cute in his palm

Chapter 1501 Will You Forgive Her?

Chapter 1501 Will You Forgive Her?

Tao Shuqin looked at Mu Liangchen quietly, hoping that the answer he gave was not particularly cruel. If so, she would still have a chance to communicate with this son properly.

Otherwise, she will never be able to recognize her children in this life.

Sure enough, who will God spare?
Those who have done bad things will eventually be rewarded.

Now, she, Tao Shuqin, has finally been punished, so what else can she expect?

"Aunt Shang, I don't know what it means for you to ask me this matter now, but I can only say that I don't have a deep memory of my mother leaving us. I was young at that time." Mu Liangchen was silent for a long time before slowly Open your mouth and say.

Hearing this, Tao Shuqin's dead heart suddenly came back to life.

Therefore, Mu Liangchen simply couldn't remember, and didn't resent her like Mu Jiu did.

If this is the case, she still has a chance.

"Liangchen, let me ask you a question, if your mother came back, would you still recognize her?" Tao Shuqin asked cautiously, even her voice trembled slightly, but she tried her best to conceal it well, Mu Liangchen didn't discover anything.

Hearing Tao Shuqin's words, Mu Liangchen fell silent all of a sudden.

He really thought about this question.

He didn't hate his mother like Mu Jiu did, but he didn't directly forgive her for abandoning them either.

She did nothing wrong with divorcing a husband she didn't love.

She was not wrong to leave the child behind.

But it was her fault that she didn't ask or hear about it in the past 20 years.

If, even if she came back now, Mu Liangchen would not forgive her directly.

"Aunt Shang, I think this matter is my private matter, so I can't answer it." Mu Liangchen twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

Tao Shuqin's mind sank, she probably knew what Mu Liangchen was thinking, and she didn't want to mention her any more, probably because she hated her.

It is probably impossible to get forgiveness from a pair of children.

"Good day, I passed it, it doesn't matter if you don't answer." Tao Shuqin said quietly.

Obviously, there was a sense of loss on his face.

This made Mu Liangchen look a little surprised.

I don't know why Tao Shuqin is so lost.

"Aunt Shang, is there something you want to tell me?" Mu Liangchen said while staring into Tao Shuqin's eyes.

For some reason, he felt that the merchant's aunt was a little strange.

"I don't have anything else, I just want to ask you what you think of your mother, and of course I want to ask how your surgery is going. I heard that you went to the United States to undergo heart surgery before, and it should be very successful. Let's go." Tao Shuqin changed the subject a bit.

She probably knew that Mu Liangchen didn't have much interest in talking about his biological mother, so she turned away.

Let's talk about this matter later.

Anyway, now that she's back, there's plenty of time.

"Thank you, Aunt Shang, for your concern. My surgery was successful and I'm recovering very well, so now I just need to rest." Mu Liangchen looked at Tao Shuqin and said.

No matter what purpose this woman has, Mu Liangchen is still very grateful that she really cares about his body.

"It's good that the operation is successful, and the body should rest well." Tao Shuqin said with a smile.

It's hard to laugh.

Now her mood is a little complicated.

My daughter hates me, but my son doesn't want to admit it.

Did she really want to die with regret like this?

Her son's heart disease was actually inherited from her. She had a bad heart. When she went to France, she had a heart attack. It was Shang Yehua who accompanied her to undergo heart surgery.

Therefore, the reason why she has not been allowed to have children is because she is afraid that her heart will not be able to bear the burden.

At that time, the lives of both the child and the mother will be in danger.

But now besides her heart problem, she has other illnesses, and she can no longer be operated on.

The only way out is to die.

Tao Shuqin's only wish is to be forgiven by her sons and daughters.

Now it seems that I'm afraid I can't.

"Aunt Shang, are you alright?" Mu Liangchen asked directly, looking at her distressed expression.

Tao Shuqin came back to her senses and smiled at him. "I'm fine, don't worry, it's almost time, you go first, we'll talk again when we have a chance."

When Tao Shuqin got up, Mu Liangchen didn't say anything more, but just told her to be careful.

Tao Shuqin left for a long time, while Mu Liangchen was still sitting there, the coffee in front of him was completely cold, he took a sip of the cold and bitter one, and asked someone to change another cup.

"Sir, is that lady your mother or sister?" The waiter asked boldly when he brought over the coffee.

"Huh?" Mu Liangchen didn't realize it for a while, and didn't know why he asked like this.

"Excuse me sir, it doesn't matter if you don't want to answer, my colleagues and I think you two are very similar, but that lady looks too young, so we bet is it your sister or your mother?" The waiter hurriedly explained .

Mu Liangchen paused.

Does he look like the merchant's aunt?


"You all guessed wrong, we have nothing to do with each other, she is just the aunt of a friend of mine." After speaking, Mu Liangchen looked at her and smiled slightly.

Wow, this man is really handsome.

Especially when you laugh.

The waiter said sorry and ran away blushing.

After Mu Liangchen took a sip of hot coffee, he picked up his phone.

"Dad, do you still have a picture of Mom?"


When Mu Jiu brought the little guy back home, the little guy had already fallen asleep lying on his mother's body, and the aunt came out to greet them and quickly hugged the little guy off Mu Jiu's body.

"Ma'am, you're back, Xiaobao must be very heavy to hold." The aunt said while looking at Mu Jiu while holding Xiaobao.

"Well, a little bit, the little guy is getting heavier and heavier." Mu Jiu shook his hand and said.

It is indeed a little sour.

It seems that I have to push a small cart when I go out in the future, just throw the little guy inside and push it.

"Xiaobao is growing up. Madam is having dinner with Young Master Mu today. Are you happy?" the auntie asked Xiaobao as she walked into the house while holding her in her arms.

When Mu Jiu heard it, she laughed.

"I haven't seen my brother for some days, and he looks much better." Mu Jiu is happy that his brother's physical condition has recovered very well.

This is what Mu Jiu would like to see.

She hoped that her brother would be fine.

I can walk with her for the rest of my life.

"Then you can invite Master Mu to have dinner at home when you have time. It can be seen that the relationship between your brother and sister is really good." The aunt said with a smile.

Mu Jiu smiled happily. "Of course, it's good that my brother and I have a small relationship. Who made us twins? It's better than ordinary siblings." Mu Jiu said proudly.

Hearing this, the aunt laughed even more happily.

Ever since my husband went on a business trip to Italy, he has never been so happy to see his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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