cute in his palm

Chapter 1507 Too Simple

Chapter 1507 Too Simple

Fang Caicai immediately shook off her disappointment, and then looked at Mu Jiu with a smile.

"Sister Mu, so you came here today, did you pass by, or did you come here specifically to find Director Ou, or to see us?" Fang Caicai looked at her curiously and said.

Mu Jiu raised the snack box in his hand. "Of course I came here to see you."

When Guan Xiaotong was making snacks for her to take back, she specially asked them to make several more, and brought two boxes of biscuits, just so that they could bring them over for Fang Caicai and the others to eat.

"Wow, there are delicious food, I'm so happy, Sister Mu, why are you still so kind to me?" Fang Caicai looked at Mu Jiu with a star-eyed look, overjoyed.

Seeing Fang Caicai's appearance, Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing, and then directly stuffed a box of snacks into her hand. "Let's go up."

About Mu Jiu's coming, he didn't greet anyone in advance, so he didn't tell Ou Sixing, and only called him now.

"Sixing, it's me. I've come to the company. Are you there?" Mu Jiu asked him directly.

Ou Sixing on the other end was silent for a while.

"Xiao Jiu, I'm not in the company now." Ou Sixing still told the truth.

When Mu Jiu heard this, the smile on his face froze for a while, and then he smiled again. "It's okay, where are you now?"

"On the way back from the hospital, I will arrive at the company soon. If Xiao Jiu is not in a hurry, you can wait for me." Ou Sixing said softly.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she agreed directly. "Okay, Xiao Fang and I will go back to her office first."

"Okay, I'll be back in a while."

"it is good."

When Mu Jiu hung up the phone, she saw Fang Caicai on the side staring at her all the time.

"What are you looking at?" Mu Jiu looked at Fang Caicai and said.

Fang Caicai smiled and shook her head. "Sister Mu, should you call Director Ou? Is he not in the company?" Fang Caicai asked Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu paused and spoke. "No, come back from the hospital."

"Ah, Director Ou has gone to the hospital. Is he sick? Or is there something wrong?" Fang Caicai was very nervous when she heard that Ou Sixing had gone to the hospital, thinking that something serious happened.

Why, she didn't find out what happened to Ou Sixing, when she met him this morning, he was still fine.

"It shouldn't be him." Mu Jiu shook her head and said.

If the guess is correct, it should be to see Luo Shiyang.

I don't know what the woman's condition is now, and whether she is willing to undergo surgery.

However, this is not something she cares about, nor does she want to care about.

"Oh, it's fine if it's not Director Ou, Sister Mu, let's go to the office first." Fang Caicai and Mu Jiu returned to her office.

"Sister Mu, do you drink fruit juice or water?" Fang Caicai knew that Mu Jiu was still breastfeeding, so she couldn't drink coffee, like they usually drink coffee as water in order to catch up with the design.

"Water is enough." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Fang Caicai went to get two bottles of water and handed one to Mu Jiu. "Sister Mu, how are you doing now? I haven't seen the little guy for a long time. Has he grown taller?"

Fang Caicai likes Jiang Tianen very much. That child combines all the advantages of her parents. She is super cute and cute. She is so handsome and cute at such a young age.

"I've grown a little taller. It's been too cold recently. It's not convenient for me to take him out alone. If you have time, you can go to play at home. You can find Blue Bay. Just call me when you arrive. I'm basically at home. Yes." Mu Jiu took a sip of water and said.

"Okay, but I haven't been free recently. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I've been working overtime. I feel like I'm going crazy. I know what day it is today." Fang Caicai said with a smile.

Mu Jiu knew that the closer the year was, the busier their work would be. Basically, they worked overtime every three days, and it was normal for them to work overtime for a week if they had time.

So, I feel sorry for Fang Caicai.

"Look at what you like to eat. The snacks I brought you are from Xiaotong Coffee Shop. They taste good." Mu Jiu urged her.

As soon as Fang Caicai heard that it was the dim sum in Guan Xiaotong's shop, she immediately curled her mouth and laughed, and then started to eat there.

I'm so happy.

Sure enough, she was still a little girl.

Girls with a personality like Fang Caicai have nothing to do with their age, they will be happy like this for the rest of their lives.

In fact, this is really good.

But Mu Jiu couldn't do it.

Her temperament since she was a child was of a colder kind, probably because her mother abandoned her since she was a child, so before she had time to feel more love in this world, she knew the hatred of this world and became hated. The world is gone.

So, where did such a pure and happy temperament come from?

"Sister Mu, you can eat too." Fang Caicai took out the strawberry mousse cake and said, looking at her.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu shook his head. "I won't eat it. I ate it in Xiaotong's shop. It's specially brought here for you to eat, so eat more."

"Okay." Fang Caicai didn't say anything more, just took a big mouthful, and the taste was delicious.

"Wow, it's delicious. It really is the cake from Miss Xiaotong's shop. The taste is really delicious." Fang Caicai praised loudly after taking a bite.

"Next time, eat in her shop." Mu Jiu smiled.

Really an easy kid to please.

It is precisely because of this that Mu Jiu likes bringing Fang Caicai so much.

She has a pure and straightforward personality, and is willing to endure hardships to do things. She has never been afraid of hardships.

"Well, that's too much trouble for Sister Xiaotong, but I don't have time recently, I guess this class will be added to the next year, hey... Sister Mu, I want you to come back soon, I really want to think about it. "Fang Caicai bit the small spoon and looked at Mu Jiu expectantly.

Seeing her like this, Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing.

"You work so hard, the company will see it, and maybe you will be promoted and raised in the next year." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

When Fang Caicai heard about the promotion and salary increase, she was really interested. "Ms. Mu, it depends on you blowing the pillow wind in Mr. Jiang's ear more. If you say a few good things about me, the year-end award will come soon."

Mu Jiu was directly amused by her words. "Eat your food well, Mr. Jiang has no time to manage the year-end awards here."

Fang Caicai responded and ate obediently.

Before Fang Caicai finished eating a piece of cake, Ou Sixing came over.

"Xiao Jiu, I'm sorry, I've waited so long." Ou Sixing pushed the door in and said, looking at Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu looked back at Ou Sixing who came in and smiled. "It's okay, but you, didn't you run the red light?"

Mu Jiu was just joking.

"Don't worry, I've always followed the traffic rules. What's the matter today?" Ou Si walked to the sofa and sat down and asked Mu Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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