cute in his palm

Chapter 1486 Kiss directly

Chapter 1486 Kiss directly

Although Mu Jiu heard about this for the first time, she probably guessed what it was, hence the name Siyi, which means that one can climb to the top to see the stars.

Then I looked up and saw that it was like a water tower by the sea, about [-] meters high, and the white one was very beautiful.

I have never noticed such a thing in the villa complex.

It's really amazing. When I saw it, Mu Jiu was very amazing, and the whole person was in an excited mood.

"It's so beautiful." Mu Jiu sighed sincerely.

This thing looks so beautiful.

The white tower and the pale yellow lights look extraordinarily charming.

It's so beautiful you can't take your eyes off it.

Mu Jiu has never seen such a white tower before, and has seen it many times in movies. She has an indescribable feeling for the white tower by the sea.

In short, I like it very much.

Now that she could actually see it in reality, it naturally made her mood even more puffed up.

"Do you like it?" Looking at her like this, Jiang Dingcheng knew that he must like her.

It seems that this approach is right, and bringing her here is to give her such a surprise.

In fact, he also found out that this white tower has not been a few days. Blue Bay is very big. This white tower happens to be on the other side. From a distance, he thought it was a public building outside Blue Bay, just like a signal tower by the sea. Unintentionally Only then did I realize that this is the White Tower in Blue Bay, and all owners can come and visit it.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng decided to take this opportunity to take Mu Jiu to have a look.

Knowing that she likes to look at things from a high place, it happens that this [-]-meter-tall tower allows her to look down on the entire coastal area, and the scenery should be particularly charming.

"Of course I like it. It's really beautiful. Do you know Dingcheng? I used to like the white tower like this when I saw it on TV. Now I can climb it by myself. This feeling is really wonderful. It's unbelievable." Song Sinuo looked at Jiang Dingcheng seriously and said.

Seeing her happy face, Jiang Dingcheng's heart was relieved.

"Let's go, let's go up and have a look, 20 meters high, can you climb it?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her a little worried.

Mu Jiu was already excited when she saw the top of the white pagoda, how could she be unhappy?

I was so happy, so there is nothing terrible about being only 20 meters high, isn't it just seven or eight floors high?She can still climb up.

"Of course it's possible. Don't worry, I won't hold you back." Mu Jiu said confidently, and raised her eyebrows at him, which was regarded as provocation.

In order to see the beautiful scenery, Mu Jiu is quite happy with this small sacrifice.

When Jiang Dingcheng saw the provocation of the little woman, he immediately laughed. She was indeed his little wife, and he appreciated such an unyielding spirit. "Is it really possible?"

"Of course, let's go." Mu Jiu reached out and opened the white gate of the White Tower.

You have to climb the spiral stairs from inside to go up.

There are lights inside, white energy-saving lamps, so the light is not very bright.

"Jiu'er, before you leave, don't be afraid that I will be behind you." Jiang Dingcheng said to his little wife.

Mu Jiu looked back at him. "Mr. Jiang, please trust Mrs. Jiang. Mrs. Jiang is a very brave person. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Well, Mrs. Jiang has said so, and Mr. Jiang can't keep doubting anything.

"Okay, you go up and I'll follow you." Jiang Dingcheng followed her closely.

The two slowly climbed to the top of the tower.

The moment the door was pushed open, a strong sea breeze blew in, almost knocking Mu Jiu over.

"Jiu'er, slow down, are you okay?" Jiang Dingcheng hurried forward and put his arms around his wife's waist, then asked her worriedly.

Mu Jiu returned him a shallow smile, hoping that he could rest assured. "It's okay, you see I'm fine like this, what can happen? It's just that the door suddenly opened, and the sea breeze was a bit strong."

"Okay, it's fine." Jiang Dingcheng didn't mean to let go of her, but came out with his arms around her.

The top of the tower is not very wide, about five or six square meters, but it is enough for the two of them to stand on.

"Dingcheng, look at the sea view in the distance is so beautiful." Mu Jiu pointed to the sea in the distance and said.

At this time, the moon just rose, and when the silver moonlight fell on the sea, the wind blew, and the silver light shone, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

Of course it is beautiful, but the most beautiful scenery is by his side.

In Jiang Dingcheng's eyes, no scenery can be more beautiful than the woman beside him.

"It's really beautiful." Jiang Dingcheng hugged her in his arms and asked her in a low voice. "Cold?"

Mu Jiu smiled and shook her head. "It's not cold, it's just that the wind is a bit strong."

In fact, she is a bit cold. The sea breeze blows on her body at this time is still cold, but with the beautiful scenery and the company of her lover, no matter how cold the wind is, it is not cold to her.

There is a kind of warmth that comes from the bottom of my heart.

This is warmer than any thick cotton coat.

Mu Jiu now feels that this feeling is really great, very good.

Jiang Dingcheng felt her body trembling slightly, knowing that she was cold, so he opened his coat directly, and then gently hugged her into his arms.

"It won't be cold this way." Jiang Shaoqing said softly, resting his chin on her shoulder.

Mu Jiu laughed, she could feel his heartbeat on her back, it was so direct and warm.

"Dingcheng, you see there are meteors passing by." Mu Jiuding stood there, watching a few meteors falling from the sky and said to Jiang Dingcheng happily.

"Hurry up, close your eyes and make a wish. Make a wish on the shooting star, but it will come true." Mu Jiu urged him.

What wish would you make on a shooting star?
He never believed in such a thing.

It is better to believe in himself than to believe in heaven and earth.

And now that the woman he loves the most is in his arms, what else can he yearn for from God?
But the little woman in her arms was making a wish with a pious and earnest face, clasped her hands together, and muttered something silently.

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't hear clearly, but he probably knew what it was reading.

"I made a promise, how about you? Did you make a promise?" Mu Jiu said after making a wish, looking back at him.

"What wish did you make?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

She looked up at him, then smiled. "you guess."

"I should be the same as what I promised." Jiang Dingcheng said with guise.

"Then, what did you promise?"

"Do you really want to know?" Jiang Dingcheng looked into her eyes and said with a smile.

Mu Jiu nodded obediently. "certainly."

"Okay, let me tell you, my wish will come true right away." After saying that, Jiang Dingcheng leaned over, captured her tender lips accurately, and kissed them directly.

(End of this chapter)

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