cute in his palm

Chapter 1513 Lovesickness has become sick

Chapter 1513 Lovesickness has become sick
It's just that she was ignorant in the past, unilaterally declared that she and Mu Jiu were enemies, and kept hating her and hating her, but Mu Jiu didn't care about her at all.

You know, what she can't stand the most is that Mu Jiu keeps ignoring her, and always puts on an air of superiority. Is it the young lady of the Mu family who is so annoying?

If the Su family hadn't gone bankrupt, she would also be the eldest lady of the Su family, okay?

I want nothing.

But it's not a good feeling to live under the fence.

Especially there is a girl who is about the same age as me. The two of them are about the same age, and neither is worse than the other, but she is the eldest lady of this house, and she is just borrowing.

Su Luotong will always hate Mujiu all the time, it's purely because she dislikes herself, looks down on her, and has low self-esteem.

Thinking about it now, I was really childish back then.

If at that time she was as open-minded as she is now, maybe she and Mu Jiu could really become good friends.

Now, although it is a bit late, I hope they can become good friends.

"Miss Su, here is the tablet." The servant quickly brought the tablet to her.

"Okay, go down." Su Luotong lay on the recliner and began to browse the online shopping mall.

When she could go to the big-name stores in the shopping mall to buy things at will, she never bought things online. Now that she lives here, she is used to buying things online.

Very convenient.

Three days later, all the things she bought arrived. Of course, she was smart, and the consignee and phone number she wrote belonged to the servant, so she brought them here.

From morning to afternoon, a total of five or six times of goods were collected, which filled a corner of the living room.

"Miss Su, are these all for the wife and the young master?" the servant asked curiously.

In this pile of gifts, there is even a remote control car for children.

It can only be said that this Ms. Su is a little crazy once she starts shopping.

"Well, Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the New Year's gifts for them, of course, are also for you." Su Luotong poised his stomach and pointed at the gifts, which ones were for Mu Jiu's mother and son, and which ones were for the servants and friends here. Chef's.

The servant was very happy to hear that he still had a gift.

"Thank you Miss Su."

"You're welcome, find someone to move the rest to your wife's house. I'll change my clothes first, and I'll go over to see that kid Jiang Tianen later." Su Luotong used to hate children very much, thinking they were quarreling with them Annoyed, I'm not sensible yet, I just know how to cry endlessly.

But since I got pregnant, I feel that the child is actually quite good and cute. Of course, the most important thing is to look at the appearance.

Good-looking children are cute.

Unattractive children just annoy her.

Su Luotong is such a straightforward person.

Whether others like it or not is someone else's business.

Mu Jiu couldn't believe it when she saw the gifts that several people had moved.

Knowing that it was sent by Su Luotong, she only had one idea.

Is Su Luotong mentally ill?

"Su Luotong, what does this mean?" Mu Jiu looked at Su Luotong who came over late and asked her.

"Gift, it's for you and Jiang Tianen. It's not the new year, it's a New Year's gift. Besides, I've been here for so long, and I haven't given you any decent presents. Let's take it as a thank you gift. Be sure to treat it well." Just accept it." Su Luotong said indifferently, then walked to the sofa and sat down politely.

"You bought too much?" Mu Jiu walked over and sat down, still not following her train of thought.

"Miss Su, what do you want to drink?" The servant came over and asked.

"Wen Shui, thank you." Su Luotong simply answered the servant's question.

After Su Luotong drank half a glass of water, Mu Jiu asked her again. "Are you crazy?"

There is no one who buys gifts to give to others, and those who use a car as a unit of measurement can really make up a gift of a small car.

Su Luotong laughed. "Heh, I'm not happy that I gave you a gift. Others may not even have it."

When Mu Jiu heard what she said, she knew that there was nothing she could do about it.

"Can I have dinner with you tonight?" Su Luotong asked.

When everyone arrived, they just said Cengfan. Could it be possible to drive her out?
"What do you want to eat, I'll let the kitchen prepare it later." Mu Jiu asked her.

Although the two of them have lived under the same roof for so many years, they don't know anything about what each other likes.

Therefore, even if the other party likes to eat, you need to ask directly.

"It's all right. I want to eat something spicy right now. I have never had any appetite. I don't really want to eat light food. When you were pregnant with Jiang Tianen, did you ever feel like this?" Su Luotong asked her patiently.

Mu Jiu recalled that there was a special nutritionist cooking for her in Switzerland at that time, but she didn't feel any discomfort, and at that time she went out for a walk every day to relax and eat a lot.

"I have a good appetite. If the chef hired for you doesn't like the dishes you like, I'll hire a professional nutritionist for you. She knows what you lack and what to eat for you. This is good for pregnant women and children. All good." Mu Jiu looked at her and said.

Su Luotong's stomach is more than five months old, and the nutrition must keep up, otherwise it will be difficult to replenish later.

"No need for this. I just don't like light food. It's not that I can't eat. It's too troublesome to find a nutritionist. I'm afraid she will only let me eat soup and vegetables, and I won't be able to bear it." Su Luo Tong immediately waved his hand.

The so-called nutritionists in her impression are all those who pay attention to nutrition and neglect the taste.

Dishes without taste, no matter how nutritious and beautiful they are, are not attractive to Su Luotong.

"That's fine, it's up to you."

Mu Jiu didn't force it, and then arranged the kitchen to prepare dinner, specially adding boiled fish, this is a dish she also likes to eat, and it's okay to feed Su Luotong some appropriately.

Anyway, it's not born yet.

"This dish is cool and delicious." Su Luotong said happily after eating a bowl full of boiled fish fillets.

"It seems that in the future, I will also ask the chef to cook some Sichuan-style Hunan dishes to adjust my appetite. Otherwise, eating is a kind of torture, and now it is enjoyment." Su Luotong continued to eat.

Mu Jiu ate very little, and didn't even take a few mouthfuls of the rice in the bowl.

"I said, Mu Jiu, are you unwilling to have dinner with me, or is it because you miss Jiang Dingcheng? You're already sick, can you do it?" Su Luotong couldn't help teasing her.

I wanted to talk about her after dinner, but now I can't help it.

When Mu Jiu heard her say this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then spoke. "It's not as exaggerated as you said. I miss him a little bit, but it's not to the point of becoming lovesick."

Mu Jiu was just stating, but in Su Luotong's ears, he was avoiding it.

"Okay, I know, you husband and wife love each other deeply, and you have been separated for half a month and love each other. It's really completely that I was abused. I'm still worried about you?" Su Luotong murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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