cute in his palm

Chapter 1512 Was an Enemy

Chapter 1512 Was an Enemy

When Mu Jiu heard Su Luotong's indifferent words, Mu Jiu felt a little distressed.

What is it like to celebrate the New Year alone? She has never experienced it for more than [-] years. She only knows that it must be very lonely and uncomfortable.

"I said Mu Jiu, what is your expression? Are you sympathizing with me?" Seeing Mu Jiu's sad face, Su Luotong spoke directly.

"Hey, I said, don't sympathize with me. Do you know what I hate the most? It's other people's sympathetic eyes. I'm not inferior. Why should I accept other people's sympathy? Hurry up and put away your sympathy." Eyes, do you know, I am not pitiful at all, I still have someone in my stomach to accompany me, I will order the most expensive table in a five-star hotel for the New Year’s Eve dinner, Ann, I will never treat you badly It's not like you don't know about your own." Su Luotong said hastily there.

What she really can't bear the most is other people's sympathetic gazes, especially Mu Jiu's.

Be it good or bad.

Su Luotong would not even accept Mu Jiu's sympathetic gaze.

Hearing what Su Luotong said, Mu Jiu directly looked away.

"Mu Jiu, I'd rather see you hate me than sympathy, you know?" Su Luotong stared at her face and smiled.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she really had no choice but to take it. She didn't know how to answer her words at all.

Su Luotong has always lived an open and honest life. She speaks out her thoughts directly, and is never afraid of offending people. Anyway, she offends not a few people.

Sometimes, Mu Jiu is quite envious of Su Luotong's personality, she is never afraid of offending anyone, she can say what she wants, and she can't hide things in her stomach.

Unlike her, who hides everything and doesn't want to say anything.

Humans, sometimes we need to live a more frank life.

But character is doomed by nature, so Mu Jiu is destined not to be as chic as Su Luotong.

"Okay, if it's okay for you to celebrate the New Year alone, you can spend it by yourself." Mu Jiu didn't bother with her affairs anymore.

Anyway, let her live here without worrying about food and clothing, and there will be a big meal for the New Year, except that there is no one to accompany her, it should be pretty good.

Without her help, Su Luotong might have spent this year in a broken cave.

"Mu Jiu, I see that you look very preoccupied. I'm still not used to being so concerned about me all of a sudden. Is there something wrong with you?" Su Luotong stared into her eyes.

Mu Jiu's eyes were a little dodgy and she avoided it. "What can I do? I just came here to ask about your plans for the New Year. Since you have plans, that's fine."

As soon as Su Luotong saw her like this, she became more certain of one thing, that is, there must be something wrong with Mu Jiu.

"Mu Jiu, since everyone has come to look for me, just tell me what's the matter. It's not your style to hide it like this." Su Luotong said directly.

Although the two used to get along like enemies, they can also be like friends now.

Su Luotong thanked her for taking in her and her child, otherwise this year's Chinese New Year would be spent in a hospital or in a cave, so it is still possible to eliminate some troubles for Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu thought about it, but still didn't say anything.

"I'm going back."

Su Luotong didn't force her to say anymore, sometimes this woman, Mu Jiu, was really irritating and wanted to strangle her to death.

When is it still awkward like this.

"Then you go back. If you feel sorry for me during the Chinese New Year, you can come and accompany me if you want." Su Luotong said, staring at her back.

Mu Jiu paused for a moment, then straightened up and walked away.

Su Luotong sighed helplessly, only now did he realize that this woman is so difficult to chat with.

I always feel that she looks preoccupied, and it's strange if she has nothing to do.

Su Luotong called out the servant who was busy in the back room.

"Miss Su, what's the matter?" the servant asked her.

Su Luotong raised his eyelids and looked at her. "Did something happen to your wife?"

The servant was taken aback for a moment, and then asked Su Luotong. "Miss Su, I don't quite understand what you mean?"

Why did the wife have an accident? She didn't hear about it.

Basically, she has to report the situation here to the housekeeper there every day, so that his wife can understand Miss Su's current situation, and if something happens, it can be resolved within the best time.

So she didn't hear what happened to the wife's house.

"Miss Su, did you hear me wrong? There should be nothing wrong with my wife's house." The servant emphasized again.

"I asked because Mu Jiu's expression was not quite right, he looked preoccupied, and he was not happy at all. It would be best if there is really nothing to do." Su Luotong said lightly.

"Oh, it's probably because the husband is on a business trip recently, so the wife will be upset if she misses him." The servant said what he had guessed.

Apart from this, I can't think of a second reason.

"Jiang Dingcheng is on a business trip?" Su Luotong exclaimed belatedly.

"Yes, sir, I have been to Italy for half a month, and the housekeeper said that it will take some time before I come back." The servant replied truthfully.

Although they didn't like Su Luotong very much, the person who could let his wife stay in person should be considered close to his wife, so things like the husband's business trip can be said.

Hearing this, Su Luotong became cheerful.

I figured it all out at once.

It turned out that longing became sick.

It seems that Mu Jiu really loves Jiang Ding Cheng's love is miserable, so she can't bear it after only half a month of separation, it's so uncomfortable, and she still has the mind to come and care about her affairs.

Really worry about it.

However, does she want to prepare a gift and send it to Mu Jiu to calm her down?

"Do you know what your wife likes the most?" Su Luotong glanced at the servant and asked.

The servant was surprised to hear this question.

Shouldn't Miss Su and his wife be good friends?If you are a good friend, how can you not know what the other person likes?He even came over to ask her this servant.

It's just that she really doesn't know what his wife likes, because she hasn't been in contact with Mu Jiu for long.

"Miss Su, I can ask the butler for you. The butler should know about it." The servant said tactfully.

Su Luotong saw something in her eyes, he must be questioning her relationship with Mu Jiu.

"I didn't have a good relationship with your wife before." Su Luotong said directly.

This time the servant was even more surprised.

Unexpectedly, so frankly.

"Go get the tablet. I've been shopping online, but I haven't bought gifts for their mother and son yet? Anyway, it's almost Chinese New Year, so I have to prepare a New Year's gift." Su Luotong glanced at the servant and said.

She hasn't said yet that she and Mu Jiu are enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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