cute in his palm

Chapter 1515 So cute

Chapter 1515 So cute

Soon it was three days before the first year, and Mu Jiu took Xiaobao and auntie back to Jiangzhai.

During this period, I would contact Jiang Dingcheng every three or four days. My throat didn't hurt after I recovered from the cold, but I could tell that my tone was very tired.

Every time, Mu Jiu would be very uneasy and tell him to rest more, not to take care of the things in the house, she will take care of Xiaobao properly.

"Xiao Jiu, have you packed it? We're going downstairs to have breakfast. After eating, we'll go to try on clothes together and buy New Year's gifts. Are Xiao Bao's clothes ready yet?" Lin Weishuang's voice sounded from outside the door.

Ever since her daughter-in-law came back to live with her grandson yesterday, Lin Weishuang has been smiling every day, very happy.

After dinner last night, everyone made plans. The adults ordered the New Year's dresses before. Today, they will try on the size, and then go to the mall to buy new clothes for Xiaobao, as well as some new year's things. The whole family will go to the pictures together to have a good time. .

Mu Jiu was very happy to accept Lin Weishuang's proposal.

After all, this is the first time for her to celebrate the New Year with so many members of the Jiang family, and it is also the first year after her son's birth, so she must be happy.

It's just that Jiang Dingcheng is missing. It would be great if he could come back during the Chinese New Year.

In Mu Jiu's heart, she still hopes that he can come back in time.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'll be down soon." Mu Jiu promised Lin Weishuang.

"Okay, is the little one awake?" Lin Weishuang asked her grandson with concern.

Mu Jiu turned her head and looked at the little guy who was sleeping soundly in the crib. It is winter now, and he sleeps more soundly. "Not yet? I'm sleeping late, the little guy is getting lazy, Mom, I'll carry him down later."

"It's okay, I'll ask the servant to come up and watch after a while, you go down to have breakfast, don't wake him up, let him sleep well, only a good sleep can grow his body." Lin Weishuang said softly.

Mu Jiu felt very heartwarming.

Everyone in the Jiang family is very kind to her, especially grandma and mother-in-law, who treat her like their own.

Or it's really because I like my daughter.

"I see, Mom." Mu Jiu reached out and squeezed his son's fleshy face, but the little guy didn't even move, and slept soundly.

I don't know how long I'm going to sleep.

Still hello, I don't know what it means to be sad, Mu Jiu is really envious of this child, if I can be as carefree as my son, it would be great.

But she couldn't do it, she still had one person in her heart who was tightly caring about it, how could she let it go.

So, I can only carry it by myself.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, you have to bear it down, as long as you get over it, it will be fine.

As long as Jiang Dingcheng is safe, it doesn't matter whether he comes back to spend the New Year with them or not.

"Sleep well, mommy will go downstairs to have breakfast first, and come up to hug you later." Mu Jiu kissed the little guy and then went out, the servant that Lin Weishuang called up also arrived.

"Second young lady, I'm here to see the young master."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, I'll go down to have breakfast, and I'll be up in a while." Mu Jiu gently reminded the servant of the precautions and went downstairs.

The Jiang family who were already sitting at the dining table downstairs, except for Jiang Dingcheng's absence, were all there, and they looked extraordinarily lively.

"Xiao Jiu has come down, come and sit down, ready to have breakfast." Lin Weishuang greeted her happily when she saw her daughter-in-law coming down the stairs.

Only then did Mu Jiu suddenly understand that all members of the Jiang family were sitting there waiting for her to have breakfast, Mu Jiu's face turned red all of a sudden, and she became extremely embarrassed.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting, I came down a bit late." Mu Jiu hurried over to apologize to everyone, and then sat on the empty seat next to Lin Weishuang.

"Why is the family apologizing?" Lin Weishuang couldn't help but said.

The crowd agrees.

Then they all urged her to eat.

To be honest, the Jiang family treated her very well, no matter how it was reflected, they treated her like a family member.

This kind of courtesy was rarely seen in Mu Jiu's house before, so it was very touching.

The word "warmth at home" was something she realized after marrying into Jiang's family. She had never been treated like this in Mu's family before. Every time she ate, Qin Kefang put on an ugly face, which made her very unhappy. exist.

So, where can I eat happily, it will only make people uncomfortable.

There has never been a happy and happy life on the dining table of their family.

"Thank you." Mu Jiu said softly, it was very sincere.

"Second sister-in-law, you are not moved, are you? Oh, what's the matter? You are Jiang Tianen's mother, a member of our family." Jiang Dinghe said with a smile.

"Little San, I finally said something pleasant. Xiao Jiu, don't be so polite. See you more often. You can eat whatever you like." The old lady said with a smile.

This granddaughter-in-law, the more she looks at it, the more she likes it.

"Grandma, what you said is as if my usual speech is so unreliable." Jiang Dinghe said with a little dissatisfaction.

Now that the old lady has her granddaughter-in-law in her eyes, how can they have the status of their grandchildren? It's simply...

However, Mu Jiu is really nice and deserves to be treated well by the whole family.

Ouch, when I thought about the oolong that she married to my second brother back then, if she hadn't made a wrong call, would she have become his daughter-in-law?

Thinking about it this way, I feel a little sorry for my second brother.

The second sister-in-law's temperament is still compatible with the second brother, let alone him, he still prefers Xu Yanke's aloof temperament.

Everyone enjoyed this breakfast.

After the meal, Mu Jiu went upstairs to see the little guy, but he was still sleeping.

"Second young lady, the young master is still sleeping, and he is sleeping soundly." The servant greeted Mu Jiu quickly when he saw Mu Jiu coming up.

The little guy has only come back to live for a day, and he has already used his strength to attract everyone in the whole river house. Even the gardener in Xiu Rong Garden likes this child very much.

Because he is different from his father, he likes to laugh since he was a child, and his smile is extraordinarily cute, anyone who sees it will immediately like it.

"Well, you go down first, I'll just watch." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Auntie’s child arrived in Huai City today, so she went to reunite with the child early in the morning. Mu Jiu simply let her go for a few days off. Anyway, now she and Xiaobao are in Jiangzhai, and there are family members and servants here who will take their mother and child together. They are well taken care of, and it doesn't matter if the aunt is not there. Reunion with the children is a big deal.

So, now she takes care of the baby by herself.

The little guy fell asleep for another half an hour or so before he woke up faintly. He grunted and rubbed on the crib for a few times before opening his eyes reluctantly.

Seeing his cute appearance, Mu Jiu's heart melted.

"Jiang Tianen, how can you be so cute?" Mu Jiu clapped his hands at him.

(End of this chapter)

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