cute in his palm

Chapter 1537 Like a Queen

Chapter 1537 Like a Queen

Guan Xiaotong scrambled back and forth under the quilt, and was in a daze for a long time before finally falling asleep.

This return to the cage made her sleep extraordinarily comfortable.

After Gu Xiao cooked the hangover soup and made breakfast, he saw Guan Xiaotong sleeping soundly on the bed with a peaceful expression on his face, and he didn't want to wake her up.

Holding the mobile phone, he started to work on the sidelines.

Gu Xiao is now officially taking over the property of the Gu family, so he has a great responsibility and a heavy task.

I can't stand him making a joke.

Moreover, in order to make Guan Xiaotong his wife earlier, he needs to make himself stronger earlier, so that he is qualified to let this woman stay by his side strongly.

About three or four hours later, the group of figures on the bed began to move.

Gu Xiao knew that Guan Xiaotong had slept enough.

Putting down the phone with a smile, she walked to the bed and sat down.

"Tongtong, are you awake?" Gu Xiao said looking at the little woman who was slowly opening.

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong suddenly woke up.

She thought that after she slept, Gu Xiao would be gone.

It's still there.

Thinking of letting him sleep in his arms all night, some unnatural blush would appear on his face.

"Well, I'm awake, what time is it, and you haven't gone back yet?" Guan Xiaotong said directly.

Gu Xiao really didn't want to listen to the words that he wanted to drive him away the first time he opened his mouth.

In such a hurry to drive him away, he will not do what she wants.

"Tongtong, I'm watching you wake up. If you haven't woken up, how can I leave with peace of mind? I've cooked the hangover soup, but it should be cold now. I'll go downstairs and warm it up for you." Gu Xiao watched Guan Xiaotong said.

"No need." Guan Xiaotong refused him.

Gu Xiao's originally gentle eyes were suddenly stained with disappointment.

"Tongtong, I know you don't like me, but I really want to treat you well." Gu Xiao said calmly.

There is some uncomfortable emotion in the tone.

Seeing him like this, Guan Xiaotong felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

"Gu Xiao, that's not what I meant. I didn't mean to hate you. I just woke up completely. I don't need to drink any more hangover soup." Guan Xiaotong tried hard to explain.

It's not that she dislikes him. After last night, she knows how gentle and considerate this man is to her.

Besides, Gu Xiao is really not such a bad person.

Get up early in the morning and cook something for her.

When Gu Xiao heard this, his confidence was rekindled.

"Tongtong, do you mean that you don't hate me, but actually like me?" Gu Xiao said, staring at her excitedly but cautiously.

"Why do I like you, I'm going to wash my face, you go down first, I'll go down later, I'm hungry." Guan Xiaotong glanced at him and said.

Although he didn't admit his liking for him, Guan Xiaotong could still read some shyness in his eyes, at least one thing was certain.

Guan Xiaotong might not like him yet, but he definitely doesn't hate him.

As long as he works a little harder, he will surely win her heart and take her down.

Let her marry him willingly.

"Tongtong, I'm going downstairs to cook something, you come down to eat later, remember to call me if you have anything to do." Gu Xiao said towards the bathroom.

Guan Xiaotong inside acted as if he didn't hear him, and completely ignored him.

Gu Xiao smiled, turned around and went downstairs.

Hearing the sound of Gu Xiao closing the door, Guan Xiaotong slowly raised his head to look at himself in the mirror.

What's wrong with her now?

Actually fell in Gu Xiao's way, and thought this man was pretty good.

It's just that it's pretty good.

Guan Xiaotong quickly washed his face, then tidied up and went downstairs.

The door of the coffee shop was closed tightly, and it was rare that the empty hall was very quiet. I didn't see Gu Xiao's figure, so I knew where he was without thinking too much.

Guan Xiaotong turned around and went into the kitchen.

I saw Gu Xiao wearing a white shirt and black trousers, standing there cooking something with a plaid apron around his body, and the strong aroma was already coming out of the pot.

Guan Xiaotong was already hungry, but now when he smelled this smell, he became even hungrier, and tried hard to inhale the fragrance in the air.

"Come down, the food hasn't been cooked yet, let's sit outside first, there is oily smoke in the kitchen." Gu Xiao said, looking back at Guan Xiaotong who was half leaning on the door frame.

Suddenly he liked this feeling very much. He was cooking in the kitchen, and when he turned his head, he saw the little woman leaning there halfway. There was such an indescribable warmth slowly passing through his heart.

I want to be like this for the rest of my life.

"What are you cooking? It smells so good." Guan Xiaotong sniffed and said.

Take another look at Gu Xiao who is serious about cooking, he is really handsome.

Sure enough, as they said, men who cook seriously are the most handsome.

"Beef stew powder, the ingredients in the refrigerator are limited, so we can only make this." Gu Xiao said with a smile.

"We were planning to close for the New Year, so we didn't prepare any food here. We ate hot pot last night, and there wasn't much left." Guan Xiaotong expressed his understanding.

However, it is rare to be able to make a dish out of the few remaining ingredients.

Just by smelling the aroma in this dish, you can tell that once the smell of beef stew comes out, it will definitely not be that bad.

This, she quite believed.

Therefore, it shows that Gu Xiao still has an advantage in cooking.

A man who can cook, make money and has good looks is really the image of a good husband.

At this time, there was one in front of Guan Xiaotong.

Bah, Guan Xiaotong, what are you thinking about, what are you thinking about?

To think of Gu Xiao as a candidate for a good husband, what is there to choose.

Fearing that Gu Xiao would notice his little uneasiness, he immediately turned around and left. "I'm going to wait outside, I'm so hungry, hurry up."

Guan Xiaotong ordered Gu Xiao like a queen.

"Tongtong, I will be there soon, you wait outside for a while." Gu Xiao said with a smile.

Guan Xiaotong flipped through his phone boredly outside, refreshed his circle of friends, and saw a new circle of friends posted by Mu Jiu.

Money fan Jiang Tianen.

A photo showed Jiang Tianen sitting on the ground, holding a bunch of red envelopes, and smiling so happily.

Guan Xiaotong looked at his smiling face and couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, he has been a money fan since he was a child, a master at making money, and he will definitely surpass Jiang Dingcheng in the future.

"What are you looking at, so happy?" Gu Xiao came out with vermicelli, and saw Guan Xiaotong sitting there laughing.

"Look, Jiang Tianen is a money fan." Guan Xiaotong handed the phone in front of him.

"I also want a little money fan like this." Gu Xiao said pointedly.

Guan Xiaotong didn't bother to talk to him, so he put away his phone and ate vermicelli.

(End of this chapter)

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