cute in his palm

Chapter 1541 Refusing This Gift

Chapter 1541 Refusing This Gift

The people of the Jiang family saw Mu Jiu go out for a trip, and when he came back with two gift bags in his hands, they were a little surprised.

After Mu Jiu went out for a while and came back, she had two more bags of gifts in her hands.

They all expressed some small surprises.

"Xiao Jiu, is your friend here?" The old lady looked at Mu Jiu and asked.

When Mu Jiu went out before, he just said to go out, and didn't say who he wanted to meet, so they didn't ask too much. Now it seems that they are going to meet someone.

And this person should have a good relationship with Mu Jiu, otherwise he wouldn't have given such an expensive gift.

"Well, a friend." Mu Jiu nodded and said.

For her, the merchant's aunt is an elder who has a good eye, so she can also be regarded as a friend who can talk.

Wangnian pays like this.

"My friends are already at the door, why don't you invite him in for a cup of tea?" the old lady looked at Mu Jiu and said.

When people came to give gifts at the door, they didn't invite them to drink a glass of water or something. This is very rude. The old lady is very particular about such human affairs.

What's more, if you don't entertain them at the door, it means they haven't entertained them well.

"She still wants to go back in a hurry, and left after delivering the things. I will invite everyone to the New Year's party at home in a few years. Grandma, do you think it's okay?" Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and said.

The old lady smiled. "What Xiaojiu said makes sense, listen to Xiaojiu."

It's New Year's Eve today, everyone is very busy, it's normal that people don't have time to drink tea at home.

"Of course, Xiaojiu, you can invite all your friends to come over for dinner in the next year and have a lively time." The old lady said happily.

"Grandma, I'll go upstairs to put things first." Mu Jiu went upstairs with the things.

When he got to the room, Mu Jiu opened the bag and took a look. On the jewelry box was the logo of a certain international jewelry brand in large characters. Mu Jiu had an impression of all these big brands.

Opening the box again, what caught the eye was a set of diamond jewelry, which was worth millions.

Mu Jiu was stunned for a moment, the merchant's aunt gave this gift too exaggeratedly.

Even my own mother doesn't give gifts like this.

Mu Jiu was a little apprehensive.

No wonder Aunt Shang didn't let her open the gift when she just received it, because after seeing it, Mu Jiu would definitely return it to her directly.

She can't accept such a precious thing.

So, why did Aunt Shang give such an expensive gift?

In Mu Jiu's heart, the more she thought about it, the heavier she became.

The little guy's set doesn't even need to be seen to know its value.

Mu Jiu still opened it and took a look. It was a Jade Buddha. Just by its appearance, it was really not cheap, not to mention the card she gave Xiaobao.

The more Mu Jiu thinks about it, the more unpleasant it becomes, her heart almost jumps out, anyway, her heart is empty, and she is particularly worried, because she has never been a person who seeks petty gains, let alone taking pleasure in taking advantage of others She is quite clear about the fact that a person who does nothing but does nothing.

Mu Jiu directly took out her cell phone to call Aunt Shang, but the cell phone was turned off. The more this happened, the more disturbed Mu Jiu felt.

The direct way to contact Aunt Shang is to call Shang Jinglu.

Mu Jiu dialed Shang Jinglu's phone without hesitation, but luckily the phone was connected after two rings.

"Brother Jinglu, it's me, happy new year." Mu Jiu said directly.

Shang Jinglu on the other end was silent for two seconds and spoke. "Xiao Jiu, happy new year, what's the matter?"

Shang Jinglu still knows a little about Mu Jiu. When Mu Jiu called at this time, it wasn't just to greet the New Year, there must be other things.

When asked by him, Mu Jiu didn't know how to speak, her eyes fell on the gift bag aside for two seconds, and then she spoke. "Brother Jinglu, Aunt Shang came to look for me today and gave me and Xiaobao a New Year's gift, but what she gave was too expensive, I couldn't accept millions of jewelry, but now I call Aunt Shang , her mobile phone is turned off, can you tell her that I don't accept such expensive gifts. "

Mu Jiu said the matter in one breath.

Shang Jinglu understood when he heard this, it turned out that Tao Shuqin was so helpless.

Regarding the delicate relationship between Tao Shuqin and the Mu family, Shang Jinglu had investigated it in private, but he did not expect the results to surprise him so much.

Tao Shuqin is the biological mother who abandoned Mu Jiu and Mu Liangchen.

After leaving for nearly 20 years, I have never contacted my family here.

Of course, the merchants didn't let the people in the business know about her relationship with the Mu family. Tao Shuqin knew how much Mu Jiu hated her biological mother, so she didn't dare to recognize her daughter directly.

Now I want to use this method to make up for Mu Jiu.

It's just that Tao Shuqin was in a hurry, no one would dare to accept such an expensive gift as soon as she gave it away.

It would be strange for an elder from a friend's family to give him millions of gifts.

"Xiao Jiu, you can put it away for now. My aunt has always been like this. She will give expensive things to anyone she has a relationship with. Of course, these things have no price definition in her eyes, only suitable or not. In the past My aunt is also like this in France, I don’t know how many girls I have given gifts.” Shang Jinglu is half lying, although Tao Shuqin will be kind to girls who have eyes, but she will definitely not give gifts worth tens of thousands , she will give it away, but others may not dare to accept it.

But in Mu Jiu's place, it's worth millions, so it's no wonder Mu Jiu is unwilling to accept it.

"Is it really like this?" Mu Jiu asked with some doubts.

I never knew that there are still people who have such a hobby of giving gifts to others, even expensive ones.

Rich wives are different.

"Xiaojiu, it's because my aunt doesn't have any children around her, and she likes her very much, so she gave it to you when she saw that she has eyes for you. Don't be burdened. If you don't accept it, my aunt will be very sad." Shang Jinglu persuaded Mu Jiu and said.

Mu Jiu fell silent when she heard this, her mind was a little confused.

Although she didn't know what Tao Shuqin was thinking, Mu Jiu still decided not to accept such an expensive gift from her.

"Brother Jinglu, I appreciate Aunt Shang's kindness, but this gift is still too heavy. I will find a chance to return it to her." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Shang Jinglu on the other end paused for a moment, sure enough, Tao Shuqin's actions were too hasty, and it would only backfire, which made Mu Jiu feel uneasy.

"Xiao Jiu, you decide this matter yourself. I think she will understand after you and my aunt make it clear." Shang Jinglu is not taking any side at present, and can only let their mother and daughter resolve this matter by themselves. .

The only thing he knows is that if Mu Jiu finds out that the merchant's aunt is her biological mother, he will be very angry, and maybe even he will ignore her.

(End of this chapter)

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