cute in his palm

Chapter 1516 Beautiful as a fairy

Chapter 1516 Beautiful as a fairy

The little guy immediately raised his head to look at his mother, and laughed when he saw his mother. A pair of chubby hands stretched out from under the quilt to be hugged by his mother.

Mu Jiu hurriedly took him out of the crib and kissed him, the little guy smiled even more heartily.

Just at this time, Lin Weishuang came over.

"Our God has woken up." Lin Weishuang came over to tease the little guy.

When he saw grandma, the little guy recognized her, and then he grinned.

"Hey, it seems that I recognize it as grandma, come and hug me." Lin Weishuang clapped her hands and said to Jiang Tianen.

In the past, he didn't bring up one of her four sons, but now she is particularly interested in raising her grandson. Of course, she is also worried that she can't bring up well.

Lin Weishuang really likes this little grandson, and she also has a lot of guilt in her heart. She also wants to make up for what she has owed to her sons for so many years, whether it is on her grandson or her son.

"Mom, I'll change his clothes and diapers first, and then hug him later." Mu Jiu looked at Lin Weishuang and said.

Hearing this, Lin Weishuang smiled. "Xiao Jiu, if you don't mind my mother, I'll change it for him this time, and you go get some hot water to wipe him off."

When Mu Jiu heard Lin Weishuang say this, of course she was willing.

She knew that Lin Weishuang liked her grandson from the bottom of her heart, so she loved her no less than her own mother.

"Mom, I'll leave it to you. I'll get him some hot water. The clothes he changed are all ready here." Mu Jiu handed the little guy to Lin Weishuang's hand and said.

Lin Weishuang laughed. "Well, I see."

Mu Jiu went to the bathroom to fetch water, and Lin Weishuang began to undress the little guy.

This was her first time changing clothes for the little guy, so she was a little unfamiliar. Fortunately, Jiang Tianen was also good, and let her grandma toss about without crying or making trouble.

"My God, do you like grandma changing your clothes?"

"If you don't speak, it's a default. Anyway, grandma likes you very much."

"Grandma is most sorry for your father..."

When Mu Jiu fetched water and came over, she heard Lin Weishuang say this, her nose sour for no reason.

"Mom, I fetched water and took off my clothes." Mu Jiu came over and wiped his body quickly.

It's very cold in the winter morning, even if it's indoors with the air conditioner turned on, usually Mu Jiu doesn't give Jiang Tianen a bath in the morning, just wipe his body and it will be fine.

Soon, the two cooperated to change Jiang Tianen's clothes.

"Oh, my Tian En is handsome." Lin Weishuang said happily while hugging him.

"He's more handsome than your dad when he was a kid, and he will definitely be a super handsome guy when he grows up." Hearing what Lin Weishuang said, Mu Jiu smiled knowingly, and went to pour water.

After Jiang Tianen was fed, the family drove to the city, first to the old tailor.

The family’s New Year’s clothes are all made of traditional Chinese Tang suits, so they hired old tailors to wear Tang suits to celebrate the New Year, so as to have the atmosphere of the New Year.

"In a while, we Tianen will also try small clothes, but we ordered a set for him, it must be handsome." The old lady said with a smile.

With a happy face, everyone is smiling.

"Of course, grandma." Mu Jiu hugged the little guy and entered the store.

This is an old shop, which is said to have a history of hundreds of years. The first tailor here, who also made clothes for the royal relatives at that time, was the tailor appointed by the prince of Huaicheng.

Therefore, in this old shop that has been passed down for a hundred years, the craftsmen of the masters are all 30 to [-] years old. It is extremely rare to order a piece of clothing. Is it possible to come here after a queue of several months? Thanks to the old lady and this shop They knew the tailors, so they took their orders first. The Jiang family made eight or nine sets of clothes, big and small, which kept them busy for a while.

"Madam Jiang, you're here." The store manager came over to receive them in person.

"Well, let's try on my great-grandson's little clothes first, and see how it goes." The old lady said with a smile.

"OK, just a second."

After a while, he came over with a small red Tang suit. It was so cute that it made people like it very much.

"This little dress is so pretty." Lin Weishuang couldn't move her eyes from looking at the little dress.

This little dress is exquisitely made, and it will look very good on Jiang Tianen's body.

"Come on, let's change the baby quickly." Grandma Lin Weishuang couldn't wait.

With the help of the store staff, they changed the little guy's clothes in no time.

Mu Jiu saw that Jiang Tianen, who had changed into a little Tang costume, was so cute, so she took a photo with her mobile phone, and then sent it to Jiang Dingcheng's WeChat, writing a sentence in a son's tone: When will Dad come back, my mother and I will wait When you come back for the New Year, new clothes are ready for you.

In fact, after posting, Mu Jiu was still a little uneasy, because she knew whether Jiang Dingcheng would really see this photo.

After all, Jiang Dingcheng hardly knows how to use WeChat.

Although this man is the president of the Jiang Group, he looks very fashionable, but he hardly uses the popular social software nowadays, except for sending emails with his mobile phone.

"Xiao Jiu, your clothes are brought here, you go and change to see the size." Lin Weishuang urged Mu Jiu to change clothes.

Mu Jiu glanced at the cheongsam that the waiter was holding, and was stunned for a while.

When it was said that she wanted to order New Year's clothes, Mu Jiu didn't have time to come, so Lin Weishuang directly ordered the style for her and made it according to her size.

It is actually an improved cheongsam, which makes people like it very much.

It's just that the waistline is so good, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to wear it well, and it would ruin the cheongsam by then.

"Mom, this is a cheongsam. I still have a belly?" Mu Jiu said hesitantly.

After giving birth to Jiang Tian'en, she still had a small stomach that hadn't disappeared. If she wore a cheongsam, she would definitely be exposed, so she didn't dare to think about it.

Hearing her worry, Lin Weishuang and the old lady both smiled heartily. "Our Xiaojiu's figure is not comparable to that of ordinary people. The hot mom is talking about you. Don't worry about trying it on. You won't be able to see the belly, and there are not many of them." Lin Weishuang looked at her son. said the daughter-in-law.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she no longer hesitated, and went directly into the fitting room with the cheongsam.

It was replaced soon, and the excellent workmanship set off her figure very well, and the small stomach problem she was worried about before did not show at all.

"Mom, grandma, isn't it weird?" Mu Jiu said a little uneasy.

After all, she had never worn a cheongsam like this before. Fortunately, the fork was not too high, it was just a little bit above the calf, and there was cotton inside, so it was very warm to wear, even if it was worn indoors in winter, it would not be cold.

"What's so strange, mom, I said that Xiao Jiu will definitely look beautiful in this cheongsam, and if the second child sees such a beautiful daughter-in-law, he will definitely not be able to take his eyes off." Lin Weishuang looked at Mu Jiu wearing such a cheongsam. Beautiful, turned to the old lady and said.

(End of this chapter)

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