cute in his palm

Chapter 1506 You ask him out for me

Chapter 1506 You ask him out for me

Guan Xiaotong was hungry, so as soon as the food came, she ate like crazy.

"Have you been hungry for a few days?" Mu Jiu looked at her in disbelief and said.

Guan Xiaotong really ate a lot.

He looked like he had been hungry for days.

"No, I just didn't eat last night." Guan Xiaotong took a mouthful of noodles, then looked up at Mu Jiu and said.

How could she tell Mu Jiu that the two of them... did too much physical work last night, so they were just a little tired.

"Then you eat, I'll talk to you slowly after eating." Mu Jiu simply thought about waiting for her to finish eating.

After Guan Xiaotong wolfed down a few mouthfuls of noodles, she also put down her fork. "Xiao Jiu, why don't you eat it? I'll be embarrassed if you just watch me eat it."

Mu Jiu pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled. "You are the only one who is embarrassed, I think you have eaten enough."

"If you have something to do, just speak directly." Guan Xiaotong looked at Mu Jiu without hesitation and said.

Seeing her like this, I knew that there must be something to tell her.

"This time, Gu Xiao and the others accompanied Ding Cheng to the past, so I want to ask Gu Xiao to meet." After finishing speaking, Mu Jiu stared at Guan Xiaotong seriously and said.

When Guan Xiaotong heard Gu Xiao's name, her little face immediately turned red.

Why do you have to mention Gu Xiao at this time?

She really doesn't want to mention Gu Xiao now.

"See Gu Xiao, why?" Guan Xiaotong tried hard to adjust his mood, then looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Seeing her pretending to be calm, Mu Jiu laughed.

He also said that the two of them had nothing to do, which clearly meant that there was something super serious about it, but Guan Xiaotong had been arguing with each other, and Mu Jiu was also aware of this matter.

So don't force her to do anything.

"Ask about Dingcheng's situation in Italy. I asked him. He just told me not to worry. He didn't tell me the specifics. That's why I was worried." Mu Jiu said worriedly.

Of course Guan Xiaotong understood Mu Jiu's worries.

"However, Boss Jiang went there for the company's business trip, so it's business. Since it's business, even if he tells you, you might not know it." Guan Xiaotong said calmly.

This is also true.

"Help me make an appointment with Gu Xiao, let's see if he has time someday." Mu Jiu looked at Guan Xiaotong and said.

Guan Xiaotong immediately pulled her face away.

"Why did you ask me to make an appointment? You can make an appointment yourself. Anyway, he has time all day long." Guan Xiaotong said lightly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled.

Just like this to avoid suspicion, how can I avoid it.

It was obvious that the two of them had something to do, so they had to say it was all right.

Mu Jiu wanted to see how long the two of them could endure.

"I think your appointment is better than mine. If you don't want to help, then forget it." Mu Jiu said looking at Guan Xiaotong's slightly flushed face.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Jiu smiled.

Guan Xiaotong glared at Mu Jiu directly.

Xiao Jiu is really getting worse and worse, and she actually started playing with her like this, which she never did before.

"Xiao Jiu, you are getting worse and worse now." Guan Xiaotong said pretending to be angry.

"Not bad, I'm just telling the truth. Am I wrong?" Mu Jiu looked at Guan Xiaotong deliberately and said.

Guan Xiaotong confessed, and then gave her a hard look, not caring about her like she did. Sure enough, the women trained by Mr. Jiang are different, no matter how pure a good person is, they will turn bad if they eat too much Mr. Jiang's saliva of.

"Do you want to help?"

"Okay, I'll help you, are you in a hurry?" Guan Xiaotong looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Of course, the sooner the better." Mu Jiu said bluntly.

"Gu Xiao will go out of town for a few days, how about I let him see you directly when he comes back?" Guan Xiaotong looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Gu Xiao is going to fly to other provinces for a business trip in the afternoon. Although he is the most fun young master of the Gu family, he needs to do what needs to be done in person.

"Okay, just come back and let me know." Mu Jiu looked at Guan Xiaotong and said with a half-smile.

"Xiao Jiu, you'd better put away your naughty smile, do you hear me, Gu Xiao and I are not what you think, understand?" Guan Xiaotong said, glaring at her.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu laughed.

"I never thought about it, and I never said it. It was you who emphasized it all the time, huh?" Mu Jiu stared at her face and smiled.

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly being slapped by Mu Jiu, a bad girl.

"Okay, I got it, I'll just make an appointment for you when the time comes." Guan Xiaotong really had nothing to do with Mu Jiu, but he really didn't know she would be so bad before.

"Well, I'll wait for your news." Mu Jiu smiled.

"What about the little guy, why didn't you bring it out for me to see today." Guan Xiaotong changed the subject.

"It's too cold, it's inconvenient for me to take it out alone. Anyway, I just go out for a while, so I don't take it with me. When I have time, I can go to play at home." Mu Jiu looked at Guan Xiaotong and said.

"That's a good idea. Now that President Jiang is not at home, we can go and play freely. In a few days, Brother Ke and I will go to play with you and Xiaobao." Guan Xiaotong became excited.

"Yes." Mu Jiu smiled.

Fortunately, I have always had such a group of friends who are sincere to me.

Guan Xiaotong didn't say anything more.

After lunch, Guan Xiaotong specially asked the kitchen to prepare some snacks for Mu Jiu to take back for his aunt and the others to eat.

After leaving Guan Xiaotong's place, Mu Jiu didn't go back in a hurry, but went to Yan Rui.

Standing at the door of Yan Rui Building, I feel like I haven't been here for a long time.

Even though I've only been there before.

"Sister Mu, Sister Mu, it's really you who are here." Fang Caicai ran out of the building excitedly, and said happily pulling Mu Jiu.

I just saw a woman who looked like Mu Jiu get off the car upstairs, thought it was my eyesight, so I ran downstairs to make sure, but I didn't expect it was really Mu Jiu.

I am so happy.

As soon as Mu Jiu saw the girl Fang Caicai, she naturally smiled.

No matter how long it takes, Fang Caicai will always look so happy, with a cheerful and generous personality.

"It's me." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

"Sister Mu, I thought I was delusional. I was afraid that I missed you too much, so I had an illusion. I didn't expect it to be true. It was really you. Have you come back?" Fang Caicai was most concerned That's the thing.

Mu Jiu actually didn't want to pour cold water on her enthusiastic head, but she really didn't intend to come back, so she shook her head. "Xiao Fang, I'm sorry, I may have disappointed you, I'm not ready to come back yet."

Mu Jiu smiled apologetically.

Although Fang Caicai was a little disappointed, it was enough to see Mu Jiu come back to see them. After all, Mu Jiu still had to take care of her youngest son, and no matter what, she had to wait for Jiang Tianen to come back when she was older, otherwise she would not let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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