cute in his palm

Chapter 1542 Feels like something happened to him

Chapter 1542 Feels like something happened to him

When Shang Jinglu knew that Tao Shuqin was Mu Jiu's biological mother, there was only one thought in his mind, the world is really small, and the fate is really wonderful.

Why is it not good for Tao Shuqin to marry anyone, but he chose to marry his brother-in-law, who married into a merchant.

Originally, Shang Jinglu wanted to work hard with Mu Jiu, after all, Mu Jiu's affection for him had not completely disappeared, but after knowing that Tao Shuqin was her biological mother, Shang Jinglu gave up this idea.

Because he didn't have the guts to tell Mu Jiu about this, let alone think about what Mu Jiu would think of him.

Shang Jinglu's image in Mu Jiu's heart had already been damaged a lot, and because of Tao Shuqin's incident, he was afraid that his image in Mu Jiu's heart would be ruined.

"Brother Jinglu, if you have nothing to do, hang up first."

"Xiao Jiu." Shang Jinglu suddenly stopped her.

This voice startled Mu Jiu.

I thought there was something wrong with Shang Jinglu. "Brother Jinglu, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Jiu, there's nothing else. I'll transfer the money to you later, the lucky money for Xiao Bao." Shang Jinglu said with a changed tone.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she subconsciously refused. "No need, brother Jinglu."

"Xiao Jiu, this isn't for you, it's for the little guy, just hang up like this, Xiao Jiu, happy new year." After finishing speaking, Shang Jinglu hung up.

Mu Jiu really has no affection for Shang Jinglu now, but she doesn't know what Shang Jinglu thinks.

Then, soon the mobile phone received a text message transfer.

The five-figure New Year's money is really willing to give, Mu Jiu doesn't even know what to say.

However, it was right that she had a lot of worries this year.

Since it's the New Year's money for the little guy, let's keep it first.

The little guy just woke up at this time, Mu Jiu went to the baby room to see him with his mobile phone, the little guy opened his eyes and looked around there.

"Jiang Tianen, you're awake." Mu Jiu reached out and pinched her son's chubby face.

The little guy immediately became happy.

"Wow..." He opened his hands for Mu Jiu to hug.

Mu Jiu stuffed the phone in his pocket, and walked downstairs with the little guy in his arms.

When passing by the window, I saw that the sky outside was gradually getting dark, and it was going to be dark soon.

Jiang Dingcheng wondered if he would have New Year's Eve dinner in Italy.

It seems that he really won't come back this year.

In fact, Mu Jiu was still looking forward to the last day of today, holding on to Jiang Dingcheng's hope that he would come back.

When they arrived downstairs, the old lady and the others were no longer making dumplings. The family sat on the sofa and chatted. Watching Mu Jiu come down with the little guy in her arms, she happily called them over to sit down.

"Xiao Jiu, come and sit with Tian En." The old lady waved to Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu passed by.

"Grandma, are you preparing the New Year's Eve dinner?" Mu Jiu said listening to the clinking sound coming from the kitchen.

"I'm getting ready, get ready earlier, and the chef can get off work earlier and go back to the reunion." The old lady said with a smile.

The old servants who have worked in Jiang's house for many years know that the old lady is a kind and friendly old lady, and she is also quite good to them servants, she has no airs at all, and she will not look down on others.

"Where are the parents?" Mu Jiu asked curiously, but she didn't see Lin Weishuang here.

"Oh, the two of them are in the kitchen, preparing to cook two dishes they are good at. In previous years, they didn't have the opportunity to celebrate the New Year at home. This year it's rare to have time, so I want to show off my skills." The old lady said while teasing Jiang Tianen.

"Second sister-in-law, you may not know that my parents' cooking skills are pretty good. Although they do research all the year round, they usually cook their own meals." Jiang Dingce said with a smile.

Mu Jiu expressed some expectation.

"Fourth, give the baby a hug. I'll go to the kitchen." Mu Jiu thought about whether she could help, so she stuffed Jiang Tianen into Jiang Dingce's arms.

When Mu Jiu arrived at the door of the kitchen, he saw Jiang Hehong and his wife in aprons busy among a bunch of chefs and servants. It could be seen that they were really veterans.

What Mu Jiu is most envious of is that the two of them have been married for so many years and still love each other so much.

Just in time, the phone rang, and seeing that it was Jiang Dingcheng's number, Mu Jiu was very excited. She was wondering when she would receive Jiang Dingcheng's call.

I was also worried that he would not call back today.

Unexpectedly, I still called.

Mu Jiu happily went outside with her mobile phone.

"Ding Cheng!" Mu Jiu called him happily as soon as he got connected.

Jiang Dingcheng over there was silent for a while before speaking. "Xiao Jiu, happy new year, sorry, I can't go back to accompany you and the little guy."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard his full apology, which made Mu Jiu's heart a little sour. "It's okay, your work is important, but remember that today is the Chinese New Year, you have to eat something good, don't be too tired."

"Honey, I know." When Jiang Dingcheng said this, there was some fatigue in his obvious voice.

Mu Jiu noticed it sensitively.

"Dingcheng, are you tired?"

It was a long time before Jiang Dingcheng opened his mouth. "Um."

A simple word, but let Mu Jiu hear his exhaustion and forbearance.

If a man wants to support a family and a group, he has to pay a hundred times more than ordinary men, so he will naturally be more tired than them.

"Husband, you don't have to come back in a hurry, take care of the company's affairs slowly, my son and I will wait for you at home, by the way, the little guy just woke up, do you want a video...Grandma and mother are also interested I want to see you." Mu Jiu asked him hesitantly.

Jiang Dingcheng was silent, and it took a while before he spoke.

"Jiu'er, I don't want it today. I'll make a video in a few days." Jiang Dingcheng begged in a gentle voice.

Mu Jiu was not willing to embarrass him, he said no video if not, just listening to his voice can already make her very happy.

It's better than not even being able to hear his voice.

"Well, take care of yourself there, we'll wait for you to come back, no matter how long it takes." Mu Jiu said seriously.

These words, word by word, were engraved on his heart.

Very heartwarming.

With the encouragement of his wife, he will overcome even the greatest difficulties.

"Jiu'er, I will be back as soon as possible."

"Well, if you are very tired, you must rest more, you know?" Mu Jiu told him worriedly.

Jiang Dingcheng laughed. "Okay, I'll call you again when I have time, Jiu'er, I love you."

"I love you, Ding Cheng."

After hanging up the phone, although Mu Jiu was full of joy, she felt faintly uneasy.

I always feel that Jiang Dingcheng's voice is not right, as if he is enduring great pain. He said it was because he was too tired, but it was not exactly like this.

Also, he actually didn't want to make a video.

This doesn't look like his style, it's him who wants to keep hanging up every time the video is played.

(End of this chapter)

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