cute in his palm

Chapter 1538 Pretend not to hear

Chapter 1538 Pretend not to hear

Seeing her eating in such a hurry, Gu Xiao knew that she was shy, and also understood the implication in what he said just now. Compared with Jiang Tianen, a little money fan of other people's family, he hoped that he could be with Guan Xiaotong. To be able to give birth to their little money fan, I feel extremely happy just by imagining it.

Seeing that her hair was about to hang down into the bowl, Gu Xiao directly reached out to lift up that strand of her hair and gently pulled it behind her ear.

The white and jade-like ears pierced his eyes with big thorns.

Guan Xiaotong was taken aback by his action, and turned to stare at him. "Gu Xiao, what are you doing?"

"Your hair is about to fall into the bowl, I'll help you pull it up." Gu Xiao said calmly.

Heh, to be so kind, Guan Xiaotong would never believe that this hooligan would do such a thing in such a gentle manner, it really doesn't look like Gu Xiao's style at all.

"Really?" Guan Xiaotong looked at him in disbelief and said.

Gu Xiao smiled, just now she looked at her so fiercely that she almost frightened him.

"Of course it's true. When have I ever lied to you?" Gu Xiao looked at her with a smile and said.

"Eat slowly, it's just cooked and it's hot, it's bad if you choke, you drank so much wine last night." Gu Xiao couldn't help reminding her in a low voice.

If she eats like this, she will definitely choke.

"Oh, don't worry about me, don't you want to eat?" Guan Xiaotong realized that he didn't eat, but just sat there and watched her eat.

Although Guan Xiaotong is a carefree person, it still makes her very uncomfortable if people stare at her food.

"I'm not hungry." Gu Xiao said calmly.

Guan Xiaotong was stunned for a moment and didn't say much, but she knew that he probably hadn't eaten since morning, so how could he not be hungry?
The only thing that comes to mind is that there is simply not enough food in the refrigerator for two people.

So, he didn't eat.

"Gu Xiao, isn't it..."

"Eat quickly, it won't taste good if it's too cold." Gu Xiao glanced at her and said.

"Hmm." Guan Xiaotong didn't say anything anymore, he was really hungry.

Soon, she finished a bowl of vermicelli. The stewed beef vermicelli tastes really good.

I have never eaten something like this before, but it was the first time I ate it, and it tasted surprisingly delicious.

Probably because she was really hungry, so even if she didn't eat any more, she would feel delicious.

"Are you full?" Gu Xiao asked with a satisfied look on her face.

"I'm full." Guan Xiaotong got up and rubbed his belly and said, ready to go in with a bowl.

"Tongtong, I'll wash the dishes." When Gu Xiao saw that she was about to pick up the bowl, he immediately reached out to pick it up, but Guan Xiaotong avoided it. Clothes to stretch out hands to eat food to open mouth.

But, in the same way, even if she was thrown alone in the deep mountains and old forests, she could still survive starvation with her own hands.

Therefore, she can do such a simple thing as washing the dishes.

"No need, Gu Xiao, I'll come by myself, you sit down, I'll grind the coffee, do you want it?" Guan Xiaotong glanced at him and said softly.

Gu Xiao thought for a while and nodded. "I want."

Guan Xiaotong turned around and carried the big bowl into the kitchen.

Guan Xiaotong took a look in the refrigerator, it was indeed empty.

There seemed to be nothing left to cook except some jam and fruit.

At the end of last night, they basically cooked all the dishes that could be put into the pot, and the five of them ate them slowly and cleaned them all up.

Gu Xiao is really an idiot.

She didn't want to eat it herself, so she cooked a bowl of vermicelli and gave it to her alone.

Then Guan Xiaotong looked at the flour on the side and had an idea that she could still make some simple cakes, so she locked the kitchen door behind her.

While grinding the coffee powder and cooking it, I started kneading the dough and preparing to bake some bread.

Gu Xiao had been waiting outside for Guan Xiaotong to grind the coffee himself, but Guan Xiaotong hadn't ground him a cup of coffee for so long.

The thought of being able to drink the coffee made by her personally warms my heart.

I just waited for half an hour, but I still didn't see Guan Xiaotong come out, but I kept hearing tinkling in the kitchen, I don't know what she was messing with in there.

"Tongtong, what are you doing?" Gu Xiao couldn't sit still and walked to the kitchen and asked her.

Guan Xiaotong just spoke calmly. "It'll be fine in a while, go sit down, don't come to the kitchen door."

This is not a request, this is a simple order.

Of course Gu Xiao sat down obediently.

After waiting for another half an hour, the kitchen door opened, and a strong aroma filled the entire cafe. Guan Xiaotong was holding a tray with two cups of coffee and a cake on it.

Even Gu Xiao felt that he was dazzled, but there was still a cake.

So in fact, there is no need to think too much about where this cake came from, it was made by Guan Xiaotong.

In such a period of time, she actually made a cake.

"What's wrong?" Guan Xiaotong glanced at Gu Xiao and said.

Then calmly put down the coffee and took out the cake.

The seven-inch cake is covered with fruits, which looks extraordinarily attractive.

"Don't you like eating cakes?" Guan Xiaotong looked at his face and said, he didn't look very happy, maybe it meant he didn't like it very much.

Guan Xiaotong also knew that most men didn't like sweets.

Gu Xiao might be like this too.

"No, I just feel that your speed is too fast, which also surprised me. Tongtong is such a capable person who can do such things." Gu Xiao laughed and said.

It turns out that Guan Xiaotong is more capable than he imagined, and knows a lot.

Sure enough, people need a lot of contact.

"Of course, I know a lot of things, but you don't know it." Guan Xiaotong smiled lightly, directly took a knife to cut the cake, and gave him a piece.

"Cake and coffee taste the best together. The cake I made doesn't taste very good, so let's just eat it." Guan Xiaotong looked at him and said.

Gu Xiao was really hungry, so he directly picked up the cake and ate a few mouthfuls, the taste was delicate.

Guan Xiaotong really has two brushes, and the taste is really good.

"How is it, is it okay?" Guan Xiaotong looked at him and asked.

In fact, Guan Xiaotong usually grinds more coffee and makes less cakes, so he doesn't know if what she makes will make him like it.

However, seeing that Gu Xiao ate so much, it wasn't because of the delicious taste, it was probably because he was really hungry.

This man actually dared to tell her that he wasn't hungry, it's no wonder he wasn't hungry, he was simply too hungry.

Fortunately, she can also make some cakes, otherwise, she would starve him out of trouble.

"It tastes very good. If I can eat it every day, I will be happier." Gu Xiao said with a smile.

Guan Xiaotong pretended not to hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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