cute in his palm

Chapter 1461 Is the relationship good?

Chapter 1461 Is the relationship good?

Jiang Dingcheng didn't pay much attention to Jiang Hehong's words, he just wanted to express what he wanted to express in his heart.

"This is your business, you can decide what to do." Jiang Dingcheng said lightly.

The relationship between father and son has never been established, so it is impossible to talk about alienation or alienation.

Hearing his son's words, Jiang Hehong felt a little uncomfortable, but at least it was better than being indifferent to him. It was better to have feelings, even if he hated him, than to have nothing to do with him.

This is Jiang Hehong's mood.

He used to know that his son hated him, but Jiang Dingcheng has always kept quiet and ignored him as a father.

At that time, Jiang Hehong thought that it would be better if the child yelled and scolded him every time. At least if this was the case, there would be communication and interaction between father and son.

However, Jiang Dingcheng never gave him such a chance.

This is the first time that father and son have spoken so many words in so many years.

"Dingcheng, I know you are busy, and I won't let my affairs trouble you. I will take care of your mother's condition by myself, so you don't have to worry too much." Jiang Hehong said calmly.

No matter what, there will always be a slight sense of alienation between their father and son, and it is impossible to become very good in a while, Jiang Hehong knows this in his heart.

"Dad, second brother, what are you talking about? Go down and eat, I'm starving to death." Jiang Dinghe came over and called the two of them, just in time to break the awkward atmosphere between them.

"Let's talk about your mother's condition, let's go downstairs for dinner first." Jiang Hehong glanced at his third son and said, then went downstairs first.

The two brothers walked behind, Jiang Dinghe couldn't help asking his second brother. "Second brother, did you just talk about something important with Dad, and I interrupted you?"

"If you know, ask again." Jiang Dingcheng replied to him lightly, and then went downstairs directly.

The Jiang Dinghe left behind is completely confused, what's going on with each of them.

They pretended to be cold with him one by one.

Everyone in the Jiang family knew that there had always been a big problem between the second elder brother and his parents, and they basically didn't talk. Seeing the two of them standing there talking today made Jiang Dinghe feel particularly out of harmony.

The second brother actually talked with his father, it was like red rain from the sky.

Does the second brother no longer resent his parents because of his mother's illness?

You must know that Jiang Dingcheng was the quietest one last night during the vigil of the three father and son, holding his mobile phone to deal with things from time to time, without saying a word the whole time.

Sometimes Jiang Dinghe would go over to talk to him, and then when someone brought coffee in, Jiang Dingcheng would take the initiative to ask for coffee.

Jiang Dinghe has always felt that it is impossible for the second brother and his parents to mediate directly in his whole life, and he doesn't know why the second brother has such deep resentment towards his parents among the four brothers, even he and the fourth child can Understand the work of parents.

"Hey, second brother, I haven't finished asking yet? Between you and Dad..."

Before Jiang Dinghe finished asking, Jiang Dingcheng turned his head and gave him a look. "Put away your curiosity, you don't need to know things you shouldn't know."

This obviously means such a serious rejection.

Jiang Dinghe had no choice but to stick out his tongue, and didn't ask any more questions, any further questions would be boring himself.

"Come down, hurry up and sit down, lunch is ready." The old lady watched the two brothers come down, and hurriedly urged.

Jiang Dingcheng said nothing, and sat directly beside his wife.

"Are you tired?" Mu Jiu glanced at Jiang Dingcheng and asked, seeing that there was a feeling of uneasiness between his brows, and asked him.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled, and directly denied his emotions in order not to worry.

"Not tired, after taking a bath, I feel much better." Jiang Dingcheng poured a glass of juice for Mu Jiu and handed it to her.

"You've worked hard too, drink some juice first." Jiang Dingcheng's gentle care has always been meticulous.

Mu Jiu took a sip of the juice. "It's delicious, drink some too."

Without any hesitation, Jiang Dingcheng took the juice she drank a little and drank it for himself.

The young couple are now completely a loving couple who love each other well, and they don't mind anything about each other.

"Let's eat. After eating, you guys should go to bed early and have a good sleep. You all seem to have no energy at all." The old lady said directly.

Lunch is officially underway.

The father and son were both hungry all night and tired all night. They were both hungry and tired, so seeing this table of sumptuous lunch, they were already starving.

It was the first time for Mu Jiu to see what is leftovers from the wind. The three fathers and sons quickly settled most of the dishes on the table. Jiu's heart is half happy and half distressed, it's not easy for them all.

An all-night vigil is not so easy.

"Dingcheng, eat more." Mu Jiu picked up a few pieces of meat for Jiang Dingcheng and told him.

Jiang Dingcheng actually ate a lot of food, so he didn't care about these dishes. Mu Jiu ate all the food that Mu Jiu gave him, and then he got some food for her. "Jiu'er, you should eat more too."

Although the family is uneven, it is rare to gather so many people to eat together at once, and the old lady is smiling all the time.

If the family can really eat around the table like this every day in the future, it should be the happiest thing for the old lady.

But she knows that now that the children have their own careers to fight for and their own small families to run, how can they have much time to eat with an old woman like her?

Therefore, if you can have a meal together now, you must cherish it.

"You guys eat slowly, eat more, if it's not enough, I'll ask the kitchen to add more food, do you hear me, don't be too anxious, be careful of choking." The old lady looked at them eating so anxiously, worried Said.

In her eyes, these are just her children, so she reminded them like children.

"Grandma, eat more yourself, don't worry about us, we are adults now and not children, it's so easy to choke on a meal." Jiang Dinghe couldn't help laughing.

"You, no matter how old you are, you are still a child in grandma's eyes. It's always good to be careful." The old lady said the truth.

"Yes, yes, I understand, but why are the dishes at noon today so delicious? I have eaten two big bowls of rice, and I have to lose weight again, ouch." Jiang Dinghe continued to drive said jokingly.

"I'm so thin, why lose weight? It's just nonsense. I want to lose weight. I think you can still lose weight." The old lady said with a smile, but her heart was full of distress.

(End of this chapter)

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