cute in his palm

Chapter 1478 Not suitable for marriage

Chapter 1478 Not suitable for marriage
At that time, they were just in their sophomore year, and if they were expelled, it would really be over.

At that time, Guan Xiaotong was completely terrified, and she didn't dare to let the officials come forward. You must know that her grandpa and the others would talk to her death, saying that she had ruined the reputation of the officials and so on.

It was Xu Yanke who begged the principal to let Guan Xiaotong go, and the price was to be a free boxing coach for the affiliated high school for a month. At that time, Xu Yanke's level of boxing had already participated in some amateur boxing exercises Those who have won some awards, and professional boxing martial arts groups wanted her to join the group, but she refused them all.

The reason is that you don't want people to control and restrain you.

The physical education teacher and director of the high school had approached Xu Yanke before, hoping that she could come forward to teach the students how to raise their fists, defend themselves and strengthen their bodies.

They were all rejected by Xu Yanke.

This time the reason is simpler, I don't like dealing with children.

Xu Yanke has always been a maverick. Apart from getting along with a few of their girlfriends, she basically doesn't make friends and doesn't go to group activities. Besides, she is the daughter of the Xu family, so the school can't force her to do anything.

Coincidentally, because of Guan Xiaotong's matter, she begged the principal for the first time.

The headmaster is also an old fox, how can he let it go.

So Xu Yanke agreed to the principal's request on the condition that he let go of Guan Xiaotong, and went to the high school attached to Huai University to teach the children how to raise fists for a month.

For this reason, he also provoked the likes of Zi Yimei Nennei's elementary school brother, of course, that's a later story.

Mu Jiu thinks about this now, just to prove that Xu Yanke is not a woman who can only be arrogant and cold, and they think she is like that, just because they don't know her.

"Second sister-in-law, what do you want me to do? I have never liked someone so much." Jiang Dinghe murmured, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

I never knew that it would be such a painful thing to love someone but never get her response.


"Dinghe, to be honest, I hope you can be with Keke. After all, it's hard for her to live alone, but if you can't love her wholeheartedly and give her happiness, I hope Don't provoke her, she is already suffering so much, I don't want you to make her suffer even more." Mu Jiu said looking in Xu Yanke's direction.

Xu Yanke sat there quietly, her slender legs crossed gently, and although her delicate and beautiful face was much calmer, her brows were still frowning, showing that she was really unhappy.

If Jiang Dinghe's approach would only increase Xu Yanke's troubles, she didn't want things to continue like this.

I would rather Jiang Dinghe struggle in the pain of a broken relationship that ended before it even started, than let Xu Yanke suffer a little bit of injury, that's all.

"Second sister-in-law, I understand what you said, don't worry, I really love Keke, that's why I put up with her like this, so naturally I won't let her get hurt in the slightest." Jiang Dinghe's words were very emphatic Sincerely.

It was very useful to Mu Jiu's ears. After all, there is someone who loves Xu Yanke so much, which is also a good thing for her.

"Okay, I won't take too much care of your affairs, you can figure it out, anyway, I only have one request, don't hurt Ke Ke." Mu Jiu said it again very seriously.

Jiang Dinghe nodded obediently. "Second sister-in-law can rest assured about this. Only Keke can hurt me, and I promise I won't hurt her."

Mu Jiu stopped hearing that he was poor, and smiled. "I'll bring the juice to Ke Ke, you can bake something delicious later." After speaking, Mu Jiu walked towards Xu Yanke with two glasses of juice.

"Cocoa, orange juice, your favorite drink." Mu Jiu handed a glass of orange juice in front of Xu Yanke and said.

Xu Yanke took the juice, took a sip, and then looked at Mu Jiu. "Is it you or Jiang Dingcheng who asked Jiang Dinghe to pick me up?"

Mu Jiu was taken aback when she heard such a direct question, and then smiled.

"Is it me or the Dingcheng, what's the difference?" Mu Jiu looked at Xu Yanke and asked.

"Of course there is a difference, but if you ask like this, I also know that it was Jiang Dingcheng who called, and he was the one who answered the phone." Xu Yanke said lightly.

Mu Jiu smiled, since Xu Yanke said that, what else could she say?

Xu Yanke has always been a smart person, there are many things that only she doesn't want to know, there is nothing she doesn't know, this is especially clear to Mu Jiu.

"I'm a little surprised. When did Jiang Dingcheng start gossiping like this, and he actually became a matchmaker." Xu Yanke said with a cold smile.

Mu Jiu could hear the irony in her words.

Indeed, with Jiang Dingcheng's always cold and unkind image, it's hard to imagine that one day he would gossip.

Mu Jiu laughed when she heard Xu Yanke's adjective.

Sure enough, this is the style of Xu Yanke's speech, the description is too apt.

"He just wants his brother to be happy too. Normally, he never does such a thing." Mu Jiu clarified very seriously.

Jiang Dingcheng is not a person who is really keen on gossip, he just helps out by the way.

"I know, you protect Jiang Dingcheng so much, it's really... okay, let's just let this matter go, and I won't be angry with you and Boss Jiang again." Xu Yanke said after taking another sip of juice.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she felt relieved.

But also not too happy.

"Coco, don't you really think about..."

"Xiao Jiu, I know what you want to say. Getting married and forming a family is not in my life plan, and even if I want to find a partner, it will definitely not be Jiang Dinghe. This not suitable for marriage. "Xu Yanke said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Jiu wanted to say something, but couldn't say a word.

She is not Xu Yanke, after all, she understands how deep her resentment towards her family is.

Just like other people are not her, and they can't know how uncomfortable the pain of being abandoned by their biological mother is.

As long as Xu Yanke lives happily, many things will be fine.

"Ke Ke, I only want you to be happy, I will never force you to do other things." Mu Jiu said sincerely.

In her opinion, the friendship with Xu Yanke is the most important, who cares about Jiang Dinghe's mood.

"Xiao Jiu, don't do such a stupid thing again next time. By the way, let me mention to Mr. Jiang that being a matchmaker is really not suitable for him." Xu Yanke said calmly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled, a kind of friend's relieved smile.

They don't need too many words between each other to understand each other.

"I see, he is really not suitable for such a thing, I will let him pay more attention." Mu Jiu said seriously.

These words softened the expression on Xu Yanke's face a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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