cute in his palm

Chapter 1548 The New Year Has Arrived

Chapter 1548 The New Year Has Arrived

Jiang Dingcheng's injury was more serious than they expected, which was a bit worrying.

"Brother, the situation of the second brother is not optimistic." Chi Heyu sighed heavily.

"Well, I saw it." Duan Jinhong said calmly.

"I'm sorry, this time it's because I didn't have the ability to protect my second brother well that he suffered such serious injuries." Chi Heyu blamed himself to death.

If possible, he would rather be the person lying on the hospital bed with a tube inserted than Jiang Dingcheng.

You must know that Jiang Dingcheng is not only the president of a group, but also the wife of a woman and the father of a child, so he has a huge responsibility.

"The third child, no one can replace the second child. Anteng Longchong is the one who is on him, not you, so he can only lie on this bed with injuries. I think you are also injured. Have you bandaged it?" Duan Jinhong looked at him and said.

"Brother, I'm fine, I was only slightly injured and bandaged." Chi Heyu said calmly.

He was only grazed by the bullet on his arm, and there was no serious injury.

Obviously, An Tenglong didn't come for him, so naturally he wouldn't kill him, and the injury wouldn't kill him.

Chi Heyu understood this point.

"Then go back to the hotel earlier and rest, I'll just stay here." Duan Jinhong looked at him and said.

Chi Heyu thought about it.

"No need, brother, I don't want to sleep at all." Chi Heyu shook his head and said.

Now although he is mentally weak and physically exhausted, he doesn't want to go to sleep.

Duan Jinhong was worried when he saw him like this. "You go to sleep for a few hours, and then come back, this is the order of the elder brother, be obedient, go over."

Duan Jinhong pulled him out of the ICU ward, and then the two of them changed the sterile suits on their bodies.

Chi Heyu accidentally touched the wound, and his eyebrows were wrinkled in pain.

Seeing him like this, Duan Jinhong spoke directly and seriously.

"He said it's okay, now you are obedient and go back to the hotel to rest immediately, don't let me give you sleeping pills." Duan Jinhong said in a cold tone.

Chi Heyu knew that the eldest brother was worried about his body, so he didn't hesitate anymore. "I see, brother, I'll go back to the hotel later."

"By the way, where is Cheng Mingfeng?" Duan Jinhong thought of Cheng Mingfeng and asked him.

"He became a victim of this shooting, but he deserves to die." As soon as Chi Heyu heard Cheng Mingfeng's name, he became very angry.

If it weren't for this man, how could the second brother have suffered such a serious injury?

Therefore, if this man Cheng Mingfeng didn't die this time, he would let this man die as well.

"It's okay to die, at least the Mu family's revenge is temporarily avenged, but let's not talk about Su Luotong, I heard that she is pregnant." Duan Jinhong said calmly.

"Well, I got it, then I'll go back to the hotel first, if there's anything big brother, you have to let me know as soon as possible." Chi Heyu told Duan Jinhong.

What he hopes most is that Jiang Dingcheng suddenly wakes up, then everything will be fine.

Only this time, it's very hanging.

"Okay, let's go, by the way, the fourth and fifth don't let them hear anything for now." Duan Jinhong told him again worriedly.

If they found out about this matter, there was no guarantee that the Jiang family would not know about it immediately.

Don't let the Jiang family know now, especially Mu Jiu.

At that time, Mu Jiu will definitely feel extremely depressed and worried.

For the time being, it will be a while if I can hide it for a while.

"I won't tell them, it's just elder brother, if second brother doesn't wake up, we can't hide it forever, besides, second sister-in-law cares about second brother very much, the two of them often need to be in touch..." Chi Heyu Having said that, I stopped.

Because he still remembered that when he was about to enter the operating room, Jiang Dingcheng insisted on clenching his teeth and calling Mu Jiu, just because he didn't want her to worry.

Duan Jinhong let out a heavy breath. "I'll talk about this later, if I can hide it for a while now, I can hide it for a while. Xiao Jiu should be very busy during the Chinese New Year, so I can easily hide it in these three days."

Chi Heyu didn't say anything more.

Because he knew very well that if Mu Jiu found out about this, it would break her down.

"Brother, I'm afraid it won't be long?" Chi Heyu said with some embarrassment

"You go back to the hotel to rest first, and I'll take care of it." Duan Jinhong was also a little embarrassed, but this matter needs a long-term plan, and he needs time to sort it out.

"Okay, I'll go back to the hotel first." Chi Heyu didn't stay any longer, and went back to the hotel directly.

As soon as he fell on the bed, he received a text message from Luo Simiao.

"Uncle Yu, Happy New Year."

I glanced at the time, and it was the new year in China, but not yet in Rome.

No reply message either.

Then came another text message with a picture.

"Uncle Yu, the fireworks show in Ancheng, isn't it beautiful?"

Taking a look at the picture, it is indeed very beautiful and splendid, but unfortunately he doesn't have any extra emotions to deal with the fireworks show right now. He can tell from the tone that Luo Simiao is very happy.

She is happy.


Ancheng has a grand New Year's fireworks show, and Huaicheng also has it.

In fact, almost all cities in China will have fireworks shows. It just depends on the scale. Some last for more than ten minutes, and some last for hours.

This year's fireworks show in Huaicheng will be very long.

It starts 5 minutes before the New Year’s bell rings, in order to keep good luck from this year to the next year. This is a metaphor. The location of the fireworks in Huaicheng is in the square beside the Huaijiang River. It is especially beautiful with the music fountain. nice.

There are fountains and fireworks, which are not so beautiful.

As early as the beginning, both sides of the Huaijiang River were already crowded with citizens watching the fireworks. It is said that this year is the biggest one, and naturally they will not let go of such a good opportunity.

Therefore, it was crowded with people early in the morning, and it was crowded with people.

Jiang Dinghe sat there swiping his phone.

"Second sister-in-law, this year's fireworks festival has started, don't you really want to go and see it?"

Mu Jiu shook her head, took her mobile phone, sent several text messages to Jiang Dingcheng but did not reply, and the phone was turned off when making calls, which really worried her to death.

I really don't know what happened to Jiang Dingcheng, and I'm really worried.

This year has been the most frightening for her.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm still sending text messages to my second brother. Don't worry, my second brother will definitely reply if he sees it. Turning off the phone can only mean that the battery is out. The second brother is a strict man, and his mobile phone is always on 24 hours a day. It turns out that the mobile phone is not used to it when you go abroad." Jiang Dinghe didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

But when he said it like this, Mu Jiu was even more worried and restless.

So scared, what happened to Jiang Dingcheng, who made him so abnormal.

It's okay if it's just that the phone is turned off, but what if something happens to him?But what?

(End of this chapter)

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