cute in his palm

Chapter 1487 The child is innocent

Chapter 1487 The child is innocent

Jiang Dingcheng's itinerary to Italy is set, three days later, so there are still many important things to come to tell Chi Heyu, he is going to Italy, in addition to bringing some of his own people, he also needs to bring Chi Heyu's people, they are Well-trained elites are more useful.

Otherwise, Yuanfa can protect him.

"Second brother, do you really want to go to Italy yourself?" Chi Heyu asked him hesitantly.

In fact, this matter is very dangerous, especially for Jiang Dingcheng, who is their target, they are here for him.

Therefore, once Jiang Dingcheng showed his face, it would definitely cause trouble.

Chi Heyu is quite clear about this.

If possible, Chi Heyu doesn't want him to go in person, it's fine to leave this task to others.

"No, I want to go in person. An Tenglong and Cheng Mingfeng are there. Don't worry if I don't go." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

For him, the reason for meeting them in person was to solve the problem once and for all.

If the two troubles of Cheng Mingfeng and An Tenglong are not resolved sooner, it will be difficult for him to feel at ease.

So it must be dealt with cleanly this time.

If he didn't go in person, how could he feel at ease?

Moreover, it is also dangerous for others to solve this matter.

He can't let others take risks just because he is worried that something will happen to him. Others also have their lives.

"After all, I want to deal with this matter myself." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng say this, Chi Heyu understood his feelings.

If he really doesn't let him go, he will definitely not feel relieved, so he won't say any more. Generally, no one can stop what Jiang Dingcheng decides to do.

"Second brother, if you need any help, just tell me directly, or I will go with you." Chi Heyu said worriedly.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Dingcheng shook his head directly. After all, this matter is still his private matter, and Chi Heyu cannot be brought along with him.

This time, no one knows how dangerous it is.

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't let his brother take risks.

"No need, you are fine at home. Jiu'er and Xiaobao also need someone to take care of them. By the way, I told Jiu'er that I was going on a business trip when I went to Italy. We must not let her know that I am looking for An Tenglong and Cheng Mingfeng, otherwise, she would be worried, and I don't want her to worry." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

Chi Heyu frowned when he heard this.

What does this mean? Jiang Dingcheng’s real purpose of going to Italy has not been told to Mu Jiu. Mu Jiu was worried.

Chi Heyu can understand.

"But, second brother, if you hide it from my second sister-in-law like this, if something happens accidentally... it will only make second sister-in-law even more worried, and she will definitely be angry when she finds out the truth in the future. "Chi Heyu kindly reminded Jiang Dingcheng.

The two of them are husband and wife, some things can be concealed, but some things are better to be said directly.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me. Jiu'er will be angry in the future. It's better than letting her know that she has been worrying about me." Jiang Dingcheng has completely thought about how angry Mu Jiu will be when he knows the truth. of.

Even if she was angry, she couldn't let her know the situation now, otherwise, she would definitely be worried all the time.

"There is nothing wrong with this, second brother, I will send the best elite of the Ye family to accompany you there, they will protect your safety, don't worry." Chi Heyu said seriously.

Although this is the case, once a person arrives in Italy and enters the territory of the Mafia, things will change a lot.

Chi Heyu couldn't guarantee it [-]%.

"He Yu, I entrust you to take care of things at home." Jiang Dingcheng wasn't worried about himself, instead he was worried about Mu Jiu and the child.

However, no matter how you say this is in the country and still in Huaicheng, as long as there are people from the Ye family, he doesn't have to worry too much.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law and the child, don't worry, I will be watched 24 hours a day, absolutely nothing will happen." Chi Heyu assured.

He can guarantee this matter completely, so he agreed easily.

"By the way, Su Luotong also needs to send someone to watch. She has Cheng Mingfeng's child in her belly, and she lives in Lanwan." Jiang Dingcheng originally didn't want to tell about Su Luotong's pregnancy with Cheng Mingfeng's child, but The current situation is a bit special, so I can't allow him to say nothing.

As soon as Chi Heyu heard this, he really frowned, and looked at him in surprise.

"Second brother, I heard you right, Su Luotong is pregnant with Cheng Mingfeng's child and still lives in Lanwan, what's going on?" Chi Heyu asked Jiang Dingcheng puzzled.

Although I think it is not surprising that Su Luotong is pregnant with Cheng Mingfeng's child, but living in Lanwan is a bit strange.

Jiang Dingcheng roughly explained what happened before, and Chi Heyu finally understood.

"Second sister-in-law really doesn't care about past suspicions." Chi Heyu said helplessly.

"However, I know that Su Luotong has always hated the second sister-in-law very much and regarded her as an enemy. Now that the second sister-in-law is kind enough to take her in, will she be grateful?" Chi Heyu said seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng shook his head uncertainly.

Regarding Su Luotong, he has never had a good impression of this woman, especially she has never treated Mu Jiu badly, like an enemy.

Although I specially invited him and Mu Jiu to dinner a few days ago, it's a thank you.

But people can pretend, it is easy to pretend to be a good person.

When he was away, I still hoped that Mu Jiu could be more vigilant, and didn't want Mu Jiu to be hurt by her own kindness. Mu Jiu's kindness was something that Jiang Dingcheng had always supported.

"So, I hope you can also send someone to secretly protect your second sister-in-law and your child. Even Su Luotong must be on guard against her. I'm not sure what this woman is thinking now. Jiu'er is looking at the child in her stomach." He insisted on taking them in for the sake of innocence." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

Although he thinks his wife's actions are stupid, but he never directly refuses what Mu Jiu wants to do, he will only guide her well and help her avoid danger as much as possible.

"If Su Luotong really dares to hurt Jiu'er and the child, then don't be polite. Jiu'er thinks that the child in her belly is innocent, but I don't think so." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

In his view, all children are innocent, depending on the depth of the evil their parents have done.

(End of this chapter)

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