cute in his palm

Chapter 1510 No Contact

Chapter 1510 No Contact

Mu Jiu became more and more anxious. He changed his contact with Jiang Dingcheng from daily to once every three days. Now it has been another week and there is no news from him, which makes Mu Jiu afraid.

It happened that Gu Xiao came back from other provinces today, and Mu Jiu was anxious to meet him.

After agreeing on a time to meet him in Guan Xiaotong's shop, it was already an hour after Mu Jiu hurried past, and when he arrived at the private room on the second floor, he saw a picture of Mu La's eyes.

The two of them kissed passionately there.

Mu Jiu really didn't want to disturb the two of them, and let them both kiss enough, but her matter was too urgent, so she could only interrupt first.

"Sorry to bother you." Mu Jiu knocked on the door and apologized to the two people inside.

Guan Xiaotong was startled, then looked at Mu Jiu who was standing by the door, her face turned red, she was extremely embarrassed.

"That, Xiao Jiu, I, we..."

Guan Xiaotong hesitated and didn't know what to say, and wanted to deny their relationship, but with such solid evidence, how could he rely on it?
Besides, Gu Xiao didn't intend to let her go. He got up and grabbed Guan Xiaotong's shoulders, and hugged her domineeringly in his arms. His strength was so strong that he couldn't allow Guan Xiaotong to break free at all.

Comparing strength, how can she be Gu Xiao's opponent?
Competing strength between women and men is simply self-abuse.

So Guan Xiaotong just surrendered and let him hug her obediently.

If you want to blame, you can blame yourself for falling into his trap just now, let him be so complacent with the kiss that he even forgot where he was, but now it's better, and Mu Jiu caught him right away.

Even if you don't admit the relationship between the two, you have to admit it.

"Second sister-in-law, you also saw that Tongtong and I are together." Gu Xiao announced happily, with a smile on his face, and even his eyebrows flew up.

The energy of being happy is completely showing how happy he is.

"I'm very happy that you can be together, but you must be serious about being together, understand?" Mu Jiu glanced at the two of them, and really told them with the air of a sister-in-law.

Gu Xiao nodded immediately.

"Second sister-in-law, don't worry, of course I am sincere to Tongtong and love her for the rest of my life." Gu Xiao's love words came out of his mouth.

On the contrary, Guan Xiaotong didn't know what to say.

This man... Can you stop his mouth from being so sweet like honey, and no one is forcing him to talk about love.

"Gu Xiao, it's almost over. Xiao Jiu has something to tell you, so tell her well, and I'll go down and get you drinks." Guan Xiaotong broke free from his grasp vigorously, and then left with a blushing face.

Even if she escaped from the back, she would be a little shy.

Gu Xiao turned his gaze away from Guan Xiaotong, and then looked at Mu Jiu. "Second sister-in-law, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Gu Xiao came back from Italy a week ago, and then went on a business trip to other provinces. When he came back, Guan Xiaotong notified Mu Jiu to look for him urgently, so he came directly from the airport, and the salute was still placed in the car outside. In fact, it was also because he wanted to see Guan Xiaotong sooner.

After leaving for a week, I miss it as long as a year.

In the past, Gu Xiao never had such thoughts, but now that he has Guan Xiaotong, he knows that no matter how far he goes, there will be people who want to come back anxiously.

Just like the second brother.

Now I can finally understand his state of mind.

"Gu Xiao, I'll just say it directly, do you know why your second brother went to Italy?" Mu Jiu asked directly with a serious expression.

In fact, Gu Xiao had already expected that Mu Jiu came to him because of Jiang Dingcheng's affairs, but when he heard Mu Jiu's direct question again, he was still a little stunned.

You know, the unanimous answer to Mu Jiu was that Jiang Dingcheng went there on a business trip to expand the Jiang Group's business, but in fact, he went there to catch Cheng Mingfeng and An Tenglong.

And this fact must not be let Mu Jiu know, otherwise she will definitely not feel at ease.

"Second sister-in-law, the second brother used to be for the company's expansion. Jiang's plans to expand the business to Italy. It is the best for the second brother, who is the executive president, to go to the field for inspection. A team from the marketing department has been sent to investigate before. Don't worry, Second Sister-in-law, nothing will happen, Second Brother brought someone there, enough to guarantee his safety." Gu Xiao looked at Mu Jiu seriously and said.

It is understandable for Mu Jiu to be worried.

After all, they are husband and wife, and the situation of the husband is far away in another country is unknown. As a wife, she will naturally be worried.

"Is it really like this?" Mu Jiu looked at him dubiously and asked.

Gu Xiao nodded seriously. "Second sister-in-law, of course it's true. How dare I lie to you."

Gu Xiao is actually a little guilty now, if he continues to lie, he is really worried that he will be exposed.

"Really, I'm just a little uneasy. I was anxious to see you because I was always worried about what would happen to him. Besides, I haven't contacted him for a week, and I was worried about what might happen to him." Mu Jiu said hesitantly.

Mu Jiu was so worried because she hadn't contacted him all this time.

"Second sister-in-law, second brother is a workaholic person, and now he is busy with inspection work and has jet lag, so second brother is afraid of disturbing you and the baby, so he will reduce contact. Don't worry, second sister-in-law, I will You promise, the second brother will be fine." Gu Xiao said seriously.

In Gu Xiao's heart, there is one thing that can be guaranteed, that is, the members of the Ye family will definitely protect the safety of the second brother, and will not let him suffer any harm.

Even if it is the territory of the Mafia.

"Really?" Mu Jiu looked at Gu Xiao anxiously and said.

Gu Xiao nodded. "Second sister-in-law, don't worry, nothing will happen, trust me."

Gu Xiao is so confident because he knows the strength of the Ye family.

Besides, the second brother never joked about his own safety, not before, and now that he has a wife and son, he will not let himself get hurt even for the sake of the second sister-in-law.

"But I'm still a little uneasy." Mu Jiu said worriedly.

Gu Xiao didn't know how to appease the second sister-in-law for a while. Coaxing women and coaxing elders are two different concepts. In his heart, second sister-in-law is his elder, so he is not good at coaxing.

"Second sister-in-law, don't worry, I will contact my second brother tomorrow, and I will definitely let him contact you, okay." Gu Xiao could only say this.

In fact, during the week he went to other provinces, because he was too busy with work, he didn't have much time to contact his second brother.

The four of them sent Jiang Dingcheng there before, and when they came back, everything was normal.

There are also some whereabouts about Cheng Mingfeng and An Tenglong, but how to do it has not been decided yet.

(End of this chapter)

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