's tone was obviously relieved.

Only after Lin Weishuang woke up could she prove that she was fine.

"It's good to wake up, then it means everything is fine." Mu Jiu felt relieved.

"Grandma was worried all night last night, and she got up early in the morning. I saw that she was very tired. If she didn't see her mother was fine, grandma would continue to worry." Mu Jiu said softly.

"I see, grandma didn't sleep well all night, and you too, with dark circles under your eyes, it's really hard work for you." Jiang Dingcheng stretched out his head and kissed her on the forehead lightly.

At this time, the tenacity of a woman will be displayed extremely well by Mu Jiu.

She won't cry and fight with you, she will do everything obediently, and eliminate all worries for you.

Jiang Dingcheng is really lucky to have such a wife.

"I'm not working hard, let's go in and see mom, by the way, did you rest last night?" Mu Jiu asked him directly when she remembered.

Jiang Dingcheng paused for a moment, then smiled, and did not answer directly.

But based on this reaction, Mu Jiu guessed it. It is estimated that none of them slept last night, so they stayed guarded all night.

"There are bloodshot eyes in my eyes, I will go back to sleep with me after eating, do you understand? Just leave it to the fourth and elder brother here." Mu Jiu immediately gave a serious lesson.

His tone sounded like that of the head teacher.

Seeing his little wife's serious face, Jiang Dingcheng immediately nodded obediently.

"Okay, I'll go back with you later and sleep well." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

It is really heartwarming to have such a person come to tell you whether you have eaten your three meals a day well and whether you have slept well, and he is really sleepy now.

I didn't sleep well the night before, and I didn't sleep well last night. I didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights. Now I feel a little uncomfortable.

"This way can make people feel at ease, just find a way to make Dad sleep too." Mu Jiu murmured.

There are so many men in this family, so you really need to worry about it.

"Go in first." Jiang Dingcheng knew what she was worried about, hugged his son in one hand, and took Mu Jiu's hand into the ward with the other.

When such a person came, Lin Weishuang, who had been asleep, woke up and sat on the bed.

"Mom, this is the second sister-in-law and your grandson." Jiang Dingce said to Lin Weishuang happily when he saw the second brother and his wife coming in.

"It's Xiaojiu, come here and let mom have a look." Lin Weishuang saw that the second daughter-in-law liked it very much. You must know that although she had four sons, she still wanted a daughter, but she couldn't even give birth to four. It was the son, who finally gave up the decision to have a daughter, thinking that the four sons could marry four well-behaved daughters-in-law and come back.

A daughter-in-law has half a daughter, and she will also have two daughters.

This time I saw the second daughter-in-law, and I liked it very much at first glance.

As expected, she was the daughter-in-law chosen by the second child, beautiful and generous.

"Mom, are you feeling better? I'm Xiaojiu, and this is your grandson named Tian'en." Mu Jiu walked to the hospital bed and said gracefully.

Hearing this, Lin Weishuang turned her attention to the little baby in Mu Jiu's arms.

The little guy also stared at Lin Weishuang with beautiful black eyes, as if he knew him.

"The little guy looks really energetic, exactly the same as the second child when he was young." Lin Weishuang said sincerely.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu laughed, and turned her head to look at Jiang Dingcheng beside her. The man kept his lips tightly pressed together, but she knew what was going on in his heart.

You should also like the warmth at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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