cute in his palm

Chapter 1517 Absolutely Serious

Chapter 1517 Absolutely Serious

After everyone came out of the old tailor's shop, they went to the largest shopping mall in the city center to buy some New Year's gifts. Now Jiang Tianen is the baby of their family, the eldest.

So everything will be centered on him.

Therefore, the first location chosen by the crowd was the children's products area on the sixth floor.

As soon as Mu Jiu saw these things, her mother's love instantly exploded.

It's really pretty and I like it.

We have everything from newborn babies to big children's clothes.

Even if a girl is not a mother, her mother's love will explode when she sees all this. I don't know what Su Luotong will think when she sees all this.

Mu Jiu suddenly thought of Su Luotong, the mother-to-be.

In fact, Mu Jiu has never really visited such a large children's product area. The things before were bought by Jiang Dingcheng or arranged for the housekeeper and aunt to buy them.

Going around by yourself like this now is completely different from looking at things online.

"The baby's clothes here are really beautiful." Mu Jiu said happily.

Lin Weishuang and the old lady were also full of joy.

Especially seeing Mu Jiu's happy look.

Lin Weishuang hugged the little guy, and the little guy was screaming with great strength, with a happy look on his face.

"It seems that the little guy likes it very much." The old lady saw how the little guy was driving, and everyone became happy.

"Choose clothes, let's see what the little guy likes?" Lin Weishuang laughed.

Today he is the boss, everything is up to him.

Anyway, the two old ladies were so happy that they took the servant to pick things up with the little guy in their arms.

Instead, Mu Jiu went in another direction, to visit the store where the newborn baby was born, and planned to buy something for Su Luotong's child. A few days ago, this woman went crazy and bought a bunch of gifts for their mother and child as a gift in return. Got some for her too.

Besides, Su Luotong is alone and has no experience in giving birth. Mu Jiu can be regarded as someone who has experienced it anyway, so as a person who has experienced it, Mu Jiu is going to buy some newborn things for Su Luotong, knowing that she is definitely not ready. .

The old lady and Lin Weishuang picked out some new clothes and toys for the little guy. When they came to look for Mu Jiu, they saw that she was shopping in the newborn area, and there were already a lot of things in the shopping cart.

Lin Weishuang expressed doubts. "Xiao Jiu, why are you buying so many newborn things, and Xiao Bao doesn't need them, could it be..." Then he stared at Mu Jiu's stomach.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard Lin Weishuang say this, she immediately blushed. "Mom, what are you thinking? It's not that I have another baby, it's that a friend of mine is four or five months old and prepared it for her."

After listening to Mu Jiu's words, Lin Weishuang laughed.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Jiu, Mom misunderstood." Lin Weishuang smiled slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay, Mom, you and grandma are here, let's pick some together. When I gave birth to Xiaobao, Dingcheng and Auntie prepared things, and I didn't participate. Now Dingcheng and Auntie are not here. The two of you can help me choose what I want." Mu Jiu looked at the two of them for advice.

"I think it's good to choose soft and big brands. By the way, is your friend's daughter or son?" Lin Weishuang asked.

In fact, in terms of raising children and choosing things, although she gave birth to four sons, none of them were brought out by herself, so if she really wants to give her opinions, there is nothing to mention.

"I don't know, I haven't checked, it doesn't matter anyway." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Su Luotong could tell that she liked her daughter more, but it was not clear whether she was carrying a son or a daughter in her belly.

"It doesn't matter, things for newborns are generally common to both boys and girls." The old lady said with exceptional experience.

That's natural, the four grandchildren were all brought up by her, and they have more say than Lin Weishuang's own mother.

"It's not wrong to listen to your grandma." Lin Weishuang said with a smile.

The young and the small went shopping in the mall for a long time before returning home with a full load. As soon as they entered the mansion, they saw two brothers Jiang Dinghe and Jiang Dingce playing chess there.

It's rare for someone so irritable to calm down and play chess.

Mu Jiu expressed some doubts.

When Jiang Dinghe saw the servants moving things in piles, he couldn't sit still. "Oh, the three beauties had a great harvest today, did you use the truck?"

Jiang Dinghe knows poverty.

The old lady glared at him directly, then laughed. "I knew you and Xiaosi'er were so free at home, I should have dragged you to carry things for us."

It is very happy to hear boasting, no matter how old you are.

In the Jiang family, Jiang Dinghe is the one who can make the old lady happy. He has a very sweet mouth, and he can make the old lady happy with just a few sentences.

It's just that his sweet mouth is of no use to Xu Yanke.

This was also the thing that bothered him the most.

Jiang Dinghe simply stopped playing chess and came directly to hold the old lady's hand. "Oh, grandma, you didn't say it earlier, I am willing to be a hard worker, and I am extremely happy to carry things for our big beauty."

The old lady was very happy when she heard this.

However, he didn't smile for two seconds and then turned cold again. "Who told me to meet my granddaughter-in-law before Chinese New Year, but Chinese New Year is coming soon, where is my granddaughter-in-law? Where is the figure?"

When Jiang Dinghe heard the old lady's words, he immediately pulled Mu Jiu over. "Old lady, isn't this your granddaughter-in-law? Where else can I look for it? Isn't she here in front of you?"

When the old lady heard his words, her face immediately sank. "Xiao Jiu is my second grandson's wife, what about yours?"

Jiang Dinghe touched the tip of his nose, then looked at Mu Jiu for help.

Who told him that he hasn't caught up with Xu Yanke yet, so he can only ask his second sister-in-law for help.

"Grandma, I won't be in a hurry for a while. This time, the third child met someone who is not easy to chase. It may take a little longer." Mu Jiu spoke in support of Jiang Dinghe.

The old lady laughed when she heard this. "It's going to make Xiao San'er suffer a lot. She is usually a prostitute everywhere, but this time she is chasing Xiao Jiu's friend, so she needs some treats."

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. With the old lady's supernatural powers and Jiang Dinghe's high-profile pursuit of Xu Yanke, it's impossible not to hear any rumors. But the old lady was not too eager to force him.

I thought the old lady didn't know anything, but it's a pity that she knew everything.

"Grandma, don't worry, I've never been so serious. I'm always rushing to get married. I follow my second elder brother and second sister-in-law as an example." Jiang Dinghe said as if reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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