cute in his palm

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504

Guan Xiaotong was not in the store, Mu Jiu glanced at the time, it was almost 12 o'clock, it was really strange that the boss was not in the store yet.

Then, he couldn't help but call Guan Xiaotong directly.

After calling for a while, the other end picked up.

"Hey, who is it?" As a result, it was not Guan Xiaotong's voice that came from the other end, but a lazy male voice, indescribably sexy.

Mu Jiu's heart tightened, did she make a mistake?

Taking a look at the phone, it was indeed Guan Xiaotong's number.

Could it be that someone picked up the phone?

However, the man's voice sounded familiar.

Before Mu Jiu could remember whose voice it was, Guan Xiaotong's angry voice came from the other end.

"Gu Xiao, you are sick, who asked you to answer my phone." She just went to take a shower, but she let him answer her phone, did she really think he was her boyfriend?He is nothing.

Hearing Guan Xiaotong's angry voice, Mu Jiu probably understood one thing. It's not wrong that this call is from Guan Xiaotong, but the person answering the phone now is that guy Gu Xiao.

So, the two of them are together?

And with Gu Xiao's tone of just waking up, he can be sure that the two of them slept together again last night.

Guan Xiaotong always said that she had nothing to do with Gu Xiao.

Now there is proof.

People who have nothing to do with each other actually sleep together, how dare you say it's nothing to do with each other?
Sleeping once can be said to be drunk or something.

But this seems to be the second time she caught her by calling, and I don't know how many times this happened among them, so Mu Jiu can be sure of one thing.

The two of them really had an affair.

And it has developed into an unclear relationship.

"That, Xiao Jiu is me." Guan Xiaotong successfully snatched the phone, and said to Mu Jiu panting heavily.

Upon hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled. "I know."

Hearing Mu Jiu's laughter, Guan Xiaotong felt even more guilty.

"Xiaotong, did I call at the wrong time and disturb you?" Mu Jiu didn't directly say what happened to you later.

It's just that it's enough for them to sleep in for two nights. It's 12 o'clock now. If these two people are still in bed, isn't it too much trouble? Are you trying to praise them for their great energy?I still have to say that they are too selfless, and they don't want to get up at this point.

When Mu Jiu paused on purpose, Guan Xiaotong still heard something different, and his face turned red even more disappointingly.

If you want to blame, blame Gu Xiao, a man, he is like a wild wolf.

She had never realized that he was such a person before, but he turned into a beast as soon as he got on the bed, which almost made her overwhelmed.

Now that he answered Mu Jiu's call again, he suddenly had the illusion of being caught and raped.

"Xiao Jiu, look at what you are talking about, why are you bothering me... Well, what do you want from me?" Guan Xiaotong quickly changed the subject, and even stared viciously at the aggrieved Gu Xiao, warn him not to make a sound, or make him look good.

It's too much for this man to answer her phone call boldly.

"Do you have time to come to the store? I'll be waiting for you during the best friend's time. I have something to tell you face to face." Mu Jiu said softly.

If this really disturbs other people's good deeds, it's not a good thing.

"Okay, see you later." Guan Xiaotong hung up the phone hastily, for fear that Mu Jiu would ask more about Gu Xiao.

After throwing down the phone, Guan Xiaotong immediately yelled at Gu Xiao who was still lying on the bed and pretending to be cute. "Gu Xiao, you bastard, who will allow you to answer my phone call?"

Gu Xiao immediately flattened his mouth. "Tongtong, I'm sorry. When the phone rang, I was still sleeping with my eyes closed. I was so tired. Then the phone kept ringing, so I picked it up. I didn't expect it to be your phone, so I just..."

"Tongtong, forgive me, I won't dare next time." Gu Xiao deliberately looked at Guan Xiaotong with a pitiful look and said, how could anyone have the heart to scold him like this.

But Guan Xiaotong was still very angry. "Why forgive you, I won't forgive you so easily, you just die."

Guan Xiaotong glared at him angrily.

It's all because of him, and now that Mu Jiu has caught him, her relationship with Gu Xiao is now solid.

Obviously, it was Gu Xiao's intention.

This man has complained to him many times, saying that she slept with him, but she was not responsible at all, and she didn't even want to tell her friends, as if he was so shameless.

Guan Xiaotong didn't bother to talk to him, she just didn't want her friends to know about their relationship.

Guan Xiaotong still hasn't thought about whether the two of them should make their relationship public.

Anyway, now that he was asked to answer the phone like this, she was full of resentment, and she just slapped and slapped this man. "Gu Xiao, you are looking for death on purpose, right? Now I will fulfill you."

While beating, he was still yelling unpleasant words.

"Tongtong, when will I be able to become a full-time member? Now it's like this..."

"What's the matter now, if you don't want to, you can get out now." Guan Xiaotong yelled at him angrily.

With such a performance, I still want to become a regular, thinking too much.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'll listen to you, I'll make it public when you say it will be made public." Seeing that she was really angry, Gu Xiao immediately softened his tone to coax her.

It's really a little aunt, there is no way, who made him fall in love with this fiery woman?

So, no matter how bad-tempered the woman I find, I have to endure it.

"It's good to know, if you dare to say such a thing, get out of here quickly, the farther the better, do you understand?" Guan Xiaotong raised his brows, staring at him proudly and said.

As soon as Gu Xiao stretched out his hand, he forcibly pulled Guan Xiaotong over, and then pressed him under him.

"Baby, I've been away for more than a week, don't you miss me at all? You still beat me like this, is it enough, huh?" Gu Xiao stared into her eyes and said, and then the distance between the two is getting closer.

"Damn it, Gu Xiao, you can't stop, it was only last want it again now, you are the reincarnation of Teddy." Guan Xiaotong roared angrily, she knew very well that this man wanted to What did you do?

Damn, I just tossed her a lot last night, and now it's coming again, she really wants to strangle him to death.

Yesterday, this man came to her apartment in the middle of the night, and then entered her room under the pretense that he had just returned to China to give a gift, and then he started to play tricks.

Then, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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