cute in his palm

Chapter 1459 Take it easy

Chapter 1459 Take it easy

After staying in the hospital for a long time, Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng were ready to go back first.

The little guy played with his grandparents for a long time, and his relationship has grown by leaps and bounds. When he left, he was still a little reluctant, and kept reaching out to let Lin Weishuang.

For the first time, Mu Jiu felt that blood relationship is really a very magical thing.

It was obviously the first time we met, and the little guy was only over three months old, yet he still knew he was reluctant to leave.


"Xiao Jiu, you and the second child should go back with the children first, we are fine, just let the eldest and fourth child stay." Jiang Hehong looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Jiang Dingcheng just stood there without saying anything, and always listened to their arrangements quietly. Anyway, he seemed too well-behaved in his calm and non-arguing appearance, which was completely different from his usual.

"Dad, you didn't sleep much all night, you and grandma go back and take a good bath and rest before coming here." Mu Jiu knew that Jiang Hehong couldn't do without Lin Weishuang, but his tired look made him feel uncomfortable. People are worried.

"Yeah, what Xiaojiu said is right, you haven't slept all night, go back with your mother first, take a bath and have a good sleep, I wake up now and there is nothing wrong, you can go back at ease, and come back tomorrow You can come here." Lin Weishuang looked at Jiang Hehong and said.

Hearing this, Jiang Hehong still opened his mouth a little bit bravely. "It's okay, I'll accompany you here, anyway, your condition is not serious, and you will be discharged from the hospital in two days, I will accompany you."

Everyone was very moved when they heard Jiang Hehong's words.

These days, how much love can there be like this, and they don't want to be separated for a moment.

The longest confession of love has always been companionship.

"No, I know my condition is not serious, but I can't be discharged from the hospital right now, promise me to go back and rest." Lin Weishuang said seriously.

"If you want to behave like this, I'll be angry." Lin Weishuang glared at Jiang Hehong, then turned to look at the old lady. "Mom, please persuade He Hong, he can't go on like this."

"He Hong, listen to Xiaoshuang, she is not in good health yet, and she still has to worry about your affairs, so you can't let her worry less, go back to rest and come back." The old lady said directly majesticly.

Then everyone echoed what the old lady said.

Hearing this, Jiang Hehong surrendered, and decided to listen to everyone's opinions and go back with the old lady. He was indeed too tired, and he couldn't take care of Lin Weishuang here.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Mom and I will go back first and come back later." Jiang Hehong looked at Lin Weishuang and said.

"Come back tomorrow." Lin Weishuang said directly.

Hearing this, Jiang Hehong didn't object any more, so come back tomorrow and come back tomorrow.

"It's getting late, you guys go back first." Lin Weishuang looked at them and said.

A group of them went to the gate of the hospital together and got into two cars.

The three members of Jiang Dingcheng's family were going back to Blue Bay, so Huai Luoyang drove over to pick them up. The old lady and the others were housekeepers and they drove back to Jiang's house.

"Father, go back and rest well, and come to see mom after you have a rest tomorrow. I will bring Xiaobao to the hospital to see mom tomorrow." Mu Jiu said, looking at Jiang Hehong before getting into the car.

Jiang Hehong nodded.

"Why don't we go home and have lunch together before we go back." Jiang Hehong looked at Mu Jiu and said, although this was for Mu Jiu, it was also for Jiang Dingcheng that the father and son hadn't eaten at the same table for several years After dinner, he was still looking forward to it.

Although today's day is not very good, it is good to want to have lunch together.

But obviously, Jiang Dingcheng was not very willing.

Mu Jiu could still hear Jiang Hehong's words, his meaning was very simple, he just wanted Jiang Dingcheng to have a meal with him.

This is a father's longing for his son's closeness.

Obviously, Jiang Dingcheng was unwilling to eat as much as he was looking forward to it.

"At noon, I have something to do." Jiang Dingcheng refused coldly.

As soon as his words came out, the anticipation on Jiang Hehong's face immediately disappeared.

It seems that the son has not planned to forgive him yet, what should he do to forgive him?Suddenly became very depressed.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu immediately spoke. "No matter what happens, we have to eat. Let's eat at home, Dingcheng." After speaking, Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng with expectant eyes.

She didn't want the only expectation of her elders to come to nothing like this.

You know, how much Jiang Hehong looks forward to having a meal with his second son.

It's really sad if he can't agree to such a small request.

Now that Jiang Hehong has brought it up on his own initiative, Mu Jiu will not let him feel disappointed.

No matter how unwilling Jiang Dingcheng was, he couldn't refuse what his wife said.

"Okay then, let's go to Jiang's house for dinner." Jiang Dingcheng said according to his wife's wishes.

Now in his heart, his wife is the biggest.

In fact, their habit of exclusively loving their wives is all inherited from Jiang Hehong's genes, and it can be seen from him that he loves his wife to the bone.

"Let's go, let's go back to eat now." Jiang Hehong immediately laughed when he heard Jiang Dingcheng's intention to go back.

Not to mention how happy that expression was, the tired mood became much better all of a sudden.

Sure enough, people are in good spirits on happy occasions.

For Jiang Hehong, having his second son eat at the same table as him is considered a very happy event.

"Drive fast." Jiang Hehong urged the driver.

Luo Yang drove behind Jiang's nanny car.

Jiang Shaoqing was already very tired, she leaned there gently and closed her eyes, the little guy played in the hospital for a long time, and fell asleep as soon as he got in the car.

So, Mu Jiu didn't say anything, and let the father and son sleep well.

After Jiang Dingcheng woke up, he went straight to Jiang's mansion. The car stopped and he didn't intend to wake up. Mu Jiu looked at the exhaustion on his handsome face, feeling distressed.

Last night must have been a whole night without sleep, it was heartbreaking to see Mu Jiu holding on so hard.

"We're here, Dingcheng, we've arrived at Jiangzhai." Seeing the old lady and the others get out of the car, Mu Jiu reluctantly woke him up.

After dinner, go back to rest earlier. If Jiang Hehong lives at home, Mu Jiu knows that he doesn't want to stay here for the time being.

Judging from Lin Weishuang's current situation, it is estimated that he will not be too eager to leave in a while, and may retreat and stay, so the distance between the two father and son will also have time to slowly ease.

Since the resentment between them has accumulated for so long, it will naturally take time to ease it, and it cannot be resolved in a short while.

(End of this chapter)

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