cute in his palm

Chapter 1477 Don't chase too closely

Chapter 1477 Don't chase too closely

The emotion on Xu Yanke's face was clearly written with a few words: I am very unhappy.

Mu Jiu understood at a glance.

I already knew that if Jiang Dinghe went to pick up Xu Yanke, she would definitely be unhappy, and now she must have guessed right, you can tell by seeing her expression like this.

It looks very unhappy.

Mu Jiu also felt a little unhappy, but she understood Xu Yanke's temper, she didn't want to talk too much now, she was really angry, so she couldn't persuade her too much, just let her calm down.

So I'm going to pour a glass of juice for her. "Coco, sit down for a while, I'll pour you two glasses of juice."

Then Mu Jiu walked to Jiang Dinghe's side, where this guy poured water to drink.

"Third brother, what's the matter? You weren't asked to pick up Keke. Why did you make him so unhappy? This is the first time I've seen Keke so angry." Mu Jiu asked him directly.

In fact, you don't need to ask too many questions. Xu Yan originally hated Jiang Dinghe, so she would get angry when she saw him. This is a very normal phenomenon.

Xu Yanke has always been such a person who loves and hates very clearly. If she really doesn't like someone, then she will really hate him very much.

In this way, Xu Yan really really hates Jiang Dinghe.

Originally, Mu Jiu was quite optimistic about the two of them.

Now it seems that this matter has to be carefully considered.

Even if outsiders feel that the two of them are suitable, as long as they themselves don't feel suitable, no matter how much others say or do, it will be in vain, and the worst thing is that their relationship with friends will be affected.

Therefore, Mu Jiu no longer intends to force the two of them to be together.

Let everything go with the flow, if the two of them feel suitable and willing to be together, then be together, this is their own business.

If they don't want to be together, the people next to them can't force them to be together.

Forcibly twisted melons are not sweet, and if they are bound together forcibly, there will be no feelings. Mu Jiu knows this best.

"Second sister-in-law, you know that too, but she has always disliked me very much. When she saw that it was me, her whole face turned black. I drove all the way there, but she gave me bad face. You want to drive me away with an angry look on your face, you say I'm really... so sad." Jiang Dinghe said aggrieved.

Thinking of the excitement on the way to Xu Yanke just now, that is the girl he likes, so naturally he is very happy.

It's just that when he saw Xu Yanke's darkened face, all his excitement disappeared in an instant.

Because Xu Yanke said it directly. "Why are you here?"

That tone, that expression, how disgusting he is.

Jiang Dinghe is also a person with self-respect. You have to know how many women lined up to show affection to him. He has to use his hot face to stick Xu Yanke's cold ass.

But when he thought about it later, this woman was the only woman who made his heart fall in love and want to marry.

Of course you can't give up.

So I bit the bullet and leaned forward and explained.

"Ke Ke, I just want to come pick you up, because I care about you and don't want you to have an accident." Jiang Dinghe said very sincerely.

Xu Yanke actually annoys him like this. You have to know how many men who pursued her have gone away with her temper like hers, but only Jiang Dinghe, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, came up again and again to make her She does whatever she wants.

For a moment, Xu Yanke felt a little soft-hearted.

This man, why can't he leave her and give up on her like other men?

Xu Yan doesn't like dealing with feelings, because it's too troublesome in her opinion.

"Second sister-in-law, I don't think I did anything wrong, but she is the woman I like, so I should pick her up, even if she hates me, I'm willing to put my face on her face to make her hate me, isn't that okay? " Jiang Dinghe said a little uncomfortable, but when he looked in Xu Yanke's direction, he immediately softened.

Mu Jiu could tell that Jiang Dinghe was really in love with Xu Yanke.

It's just that I don't like so many roses, but I like Xu Yanke's thorny cactus, which requires a lot of effort.

Inexplicably sympathized with him.

Sure enough, this is God's test for him, who made his private life too chaotic before?

"That's right, but it takes a lot of hard work." Mu Jiu said with a sigh.

As Xu Yanke's good friend, she naturally hopes that her friend can be truly happy.

If Jiang Dinghe can be in love with her and bring her happiness, that would be good.

"Of course I have worked hard. I have never worked so hard to pursue a woman." Jiang Dinghe felt a little wronged when he said this.

Hey, thinking of him trying so hard to like someone, what he got in return was rejection time and time again, which is really uncomfortable.

"However, when you are pursuing someone, you have to do what you like and pay attention to the method. You don't like being pushed too hard, you have to be clear about this." Mu Jiu reminded him.

Xu Yanke has always hated others paying too much attention to her affairs, and then kept forcing her to do things she was unwilling to do. Just like Jiang Dinghe's high-profile pursuit, she was already a little annoyed.

Jiang Dinghe suddenly came to his senses. "So what the second sister-in-law means is, let me dry the cocoa for a while?"

What's the matter, there is no way to communicate with him.

Mu Jiu glared at him directly. "Take your time to realize that I can't help you with this matter, and you must always remember that I will always stand on Coco's side, so if you really do something to hurt Coco, then Don't be afraid that I'm being rude."

This is Mu Jiu's warning to him, just to let Jiang Dinghe understand that Xu Yan has a back mountain to rely on.

Xu Yanke has suffered a lot since childhood, and the Xu family has always treated her very badly. If she hadn't been with her aunt since she was a child, she doesn't know what would have happened.

Therefore, she has never longed for things like marriage and family.

Once a man pursues her, he will do everything possible to drive him away.

Jiang Dinghe is an anomaly.

It was also unexpected.

From Xu Yanke's point of view, men these days basically only have a third of enthusiasm for pursuing women, and they will give up if they can't catch up with them or take advantage of them, no matter how beautiful that woman is.

And Xu Yanke has been using such a cold attitude to drive away the men who chased her one after another, and she is often upset.

One came and one left, ten came and ten were angry and left, all saying that she was a proud woman.

Only close friends and relatives know that Xu Yanke has never been arrogant, and she can even put down her figure to intercede for them. In the past when she was in school, Guan Xiaotong was so troublesome that she almost got expelled from the school, and she was afraid of letting the officials Know, so freaked out.

(End of this chapter)

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