cute in his palm

Chapter 1509

Chapter 1509

Of course Ou Sixing knew that Mu Jiu was poor there, and only when she was poor enough did Ou Sixing speak.

"Xiao Jiu, why did you come here on purpose today?" Ou Sixing asked very directly, without hesitation for a moment.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was silent for a moment, then smiled with the corners of her mouth bent.

"Actually, besides looking at everyone, I really want to ask you something." Mu Jiu didn't hesitate any longer, and said directly, looking at Ou Sixing.

Ou Sixing bent his mouth and smiled.

It means to say, look, I said you have something to come to me.

"Ask, what's the matter?" Ou Sixing said without hesitation.

"Do you know that the company is going to establish a branch in Italy?" Mu Jiu asked him, pinning a lot of hopes on Ou Sixing.

However, it will obviously disappoint Mu Jiu.

"Xiao Jiu, I'm afraid I can't help you. I never know about the headquarters. If Yan Rui wants to set up a branch, I must be the first to know." Ou Sixing said with a shrug.

The meaning of this is very clear, it is telling her that he can't help her at present.

When Mu Jiu heard this, it was expected, but she was still quite disappointed.

Originally, I wanted to learn some news from Ou Sixing, but it seemed that there was no hope.

"Xiao Jiu, did something happen, why did you suddenly ask me such a question?" Ou Sixing asked her inexplicably.

You know, Mu Jiu never cared much about the company's affairs.

Mu Jiu doesn't know anything about business matters, even if she is married to Jiang Dingcheng now, she doesn't necessarily care about these matters.

Asking so suddenly now, it is inevitable that he will not be curious.

Mu Jiu thought about it, but actually she didn't know how to describe her mood.

"Ding Cheng's business trip to Italy, you know." Mu Jiu looked at him and asked.

Ou Sixing nodded. "I know. I happened to go to the group a few days ago. I know that Dingcheng is on a business trip to Italy. It will last for about a month. It depends on the specific arrangements. But why did he go there? I didn't ask too much. Not good to interfere."

Ou Sixing is a measured person, the boss's affairs are not something they can get involved in, so naturally they won't ask too much.

"Xiao Jiu, are you worried about this?" Ou Sixing suddenly understood.

Mu Jiu, the little wife, was completely worried about her husband's situation.

"That's right, I'm worried about his safety in Italy, and I'm even more worried that he'll work so hard there that his body will be exhausted." Mu Jiu truthfully expressed his worries.

When Ou Sixing heard this, he smiled.

"Don't worry, Ding Cheng will have his own measure, don't worry too much, nothing will happen, if I have time in the evening, I will treat you to dinner." Ou Sixing looked at her and said.

Mu Jiu thought that there was another child at home, so she refused with a smile. "Forget it today, Xiaobao is still waiting for me at home, and I will invite you to treat me to dinner next time I have a chance, and I must let you treat me to a big meal."

Ou Sixing laughed. "Of course, then I'll wait for you."

Before Mu Jiu left, she went to find Fang Caicai.

Fang Caicai had already eaten two cents of the cake and was sitting there drinking coffee while reading materials, her serious look was really a bit of Mujiu's demeanor back then.

"Xiao Fang." Mu Jiu knocked on the door and called her.

Looking up and seeing Mu Jiu approaching, Fang Caicai got up in a hurry and almost knocked Bieju over.

"Fang Caicai, when will you get rid of your frivolous hands and feet?" Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing when she saw her like this.

For this apprentice, Mu Jiu has always cared and loved this apprentice like a younger sister.

So seeing her progress, Mu Jiu was happier than anyone else.

"It's okay. Fortunately, the coffee is not poured. Sister Mu, I'm so happy to see you." Fang Caicai stuck out her tongue and said.

"I came here just to tell you that I'm going back. You've worked hard. Today, you got compliments from Director Ou. You, I'm very happy that you have made such great progress. Without me, you seem to have improved. Quite a few, very good, and I hope to become a designer in a short time." Mu Jiu looked at it with a smile and said.

Mu Jiu's words of encouragement directly made Fang Caicai feel embarrassed, and she blushed very cutely.

"Sister Mu, I'm really embarrassed that you're praising me so much now." Fang Caicai said with a shy smile.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything more, and smiled at her.

"I came here in a hurry this time, and I will come over to have dinner with you next time. Work hard Fang Caicai, I am optimistic about you." Mu Jiu said sincerely.

The people I brought up have achieved results, and it feels like the children I raised are promising, full of pride.

"Sister Mu, I'm really embarrassed when you praise me like this." Fang Caicai said with a smile.

In fact, she has never been a shy person, this time Mu Jiu was too embarrassed to boast.

Fang Caicai is a cheeky little girl recognized by Yan Rui.

"Sister Mu, next time you bring Xiaobao over, I'll treat you two to dinner." Fang Caicai said with a smile.

"Well, yes, you work hard and I'll go back first." Mu Jiu looked at Fang Caicai and said.

Fang Caicai hesitated before speaking. "Sister Mu, do you have something on your mind? I see that you are worried. If I can help you, I will help you."

Fang Caicai had sensed it since she came here today, but she didn't ask too many questions, fearing that Mu Jiu would be unhappy.

When Mu Jiu heard her words, she paused.

Is my worry so obvious now that even Fang Caicai can see it.

Mu Jiu smiled awkwardly. "It's okay, I'm fine."

Fang Caicai didn't ask any more questions. "Well, sister Mu, please be careful when you go back."

Mu Jiu returned home safely with Fang Caicai's instructions.

The little guy hasn't seen his mother for a long time, and his aunt was a little unhappy when he hugged her. When he saw his mother's face, he immediately laughed and danced to let his mother hug him.

"Xiaobao, you miss your mother." Mu Jiu took the little guy and said with a smile.

The little guy hugged his mother's neck tightly with both hands, smiling happily.

"Ma'am, Xiao Bao wanted to look for you as soon as he woke up. He was not very happy when he didn't see you. Now that he saw you, he finally laughed." Auntie said with a sigh.

I was inexplicably moved when I saw this picture of the deep love between mother and child.

"The little guy is becoming more and more dependent, Jiang Tianen, you have learned to act like a baby now, you are a man, you want to be independent, do you hear me?" Mu Jiu patted his son's buttocks and said with a smile.

"Ma'am, Xiaobao is still too young to know what independence is. The child sticks to his mother to show that he is close." The aunt said with a smile. She likes to see their mother and child like this.

(End of this chapter)

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