cute in his palm

Chapter 1539 I will remember

Chapter 1539 I will remember

Mu Jiu hadn't contacted Jiang Dingcheng in the past few days, so she was very worried. The expression on her face on the New Year's Day was all serious.

Early in the morning, Lin Weishuang saw her like this and was very worried.

"Xiao Jiu, is there something uncomfortable, or something on your mind? I see you look unhappy." Lin Weishuang came over and asked her.

When Mu Jiu heard Lin Weishuang's worried words, she froze for a while before speaking. "Mom, I'm fine, probably because I drank too much wine last night, and I'm still a little dizzy now."

When Lin Weishuang heard her say this, her eyes were full of distress. "Xiao Jiu, you child, you came back so late last night with the third child, you don't want to sleep a little longer, the third child hasn't woken up yet."

When the two of them came back last night, it was already midnight, and they were still drunk. I don't know how much wine they had drunk, but it was obvious that Mu Jiu was very happy.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'll take a shower later." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

When I came back last night, I was directly helped into the room by the servant to sleep, and I didn't have time to see that guy Jiang Tianen. When I went to the baby's room to check, I didn't see the little guy.

"Go ahead, I asked the kitchen to prepare hangover soup, and I'll come downstairs to drink it later."

"What about the little guy?"

"Your grandma and fourth child took him to play in the study in the backyard." Lin Weishuang looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I drank too much last night." Mu Jiu apologized very earnestly. She is still breastfeeding, so she can't actually drink.

But in the situation last night, she still couldn't help drinking, so she felt a little sorry for the Jiang family.

"Xiao Jiu, you didn't feel sorry for anyone. It doesn't matter if the little guy is fed milk for two days. You can go upstairs to take a bath first, and come down later to drink sober tea." Lin Weishuang looked at her kindly and said.

Jiang Dingcheng was not here, so Mu Jiu felt a lot of pressure to let their mother and son be here.

This point, Lin Weishuang is very clear.

So it doesn't really matter if you drink a little wine every once in a while.

"Okay, mom, I'll go up first." Mu Jiu turned back after finishing speaking.

As soon as he went upstairs, he ran into Jiang Dinghe who had just woken up.

"Morning, Second Sister-in-law." Jiang Dinghe greeted Mu Jiu with a yawn, obviously looking like he hadn't woken up yet.

"It's getting late, it's past ten o'clock." Mu Jiu glanced at him and said.

It seems that Jiang Dinghe's spirit is not as good as hers. If you want to blame, you can blame him for drinking too much and too hard yesterday, so he got drunk in the end.

"Oh, it's late, second sister-in-law, are you okay? I have a very headache." Jiang Dinghe asked Mu Jiu with concern.

"I'm fine. Go back to your room and take a shower first. You can go downstairs and have a hangover tea. Mom asked the kitchen to cook it." Mu Jiu reminded him.

"That's exactly what I mean. If you feel better after drinking the hangover soup, I'll take a shower and go out. Does Second Sister-in-law need me to buy anything?" Jiang Dinghe asked her.

"Are you still going out today?" Mu Jiu looked at him strangely.

You know, today is New Year's Eve.

"Well, go out and have lunch with Ke Ke, I don't worry about her being home alone." Jiang Dinghe said.

They all woke up from drinking last night. He originally didn't want to come back with Mu Jiu, but planned to go back to her residence with Xu Yanke, but Xu Yan refused to let him, and then he also considered that he and Xu Yanke were not friends yet. If boyfriend and girlfriend are together directly, staying with her for one night will definitely ruin Xu Yanke's reputation.

"Then you can go and see Ke Ke. Although she can drink well, she did drink too much last night." Mu Jiu was also worried about Xu Yanke.

Out of resentment towards Xu's family, this year's Chinese New Year probably won't go back to Xu's house, usually either with her aunt, or just having a casual meal by herself.

Now that Jiang Dinghe cares about it, it may not be a good thing.

"Well, Second Sister-in-law, I'll go down first. By the way, have you not contacted Second Brother for a few days?" Jiang Dinghe stopped after walking two steps and asked her.

"Well, are you..."

"Second sister-in-law, don't worry, second brother is fine, he's fine, he's busy these days." Jiang Dinghe comforted Mu Jiu.

When Mu Jiu heard this, even though she knew it was comforting words, it still warmed her heart a lot.

"I know, I'm going back to my room first." Mu Jiu was still a little unhappy in her heart.

Jiang Dinghe said no more, turned around and went downstairs.

After taking a shower, Mu Jiu drank sober soup and walked to the backyard with Lin Weishuang.

"Xiao Jiu, what is the third child doing in such a hurry? Do you know?" Lin Weishuang knew that Jiang Dinghe was chasing Mu Jiu's friend, but he hadn't caught up yet. Lin Weishuang didn't know who he was chasing. Which, so will be curious too.

Mu Jiu somewhat understood the meaning of Lin Weishuang's question.

But pretend not to know. "I don't know what he's going out to do. Maybe he has something to do. I promised to invest in a modeling agency for him before. There should be a lot of things for him to deal with."

Mu Jiu turned the matter over to official matters.

Lin Weishuang didn't ask any more questions, because as a mother, she didn't know much about the sons' personal feelings and work.

Therefore, even if you want to learn more now, you won't be able to fully understand it in a while.

"Let's go, let's go see the little guy." Lin Weishuang decided not to meddle in their affairs anymore, and went directly with Mu Jiu to the study in the backyard to find the old lady.

From a distance, I heard the little guy's laughter, which sounded very happy.

"Jiang Tianen, look who's here." Lin Weishuang pushed open the door and said with a smile to the little guy inside.

When Jiang Tianen heard grandma's voice and saw his mother again, he was overjoyed.

"Woo..." The little guy quickly stretched out his chubby hand to be hugged by his mother.

Mu Jiu walked over to pick up the little guy and hug him. "Grandma, thank you for your hard work." Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and said.

"Silly girl, what kind words can you say to grandma? It's not hard. I'm only happy when Jiang Tianen is with me." The old lady said with a smile.

From her point of view, she never felt that taking Jiang Tianen was hard work, but only something that made her very happy.

The older the elderly, the more they want to be able to do more things, and then prove to them that although she is old, she is still useful.

"I know grandma is the best, and it's the best for Jiang Tianen of our family. The little guy will remember grandma's good." Mu Jiu said, pulling the little guy's hand.

The little guy seemed to understand what his mother said, and then he laughed there, smiling at the old lady.

Seeing such a smart and lovely great-grandson, the old lady was naturally overjoyed.

"Of course Jiang Tianen will remember Grandma's kindness, right?" The old lady looked at Jiang Tianen with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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