cute in his palm

Chapter 1547 The situation is not optimistic

Chapter 1547 The situation is not optimistic

Roman hospital.

Chi Heyu simply ate something at the hotel, but he still couldn't fall asleep at first, so he went directly to the hospital. Jiang Dingcheng was still lying in the ICU ward, showing no signs of waking up.

Chi Heyu went to smoke outside the hospital irritatedly.

One after another, he smoked three cigarettes in a row.

Duan Jinhong has arrived.

"The third child, how is the second child?" As soon as Duan Jinhong arrived at the hospital, he saw Chi Heyu smoking in the hospital garden, and he knew from the restless look on his face that the situation was definitely not optimistic.

"Brother, you're here." Seeing Duan Jinhong, Chi Heyu felt a little better.

Duan Jinhong received a call from Chi Heyu as soon as Jiang Dingcheng was injured. Jiang Dingcheng's condition was serious, so he didn't care so much and came directly by private plane.

For the time being, I didn't know about this matter with Gu Xiao and Cheng Yichen, fearing that the two of them could not help but run over directly, and the matter would become a big mess.

What is Jiang Dingcheng's situation now? Duan Jinhong has no idea if he hasn't been here to see it himself, so he doesn't want them to know first, lest they can't help, and it will be a waste of help.

"Well, how is the second child?" Duan Jinhong looked at him and asked.

Chi Heyu, who seldom smokes, has even smoked several cigarettes. It seems that Jiang Dingcheng's situation is not ideal, it may be very serious.

Duan Jinhong's face darkened again and again.

"Second brother's situation is hard to say. He's still lying in the ICU ward. Let's go there." Chi Heyu led Duan Jinhong to Jiang Dingcheng's ward.

Looking at the situation inside through the glass on the door, Jiang Dingcheng was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, all kinds of tubes all over his body, no need to ask, he knew that his situation was not optimistic, it was very serious.

"What did the doctor say?" Duan Jinhong glanced at Chi Heyu and said.

When they returned to China, they didn't expect Antenglong to be so arrogant. However, Italy was originally Antenglong's territory, and they were mafia cronies, so the region was very unfavorable to Jiang Dingcheng and the others.

At that time, Duan Jinhong reminded them, be careful, don't force it, and go back to China if it doesn't work.

Now it seems that Duan Jinhong underestimated An Tenglong's strength and cruelty.

"There were five shots on the body, three of which were serious, the back of the head, the left chest and the waist, but luckily they were almost fatal." Chi Heyu said with a slightly heavy voice.

The doctor said that Jiang Dingcheng was very fateful. If the three shots passed a little bit, he would have died on the spot. When he was sent to the hospital, he was still able to consciously make a phone call. He had never seen such a strong willpower before. man.

In fact, the doctors don't understand, but these brothers do understand.

Now Mu Jiu is fate to Jiang Dingcheng, after having a weakness, the man will become extremely powerful, and it will make others dumbfounded.

Therefore, women can let them last until the last moment.

If it weren't for Mu Jiu's belief, Jiang Dingcheng wouldn't have woken up before entering the operating room and asked to make a call.

"It seems that An Tenglong intends to kill him." Duan Jinhong said angrily.

He really never thought that An Tenglong would be such a ruthless character.

Fortunately, Jiang Dingcheng has a lot of life, otherwise any shot would directly kill him.

"Is the hospital safe here?" Duan Jinhong had to think about this matter.

You must know that An Tenglong, a red-eyed beast, might chase after him.

"Don't worry, brother, it's okay to have people from the Ye family. Besides, this time I notified the embassy and the police here. They are guarded day and night. Even if An Tenglong makes a fuss, he won't dare to come directly to the hospital to kill people. Besides, the second brother The matter of the serious injury has been blocked, I guess An Tenglong will think that the second brother was accidentally injured and died in the shooting, and there is no danger for the time being." Chi Heyu said calmly.

This is the only way to think about it now, and the manpower is also well arranged.

"Let's see when the second child wakes up." Duan Jinhong couldn't arrange anything directly, after all, Jiang Dingcheng hasn't woken up yet, so he doesn't know what's going on.

"The doctor said, if the second brother can't wake up within 72 hours, it will take a long time to wake up, months or years are possible." Chi Heyu said anxiously.

This is of course the worst plan, it hurts the nerves, and such things as deep coma are not out of the question.

Some people sleep for years before waking up.

"After three days, we'll see what happens to the second child. If it doesn't work, we'll transfer to another hospital." Duan Jinhong was silent for a while, and then said seriously.

"Going back to China?" Chi Heyu looked at Duan Jinhong worriedly and said.

With Jiang Dingcheng's reputation and injury, he cannot go back to the country directly. Let alone worrying the Jiang family, if the stock investors know that he is seriously injured and unconscious, it will have a great impact on Jiang's stocks.

The Jiang family is Jiang Dingcheng's painstaking efforts to achieve today's achievements, and it is determined not to be destroyed.

"Brother, it's better not to go back to China in the situation of second brother." Chi Heyu thought for a while and said.

"It's too unsafe in Italy. An Tenglong is a tiger that can go crazy at any time now. It's hard to guarantee that he won't die with his second child, so he doesn't care if he kills people in the hospital or not." Duan Jinhong said with his brows knit together.

In Italy, after all, this place is the territory of An Tenglong and the Mafia. In other people's territory, no matter how powerful they are, they will easily be passive.

This is equivalent to putting one's life in the hands of others, which is definitely not acceptable.

"Then we'll go to another relatively safe country at that time. The second brother's current situation is not suitable for returning to China. The second sister-in-law and the others don't know about it yet. I didn't dare to tell them, and I don't know how to say it. "Chi Heyu said helplessly.

Jiang Ding's injury, he has personally explained, don't let his family know, especially let Mu Jiu know, so Chi Heyu didn't dare to say it, let alone know what to say.

It was his dereliction of duty that he didn't protect the second brother well and caused him to suffer such a serious injury.

"I'll arrange this matter. We'll wait for the second child to wake up now, or three days later depending on the situation." Duan Jinhong couldn't directly say his plan.

Everything will be decided after three days.

Regardless of whether Jiang Dingcheng is awake or in a coma, he can't stay here any longer. He has to leave Italy, whether it's returning home or going directly to another country.

"Well, everything depends on the arrangement of the elder brother. Elder brother, do you want to go in and see the second brother?" Chi Heyu glanced at the elder brother and said.

Duan Jinhong nodded, and then followed the nurse to change into a sterile suit, and the two of them went inside to see Jiang Dingcheng.

Looking closely at his face like this, he realized that he was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and his brows were still knit together, even if he was in a coma. This can only explain one thing, that is, he is really in pain and uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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