cute in his palm

Chapter 1503 Makes Her Uneasy

Chapter 1503 Makes Her Uneasy

Mu Andong's starting point was good intentions. These days, he saw his son's expression was too dignified, and his face was a little tired. He also learned from the company that Mu Liangchen had been studying all kinds of work very hard when he was in the company, so he put himself It was very tiring.

Mu Andong didn't want his son to have a successful operation, and then get sick again because of exhaustion. Heart disease is not a minor ailment. Once it recurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Holiday?" Mu Liangchen looked at his father in surprise.

It didn't occur to him that he was actually given a vacation. He had only been studying at the company for a few months, and he never thought about a vacation at all.

Don't say that he has a holiday before he has fully mastered it, even if he has fully mastered it, he has no plan to give himself a holiday in a short time.

He joined the company so late, and there is still a lot to learn, so how can he have time for himself?

"Well, take a vacation, take a vacation, and then go to the surrounding places. It's good to stay in a farm with a good scenery for a few days." Mu Andong looked at his son and said.

Mu Liangchen knew that his father was worried that his body would not be able to bear it, so he wanted him to take a few days off to rest, but it was actually not necessary.

"It's okay Dad, I know what's going on with my body. I don't need a vacation. Don't worry, I'm fine." Mu Liangchen said with a smile.

When Mu Andong heard his son say that, he had nothing more to say, but he sighed silently in his heart. This daughter has a temper, and his son's temper is not easy to coax.

Hey, he didn't even know what to say.

"Since this is the case, I won't force you anymore, but you have to remember, if you don't feel well, you must tell me to take a good rest." Mu Andong told him seriously,
Mu Liangchen nodded with a smile. "Don't worry Dad, I know."

"By the way, Liang Chen, you told me before that you wanted a photo of your mother, why did you suddenly think of this?" Mu Andong asked him.

Mu Andong was surprised when he heard Mu Liangchen wanted a photo of his mother on the phone.

These two children have been together for 20 years, and they have never mentioned anything about their mother. Now they suddenly want a photo, which is of course unexpected.

However, he really didn't have a photo of Tao Shuqin.

After the divorce, after Tao Shuqin left, he threw away everything about her in a fit of anger, so he didn't even keep a single photo of Tao Shuqin.

They haven't been in contact once in the past 20 years, and Tao Shuqin has no intention of recognizing these two children, so she doesn't care about them, so why do you want her photo?

Now I want to ask him so suddenly, where did I come from?

It's hard to explain clearly on the phone, so Mu Andong decided to come over and ask his son in person.

What was the reason that made him suddenly want to see Tao Shuqin's photo.

Now that Tao Shuqin is in Huaicheng, what Mu Andong is most worried about is that she will go to Mu Liangchen to recognize his son.

You know, this woman wanted to admit her at Mu Jiu's wedding back then, but luckily he stopped her in time, otherwise something serious would happen.

Therefore, Tao Shuqin must have come back to Huaicheng at this time, she must have plans.

Mu Andong asked someone to check her information. She was married to Shang Yehua from the merchant. She had been living in Lyon, France, and had no children.

Now that he's back, what Mu Andong is worried about is that Tao Shuqin will hit on the two children and run over to recognize each other.

However, since Tao Shuqin showed her face once when Mu Jiu got married, she never appeared in front of Mu's family again, so she was considered acquainted.

In this way, Mu Andong was relieved a lot.

But Mu Andong's heart tightened when he heard his son asked for his mother's photo. Could it be that Mu Andong knew something, or did Tao Shuqin tell him something?

Mu Andong would never let such a thing happen.

Tao Shuqin will not let this pair of children be taken away.

"Well, I just want to see it, Dad, if you don't have it, forget it." Mu Liangchen still said with a smile.

He just didn't want Dad to think too much.

In fact, he was just a temporary idea.

"Liangchen, do you miss your mother?" Mu Andong was silent for a moment, then asked him.

Between father and son, this topic has been avoided all the time.

When they were ignorant when they were young, the two brothers and sisters asked Mu Andong, where did their mother go?

But if he asks once, he will be blackfaced once, and the brother and sister didn't ask any more questions. Gradually, after growing up, they also knew that the two of them were abandoned by their mother forever, including Mu Andong, who were also abandoned together. up.

No matter how old they are, they only know how to hate that woman, especially Mu Jiu, who can't even mention it. Her eyes turn red when she mentions it, and she is full of hatred, especially when she is said to be a child without a mother at school. Nine is the hardest.

"Dad, I never miss her. She didn't want us first. Why do I miss her? I just want to see what she looks like." Mu Liangchen said calmly.

Hearing what his son said, Mu Andong felt a little relieved.

It seems that he really thinks too much.

It is because I care too much about this pair of children that I have such worries.

"I see, there's nothing else to do, you should rest earlier." Mu Andong said no more.

In fact, the son is so old after all, if he really wants to find his mother, or recognize his mother, he can't stop it.

Therefore, whether or not Tao Shuqin should be recognized is the two children's own business. In fact, his father can't do much to stop and decide.

"Good night, Dad." Mu Liangchen looked at Mu Andong and said.

After Mu Andong left, Mu Liangchen glanced at the easel, not thinking about painting any more, so he simply took a shower and prepared to go to bed.

He knew that Mu Andong was actually quite reluctant to let him and his sister bring up the matter of his mother. It could be seen that his father had always hated his mother.


Mu Jiu was a little uneasy these days. Jiang Dingcheng was too busy with work, so the one TV video a day that he had agreed with her before was postponed to three days.

But now that she has been here for three days, she still hasn't received his call or video call. She is a little worried, for fear that something will happen to him personally, but she doesn't want to call at this time for fear of disturbing his work.

After all, he went to work in Italy.

Mu Jiu directly sent a text message, let him call back after seeing it, and then went to Guan Xiaotong not at ease, asking her to find a trustworthy old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to write some health care orders for her brother .

She didn't forget the aunt's previous proposal.

"Auntie, you and Xiaobao are at home. I'll go out and look for Xiaotong, and I'll be back soon." Mu Jiu didn't plan to take Xiaobao out. In such a cold day, the little guy would freeze if he took it out.

"Okay, ma'am, let the driver take it there."

"No need, I can just drive by myself." Mu Jiu is a person who doesn't like to bother others, and now it's convenient to go out by herself and drive by herself in a relaxed suit.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back for dinner tonight." Auntie looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Yeah." Mu Jiu took the bag and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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