cute in his palm

Chapter 1511 Happy Chinese New Year

Chapter 1511 Happy Chinese New Year

After Gu Xiao said this, Mu Jiu couldn't ask any more questions.

If something really happened to Jiang Dingcheng, Gu Xiao would not be so calm.

Explain that everything is normal.

Jiang Dingcheng has nothing to do.

Now she too was expecting him to be all right.

Fortunately, I received a call from Jiang Dingcheng the next day.

"Ji'er, I'm sorry, I've been busy these few days, inspecting everywhere, and I didn't call you when I got dizzy. I made you worry. I'm sorry." Jiang Dingcheng directly apologized there.

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng's voice, Mu Jiu was relieved, she didn't need his apology.

It was just that his voice was hoarse and tired, and he was very worried.

"Dingcheng, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere, or are you too tired, and your voice is not right?" Mu Jiu asked him with concern.

Jiang Dingcheng was startled for a moment before laughing out loud. "You can hear it like this. It's a bit uncomfortable. Now I feel much more comfortable. There is also a reason for not calling you all the time. I'm afraid you will worry."

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng's words, Mu Jiu was both warm-hearted and angry.

"I know you will definitely be exhausted. If you are not acclimatized, have you seen a doctor? You must have a good rest. You can't stop contacting me because of this. Do you know how worried I am? I'm so afraid that something will happen to you Something." Mu Jiu hurriedly asked, her tone half worried and half blaming.

Jiang Dingcheng thought too much about her thoughts, so he endured the joy and didn't tell her.

What else do you say to make her worry, so that you don't say anything to make her worry, okay?

"Look, the doctor said I'm fine, but for the first few days my voice was a little hoarse, and I couldn't even speak properly." Jiang Dingcheng said with a chuckle.

Hearing his laughter, Mu Jiu finally relaxed after being tense for several days.

"Are you really all right?" Mu Jiu was still a little worried.

She knew this man, he was very strong and brave.

I was afraid that he would make fun of his body.

"It's okay, trust me." Jiang Dingcheng smiled softly.

When Mu Jiu heard his laughter, her heart itch.

He has been there for more than half a month, and it feels like he has been away for a long time.

Now Mu Jiu can deeply understand the so-called feeling that one day feels like three autumns apart.

It really is like this.

Well, they are more than half a month apart like this, doesn't it seem like a century apart.

Don't know how long it will take to come back?It was really hard for her to die.

It was only then that I suddenly realized that when I went to Switzerland to stay for half a year in silence, Jiang Dingcheng must have been missing him like crazy during that time.

If you want to blame, you can only blame her for understanding too late.

"How is the matter over there, when will you come back?" Mu Jiu asked him directly.

Jiang Dingcheng on the other end hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's only now that there are signs of it. I guess it will take a while to know when I will go back."

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't give her a specific return time, so he could only say this.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu hesitated.

"Okay then, you must take care of your health, Xiaobao and I will wait for you to come back, no matter how long." Mu Jiu still said, although she hoped that Jiang Dingcheng would fly back immediately, but the reality does not allow her to do this Selfishness.

Although Jiang Dingcheng is her husband and the father of the child, he is also the head of a group of tens of thousands of people, and he is responsible for those people.

"Well, Jiu'er, I love you and the baby, wait for me, I will definitely come back safely." Jiang Dingcheng promised.

There is no guarantee when they will return, but at least he can guarantee that he will always love them.

"Well, the baby and I love you too." Mu Jiu said warmly in her heart.

"The Chinese New Year is less than half a month away. This is the first year for our family of three. I hope you can come back and spend it with us." Mu Jiu sincerely hoped.

She won't ask for more.

It was her only thought.

Jiang Dingcheng felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

There is still half a month, but he can't guarantee it.

"Don't worry, I will give you and Jiang Tianen a big red envelope each." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Mu Jiu was relieved. "Both the red envelope and you."

Jiang Dingcheng laughed. "My Jiu'er is getting more and more greedy, okay, I'll try my best."

It's just that Jiang Dingcheng's words "Do your best" made Mu Jiu worry for no reason.

The closer the Chinese New Year gets, the busier the family gets.

On this day, I received a call from Mrs. Jiang.

"Xiaojiu, the second child is on a business trip. I don't feel at ease because you and Tian En live alone. Anyway, it's the Chinese New Year soon. Let's come back and live. I'm more at ease if someone takes care of me." The old lady said directly.

Lin Weishuang on the side also spoke. "Yes, Xiaojiu, listen to your grandma and come back to live. We are all here at home. I am always worried about letting you mother and son stay there."

Mu Jiu originally didn't want to go back to the Jiang residence, but when she heard what they said, she was a little shaken.

"Grandma, wait and see in two days, I still have a lot of things that haven't been arranged." Mu Jiu said hesitantly.

In fact, the biggest thing is Su Luotong's trouble.

She is a woman with a big belly, leaving her alone in Lanwan, Mu Jiu is also a little uneasy.

Although they don't live in the same house, at least they live in a community, so if something happens to her, it's convenient to take care of her.

"That's all right, you think about it, I'll let the driver pick up your mother and son." The old lady still respects Mu Jiu's opinion, although she really wants their mother and son to come over.

A family together is called New Year's Eve.

"Okay." Mu Jiu temporarily agreed to the old lady's request.

After hanging up the phone and explaining a few words to her aunt, Mu Jiu went to find Su Luotong.

This woman is sitting in the garden in the cold weather blowing the sea breeze.

"Su Luotong, you are not afraid of the cold, you, pregnant women, don't blow the wind like this, you will catch a cold, and when the time comes, you will not be able to take medicine and injections, and you will feel uncomfortable." Mu Jiu directly preached.

Su Luotong raised his eyelids and looked at Mu Jiu, then smiled with the corners of his mouth bent.

"Don't worry, I'm in good health? Nothing will happen." Su Luotong said completely indifferently.

Anyway, she knows her body better than anyone else, Mu Jiu thinks too much like this.

"Anyway, I've said everything, whether you want to listen or not is up to you." Mu Jiu didn't bother to argue with her so much.

Su Luotong has always been such a person.

"However, did you come to see me today for something? Could it be that my brother has caught up again?" Su Luotong asked her a little uneasy.

Mu Jiu shook his head. "What are your plans for Chinese New Year this year?"

Hearing this, Su Luotong thought about it seriously for about three seconds and then shook his head. "Eat, then go to bed, what else can I do, at least my brother used to accompany me to celebrate the New Year and give me red envelopes, I guess I have to live alone this year, oh no, there is this in my stomach."

(End of this chapter)

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