cute in his palm

Chapter 1502 Seeing You Tired

Chapter 1502 Seeing You Tired

Auntie walked behind Mu Jiu.

"Ma'am, why don't you check the time one day, we invite Master Mu to come to our house for dinner, and I will let the kitchen prepare the dishes that Master Mu likes in advance, what do you think?" Auntie looked at Mu Jiu and said.

The reason why I proposed this way is simply to hope that my wife can be happier.

It can be seen that when the wife is with her brother, she will be in a much brighter mood.

As long as the wife is happy, she will be able to relax more during the period when the husband is away.

"Well, that's fine. I'll make an appointment with my brother. Now he's studying to take over the Mu family, and he's very tired and busy. He hasn't had the operation for a long time, so he shouldn't be too tired. He should be allowed to relax. " Mu Jiu agreed with Auntie's proposal very much.

Especially when I had dinner with my brother just now, seeing him tired and thin, my heart ached.

The elder brother started to work in Mu's without much rest.

Mu Jiu suddenly felt that it seemed unfair to his brother to do this, and let a person who had just had the operation take over a company. Although Mu's is not a big company, there are still many things that need to be managed.

There are many things to do.

So, it takes a lot of energy.

Brother's body should take a good rest for a while.

"Master Mu's body has not fully recovered after the operation, so he shouldn't be too tired. I will ask the kitchen to prepare a few medicinal dishes to recuperate his body. Madam, what do you think?" Auntie is more considerate. a proposal.

You know, my aunt has been a nanny for many years, and she has helped several families take care of patients before. Although there is no such thing as medicinal food conditioning in Switzerland, they will also add some special ingredients to the food, which is equivalent to domestic ones. Edible Chinese medicine is the same.

So, Auntie thinks like this.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she agreed with Auntie's words.

Diet therapy is a very good way to maintain the body. She can try it for her brother. Anyway, his body is weak, so with diet therapy to nourish his body, he may be able to improve his body.

"Auntie, I agree with what you said. When the time comes, I will ask a Chinese medicine doctor and prescribe some Chinese medicines for my brother to try. Maybe it can really nourish my brother's body." Mu Jiu smiled. Said.

"Yes." Auntie didn't know much about the famous traditional Chinese medicine in Huai City, so she could only say that she couldn't help Mu Jiu much.

"Ma'am, I'll take the little guy upstairs to sleep first." The aunt said, looking at the little guy sleeping in her arms.

Jiang Tianen was tired after going out for a walk.

Mu Jiu looked at his sleeping son, and kissed his little face.

Really a guy who can sleep.


Mu Andong rarely went to his son's room, this was the first time he took the initiative to knock on his son's door.

"Good day, it's me."

"Come in, Dad." Mu Liangchen's voice came.

Mu Andong turned the door and went in.

Seeing that Mu Liangchen was putting down his brush, there was still a few strokes of painting on the easel.

It can be seen that Mu Liangchen simply cannot calm down to draw.

My son's obsession with painting has been revealed since he was a child.

Every time he paints, he can sit quietly and paint for three or four hours. Painting requires patience and stamina. This is what Mu Liangchen does very well. This is why Mu Andong doesn't stop him from painting. He also got a studio for him, although Qin Kefang has always strongly opposed it.

Unlike Mu Jiu, who sits quietly for an hour is considered a long time. Generally, when Mu Jiu designs, she will wake up every half an hour. If she is too fascinated, she will draw continuously for an hour or two, which is quite rare.

Seeing that his son is impatient now, it means that he has something on his mind.

"Liang Chen, did the recent company affairs make you too tired." Mu Andong walked over and looked at his son and said.

"Dad, the company's affairs are fine. Yao Ting has been helping me all the time. I'm actually just studying and don't have much workload. He is more tired than me." Mu Liangchen said the truth.

The reason why Mu's business is so good, Su Yaoting's contribution cannot be overwhelmed.

When Su Yaoting was mentioned, Mu Andong paused for a moment. He had always known that this child was a smart child who valued love and righteousness. If he hadn't joined the Mu Family to help him, Mu Andong himself would have been a little overwhelmed.

To be honest, he was very reluctant to leave Su Yaoting. When he received the news that he was going to leave, Mu Andong felt more uncomfortable than anyone else. Su Yaoting would leave, but before he left, he would teach Mu Liangchen every step of the way, and take over completely. Shi just left.

Mu Andong knew that once he insisted on leaving, no one would be able to keep him away if he really left.

Therefore, he promised to let Su Yaoting go, and he is welcome to return to Mu's whenever he wants.

However, Mu Andong also understood that Su Yaoting's departure this time meant that he would never come back, how deep was his obsession with Mu Jiu, how could Mu Andong not understand?

The girl I like has become a wife and mother, so there is no need to stay.

In fact, he likes Su Yaoting a lot, if he can be with Mu Jiu, he would like to see the two of them get married and have children.

However, Mu Jiu hates Su Yaoting so much, it is impossible for them to be together in this lifetime.

Fortunately, Mu Jiu married Jiang Dingcheng, a man who loved her and doted on her, which was considered to have settled one of his concerns. The biggest debt in this life is this pair of children.

Because he didn't know how to manage at the beginning, his children lost their mothers.

"Liangchen, not long after your operation, you shouldn't be letting you rush to take over the company. I'm afraid you won't be able to take it because you're so tired." Mu Andong said sincerely.

For his son, he really loves him, but he is more in debt.

So I have been thinking about how to make up for it.

"Dad, I know my body well. I have been recuperating in the United States for several months. As long as it is not too tiring, I can still handle it, so it doesn't matter." Mu Liangchen said calmly.

Sooner or later, he still has to take over the company, so it's better to take over sooner.

"It's good that you know it in your heart. You don't need to be too anxious about the company's affairs. It doesn't matter if you start slowly." Mu Andong said with a smile.

"Father I know." Mu Liangchen nodded seriously.

"I see that you haven't drawn for a while, what are you going to draw today?" With only a few strokes, Mu Andong couldn't tell what was drawn.

"It's nothing." Mu Liangchen smiled and shook his head. He originally wanted to try to draw what his mother looked like in his impression, but the three-year-old memory was really too long, so he couldn't remember what his mother was like at all.

"Why don't you take a vacation for yourself, take a good rest for a few days, and find a place to collect wind and relax." Mu Andong looked at him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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