cute in his palm

Chapter 1462 Get used to having you around

Chapter 1462 Get used to having you around

Jiang Dinghe looked at the old lady and smiled. "Grandma, your grandson and I rely on this figure to make a living. If you are too fat, you won't be able to be a supermodel."

Jiang Dinghe's words were completely teasing and joking.

The old lady didn't bother to talk to him either.

"You, you are so young, what kind of supermodel do you still want to be? After so many years, you must give young people some opportunities." The old lady said calmly. In her opinion, this model is a As a young man, the third child is almost thirty, and fighting for jobs with a bunch of young people all day long is not very exciting, so it is better to retire and return to the company to help.

It is quite tiring for the Jiang family to rely on the second child to manage alone. Although there are four brothers, none of them is willing to join the company to help him.

Jiang Dinghe said that he wanted to be a model, so the old lady was the most supportive of him at that time. He was still young at that time, not even eighteen years old. Now that he has been in the modeling industry for ten years, it should be enough.

In the eyes of the old lady, when a man reaches his thirties, he should put his family first, and then develop a long-term career.

Although the old lady doesn't interfere with the children's private affairs, she still cares about their future.

It should be time for Jiang Dinghe to start a family and start a business, and he is no longer at the age of playing around.

"Grandma, are you disliking me for being old?" Jiang Dinghe looked at the old lady in surprise and said.

The old lady spoke directly without hesitation. "I'm already old, so I'm still a teenager?"

Well, what the old lady said really hurt, it turned out that she was really disgusted by grandma.

"Grandma, I get it. I'm still just a fresh meat, but I'm so old that I'm disgusted by you. Grandma, you know that I will be very sad when I am like this, and you will lose me very easily." Jiang Dinghe began It's cute.

The old lady glanced at him. "That's just right. Go out and bring me a granddaughter-in-law. I'll be happy in this way."

Jiang Dinghe's little tricks, Mrs. Jiang doesn't like it, it's an enemy.

"Well, okay, I will definitely bring you one back, no matter what kind you like." Jiang Dinghe said with a smile, he already knew the candidate for the old lady's granddaughter-in-law, and there was only one number .

Xu Yanke has always been his best candidate.

Apart from this woman, he really hadn't thought about which woman he would marry.

Now it depends on whether this woman is willing to marry him. You must know that Xu Yanke is planning not to marry for the rest of her life, which is quite a headache.

"It seems that you know what's in your heart?" Is the old lady shrewd?Seeing Jiang Dinghe's expression, he immediately started talking.

Jiang Dinghe smiled mysteriously. "It's counted, but it's not the time yet."

"It's because I haven't chased him yet." The old lady said sharply.

Mu Jiu immediately looked at the old lady with admiration. Sure enough, Jiang Dinghe was still old and hot. Originally, she was worried that Jiang Dinghe would directly say Xu Yanke's name, and then the old lady couldn't sit still and asked her about Xu Yanke. or directly ask people to investigate her information, no matter what, it is not good for Xu Yanke.

"Grandma, you look down on me so much?" Jiang Dinghe looked at the old lady with a hurt expression.

"Okay, you brought the person in front of me, I can see it again, otherwise stop talking nonsense, eat something quickly, and then go to sleep earlier." The old lady said no more, and ended this topic .

Of the four grandchildren, to be honest, the third child is the most noisy and worrisome. From birth to now, there has never been a day when people can rest assured.

Originally, when he was admitted to university, he didn't go to school well and had to become a model, so the old lady could only acquiesce and agree, not wanting him to regret it for the rest of his life.

When a child grows up, as long as he does not go astray in violation of laws and disciplines, the elders can only let them do what they want to do at the right time, otherwise they will regret it when they grow up.

After eating, the father and son went back to the room to rest one after another. Mu Jiu and the old lady stayed behind and told the kitchen to pack their lunch and send it to the hospital.

There are still three people in the hospital who want to eat. Let them eat from the restaurant outside. How can there be clean and nutritious food at home?

"Grandma, you should go to rest too. I'm here, so I'll just watch." Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and said, it hurts her to let an elderly person still worry about Mu Jiu here.

"I'll go to rest later, I won't pack it right away." The old lady said gently.

Mu Jiu didn't say much anymore, the old lady always did what she wanted to do.

After the two of them finished their work, they asked the housekeeper to send their lunch to the hospital, and Mu Jiu helped the old lady to go back to her room to rest.

"Grandma, let me help you into the room and have a good rest. You have worried a lot these past two days, and you didn't sleep well last night." Mu Jiu helped her in, and said as she walked.

"You're talking about me, you didn't sleep well, so you can go upstairs and sleep for a while while Tianen is taking a nap." The old lady told Mu Jiu.

In this big family, there still needs to be women, otherwise it will be a bunch of men who can't even take care of themselves.

"Okay, grandma, I understand. You go into the room first, and I'll go to rest right away." Mu Jiu agreed to the old lady's request. Although she really didn't want to go to sleep now, she didn't want to worry the old lady, so she agreed to go upstairs to rest first.

"Well, go up, Xiao Jiu." The old lady looked at her and said with a smile.

"Okay." Mu Jiu nodded and turned to go upstairs.

Mu Jiu thought that Jiang Dingcheng had fallen asleep, so when he entered the room, he found that he had been standing by the window, and his figure looked a little lonely.

"Dingcheng, why don't you sleep?" Mu Jiu walked directly behind Jiang Dingcheng, wrapped his arms around his waist, and asked him in a low voice.

"Wait for you." Jiang Dingcheng turned around and hugged her quietly in his arms, then said softly with his chin on the top of her head.

"Wait for me?" Mu Jiu said with a soft smile.

"Well, Mrs. Jiang now I can't sleep without you, what should I do?" Jiang Dingcheng said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

Sometimes, once a habit is formed, it is very difficult to quit.

"Okay, go to sleep now, if you don't sleep anymore, your eyes will be bloodshot, understand?" Mu Jiu said distressedly.

"Okay, with Mrs. Jiang by my side, I can fall asleep in peace. Let's go." Jiang Dingcheng picked up Mu Jiu and walked directly to the big bed.

Mu Jiu lay down obediently, and then patted his pillow. "Go to sleep, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything, he went up to sleep beside her with a smile on his lips, and then gently hugged her in his arms, it's really nice to have a little wife in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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