cute in his palm

Chapter 1550 This troublesome spirit

Chapter 1550 This troublesome spirit

Hearing Lin Weishuang's words, Jiang Dinghe was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

"Mom, it's only Chinese New Year, and you give me such a strict and handsome task, which puts me under a lot of pressure." Jiang Dinghe said with a smile.

"There's not much pressure, how can you be motivated?" Lin Weishuang said directly.

"Okay, I get it, you will be motivated when you are under pressure, right? I will definitely bring your third daughter-in-law back next year during the Chinese New Year, okay?" Jiang Dinghe said with a smile to his mother.

Lin Weishuang didn't want to say anything more, the whole family knew that Jiang Dinghe was the one who could coax adults best, so what nice words to say.

Therefore, just listen to his words as if they were pleasant words, and vowing to him is as simple as three meals a day.

"Okay, it's getting late, go to bed earlier." Lin Weishuang looked at him and said.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, good night, remember to give me the red envelope tomorrow morning, I haven't received the red envelope from you two for many years." Jiang Dinghe returned to the room with a smile after speaking.

However, as soon as she arrived at the door of her room, she saw Mu Jiu hurried out of her room wearing a big padded coat, looking anxious to get out.

It's past one o'clock in the morning, what do you go out with this point?
"Second sister-in-law, are you going out?" Jiang Dinghe asked her.

As soon as Mu Jiu saw Jiang Dinghe, he immediately regained his spirits.

"Dinghe, you came just in time. I have something to do for a fireworks banquet. Can you go with me?" Mu Jiu looked at him and said.

Hearing this, Jiang Dinghe was taken aback for a moment before reacting.

"Second sister-in-law, do you still want to watch the fireworks at this time? It's over." Jiang Dinghe didn't understand what she was doing now.

But I realized it all at once, this wasn't to watch the fireworks, it was clearly something urgent.

"Second sister-in-law, what happened?" Jiang Dinghe could see that she was very anxious, so he asked her worriedly.

If you run out at this time, something must have happened to your relatives.

What Jiang Dinghe was worried about was if something happened to Xu Yanke and the others. "Second sister-in-law, is it possible that she..."

"No, it's Su Luotong. She ran out to watch the fireworks banquet today. What is she going to see with such a big stomach? What's the excitement to join in... It just so happened that her brother saw it, and now the whole venue is arresting her... ...So we have to go there now." Mu Jiu briefly explained the situation.

That troublesome Su Luotong, if she didn't see a child in her stomach, she wouldn't care about her.

It was also because there was a child that so many things happened.

Mu Jiu was worried about the child in her stomach.

If Su Yaoting really caught him, it would be no small matter.

"Su Luotong, what is she doing in a crowded place with a big belly? I'll call Cheng Yichen first and ask him to look for it first. When he sees Su Luotong, take her to a safe place first." Jiang Ding He said calmly.

In his impression, Su Luotong should have a belly of four or five months, or even bigger, and he still went to such a place with his life, isn't he courting death?

"Well, you make a phone call, then change your clothes, I'll go to the garage and drive the car out." Mu Jiu still decided to go there, and Mu Jiu won't be at ease until she sees that she's fine.

"it is good."

Mu Jiu went downstairs in a hurry, but still disturbed Jiang Hehong and his wife who had just gone to sleep.

"Xiao Jiu, it's so late, where are you going? Did something happen?" Lin Weishuang said worriedly, once she saw Mu Jiu like this, she knew something must have happened.

Otherwise, how could he run out in the middle of the night.

"Mom, something happened to a friend, I'll go over and have a look." Mu Jiu didn't say anything specific, because she was worried that Lin Weishuang and the others would overthink and worry.

"What's the matter, are you going out alone at night?" Lin Weishuang said worriedly.

It's a Chinese New Year's Eve night, and it's cold, so if Mu Jiu goes out alone, she must be worried.

It will not be reassuring no matter what.

"No, it happens that Dinghe is free. He will go there with me. Mom, don't worry. You and Dad will sleep well. We will come back after we finish." Mu Jiu simply answered Lin Weishuang's question, knowing who they are worried.

"Well, you must drive carefully, you understand? In the winter night, there are few cars and people so that you may have an accident." Lin Weishuang put safety first.

No matter what they go to deal with, safety still needs to be guaranteed.

"Mom, I know."

After Mu Jiu went to the garage to drive the car out, Jiang Dinghe arrived at the door, and Lin Weishuang and Jiang Hehong also came out wearing their coats worriedly.

"Mom and Dad, it's cold outside, you two go in first." Seeing the two of them like this, Mu Jiu hurriedly urged them to go in.

"Dinghe, come and drive and take good care of your second sister-in-law." Lin Weishuang looked at her third son and said.

"Mom, I know." Jiang Dinghe was well aware of the fact that the elders favored their daughter-in-law over their son. In the hearts of the two of them, a daughter-in-law is much better than a son.

Mu Jiu moved directly to the passenger seat, and Jiang Dinghe directly got into the driver's seat.

"Mom and Dad, you go in, we'll be back soon." Mu Jiu urged the two of them to enter the house, the night at this point is the coldest.

Although Huai City is a southern city, it is still cold this winter during the Chinese New Year. It can drop to around zero at night, and it is only short of freezing and snowing.

"Okay, let's go."

Jiang Dinghe started the car directly, and then drove outside.

The two of them soon arrived at the scene of the firework banquet. At this time, there were still many people there, especially young men and women, who put Kongming lanterns by the river, looking happy.

Jiang Dinghe led his second sister-in-law to the viewing platform directly from the VIP passage.

Cheng Yichen was already waiting for them there.

"Second sister-in-law, brother Dinghe, you're here." Cheng Yichen looked at the two of them and said hello.

Today, as the person in charge of the master control, he was exhausted.

If Dad hadn't insisted on letting him be the person in charge of the entire fireworks banquet, Young Master Cheng wouldn't be so tired at all.

"Are you okay? Did Su Luotong find it?" Mu Jiu asked him directly.

"The surveillance shows that she's in the southwest corner. I've sent someone to arrest her. She should be here soon." Cheng Yichen asked the two of them to sit down and handed them a cup of hot water.

"Second sister-in-law, drink a cup of hot water to warm up first, it's quite cold outside at this time." Cheng Yichen looked at Mu Jiu with concern and said.

This time the second brother went to Italy, but he took care of the brothers, so he must take good care of the second sister-in-law.

"By the way, do you have any news about your second brother?" Mu Jiu suddenly looked at him and asked.

Mu Jiu has always been a little uneasy about Jiang Dingcheng's affairs, so she wants to ask Cheng Yichen, they are good brothers, maybe they can know something about it.

(End of this chapter)

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