cute in his palm

Chapter 1549 Too Stimulated

Chapter 1549 Too Stimulated

The fireworks banquet in Huaicheng lasted for an entire hour. They didn't go to the scene, but just watched the live broadcast at home, and the whole scene was already shocked. It was really beautiful.

"Second sister-in-law, we really should go and see the scene."

"There are too many people." Mu Jiu said indifferently.

She has never been interested in crowded things.

"Second sister-in-law, this time is arranged by Cheng Yichen's family. There is an exclusive VIP seat for watching fireworks. If you go to see it, you will naturally be the guest of honor. You don't need to squeeze with others." Jiang Dinghe said with a smile.

They could all see that Mu Jiu didn't have any extra thoughts on these fireworks, and was full of worries about Jiang Dingcheng's affairs.

Therefore, they wanted to make Mu Jiu as happy as possible.

In fact, Mu Jiu didn't want her emotions to affect others. After all, everyone should be happy during the Chinese New Year, but she had a kind of sadness gushing out from the bottom of her heart, which made her unable to be happy at all.

I was very uneasy in my heart, always feeling like something big happened.

One piece made her uncomfortable.

Sometimes, I even want to cry.

"Second Sister-in-law, are you tired? The fireworks banquet will be over soon. Do you want to go to rest first? It's already one o'clock." Jiang Dinghe looked at Mu Jiu and said tiredly.

In fact, Jiang Dinghe originally thought that on such a good day today, he wanted to take Xu Yanke out to watch the fireworks, but around midnight, he called Xu Yanke to congratulate her on the New Year, and she said She said something like, thank you and happy new year. She was going to bed, hung up, and then turned off the phone.

Jiang Dinghe almost died of anger.

However, thinking that Xu Yanke might be really tired, he didn't say anything more.

Wait until dawn to contact Xu Yanke.

That's why I am so boring to accompany the elders here to watch the live broadcast of the fireworks banquet.

"Well, I'm going to rest first, grandma, parents, I'll go back to rest first, and you guys should go to rest earlier too." After Mu Jiu said goodnight to her family, she dragged a tired figure upstairs.

When Mu Jiu's figure disappeared into the stairs, the nerves of the adults relaxed after a day of collapse.

"Xiao Jiu, looking so unhappy makes me feel distressed, and I deliberately pretended to be happy." The old lady said in a low voice.

"Mom, just because Xiao Jiu is a sensible child, she doesn't want to let us know when she has pain in her heart." Lin Weishuang also felt sorry for Mu Jiu.

Now there is such a daughter-in-law, or such a sensible and kind child, how can people not like it.

"Second child, this child doesn't know what to do. He's older than the Chinese New Year, he has a wife and children, and he has to go on a business trip. Xiao Jiu is so upset now." The old lady was on the side of the granddaughter-in-law.

There is no way, who made Xiao Jiu such a distressed child.

"Mom, even Dingcheng himself didn't estimate this matter, he thought he would come back soon from a business trip." Lin Weishuang didn't mean to turn to anyone, but just wanted to be fair.

"Isn't he able to decide when to come back? He is the president of the group, so he can't decide at all. What kind of president is he?" The old lady said a little unhappy.

Before, it was because Mu Jiu was here that she couldn't say anything, but now that Mu Jiu is not here, she just said it directly.

Lin Weishuang had nothing to say right now.

It is true that there is nothing wrong with saying this.

Jiang Dingcheng is the president of the entire group, he is the biggest, he can do whatever he says, if he wants to come back, who can stop him?It is estimated that part of the reason is that he himself does not want to come back.

This kid, I don't know what he's thinking.

"Okay, I'm tired and go back to my room to rest." The old lady said unhappily.

"Grandma, I'll take you back to your room." Jiang Dinghe hurriedly stood up to help the old lady.

The old lady didn't say anything, and was supported by Jiang Dinghe into the room to rest.

Jiang Hehong and his wife sat there and looked at each other.

"This time, I'll stand on the old lady's side." Jiang Hehong said calmly.

It was a good big group year, but because of Jiang Dingcheng's absence, the happy atmosphere that should have been lost on this day, even though everyone has a smile on their faces, there is still a heavy breath that can be felt.

"Okay, I also know that it's wrong to make an appointment, but he didn't say why he didn't come back, and we can't say anything, because he is the president of a group, and he is not only responsible for a small family, but also tens of thousands of people. The employee's family, so you can't be willful." Lin Weishuang was fair.

They know what kind of child Jiang Dingcheng is, and they will never act willfully, and they will weigh the severity of everything they do.

Therefore, Lin Weishuang believed that Jiang Dingcheng had his reasons for not coming back this time.

"Okay, let's stop arguing about the commitment. We all know how prudent this child is, but if he doesn't come back this year, he will be somewhat unhappy." Jiang Hehong said calmly.

It's rare that their whole family is together this year, and it's the grandson's first New Year's Eve, so naturally they are looking forward to spending Jiang Dingcheng at home together.

Lin Weishuang understood what her husband meant, and reached out to hold Jiang Hehong's hand.

"I know that Ding Cheng and Xiao Jiu still have a long life in the future, and it's not too short of such a New Year's Eve. They will have a good time together in the next few decades, as long as Ding Cheng treats Xiao Jiu sincerely." Lin Weishuang said calmly Said.

Although the children and grandchildren have their own blessings, they still worry about their lives.

As long as they sincerely live well, Lin Weishuang will be happy.

In the past, there were too many things owed to the four sons, so now I hope their married life can be happy.

"This is natural. Our son is still very affectionate. Don't worry about this, they will definitely treat their wives well." Jiang Hehong said comforting his wife.

"Oh, Mom and Dad, you two always show your affection so unscrupulously, it will hurt me very much." Jiang Dinghe saw his parents holding hands affectionately when he came out of his grandmother's room, feeling envious of all kinds.

When will he be able to hold Ke Ke's hand and show such unscrupulous affection.

Thinking about it, I still feel pretty good.

"Brat, when did you learn to tease your parents?" Jiang Hehong said with a glare at his third son.

"What a joke, I'm envious, okay?" Jiang Dinghe said with a smile.

"Okay, what are you envious of? If you have this skill, why don't you go find one yourself, the third daughter-in-law you promised to find for me, hurry up." Lin Weishuang looked at him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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