cute in his palm

Chapter 1551 Think I'm Bad

Chapter 1551 Think I'm Bad

Hearing Mu Jiu's question like this, Cheng Yichen was taken aback for a moment before speaking. "On the phone a few days ago, the second brother sounded pretty good."

"Is that so? Did he say what he's busy with?" Mu Jiu continued to ask.

She wasn't the kind of person who got to the bottom of things, and she knew about Jiang Dingcheng's work, so she couldn't really help him, but she was very upset that she didn't know anything about him.

Seeing Mu Jiu's worried expression, Cheng Yichen also wanted to tell her something.

However, as the second brother Qian had told him, Mu Jiu should not let Mu Jiu know the real purpose of his trip to Italy, for fear that she would be worried, so he could only say that it was a matter of work.

"We don't call our second brother every day. We say that we are a little busy. What we have been busy with is the establishment of the group's new company in Italy. Many things will require the second brother to do it himself, so it is very busy. The third brother is there to help Nothing will happen to him, no matter how chaotic Italy is, no matter how powerful the mafia is, our third brother Ye's family is not a vegetarian, so second sister-in-law don't worry, second brother will definitely be fine." Cheng Yichen comforted Mu Jiu .

He is actually not good at dealing with women, he is not as eloquent as Gu Xiao, and he is afraid that if Mu Jiu asks more, he will slip up.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't know that something happened to them in Italy.

Fortunately, he didn't know, otherwise how could he survive.

Duan Jinhong was right, once Cheng Yichen and Gu Xiao knew about this matter, Mu Jiu would not be far behind if he knew about it.

"Is that so, maybe I'm worrying too much about what will happen to him." Mu Jiu pretended to be relaxed and said.

Only she knew how heavy her heart was.

Just at this moment, the security captain called Cheng Yichen. "Master, that lady was caught by a gentleman who wanted to drag her to the car."

"Second sister-in-law, Su Luotong was caught by her brother." Cheng Yichen looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Where is it, let's go over now, and let them stop Su Yaoting from dragging her into the car no matter what." Mu Jiu put down the glass directly, before she could take a sip of water.

"The exact location." Cheng Yichen asked anxiously.

"This exit to the west, young master, we will definitely block it."

"Second sister-in-law, let's go there now, and go to the west exit for 5 minutes." Cheng Yichen hung up the walkie-talkie and looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Let's go, hurry up, Su Yaoting is going crazy, but he can't stop it." Mu Jiu hurriedly walked outside.

When the three of them arrived at the place in a hurry, Su Yaoting was pulling Su Luotong's hand towards the side of the car. Several security guards surrounded them, but they didn't dare to go forward to stop them for fear of hurting them.

Cheng Yichen has strictly stated that he must not hurt them.

Therefore, these security guards dare not go directly to arrest them.

"Su Yaoting, what are you doing!" Mu Jiu yelled at Su Yaoting who was holding onto Su Luotong's hand.

It's really a pair of unreliable siblings.

Can't you just relax and talk about something?It has to be this intense.

"Xiao Jiu?" Su Yaoting was a little surprised to see Mu Jiu appearing, but soon realized that Su Luotong should have contacted her, otherwise it would be impossible for her to come out at this time.

After all, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, and it was Chinese New Year's Eve.

Mu Jiu should be taking care of the children at home at this time, how could he come here, and it's not a special trip to watch the fireworks banquet.

"Su Yaoting, let go first, don't you know she is pregnant? What if she gets hurt?" Mu Jiu went over and yelled at Su Yaoting.

"Brother, let me go first, okay? You pinched my hand, it hurts so much." Su Luotong sympathized with his brother.

Su Yaoting let go of his hand first, and then Su Luotong quickly threw himself into Mu Jiu's arms.

"Xiao Jiu, thank you for coming to save me, otherwise I would have been taken away by my brother." Su Luotong said aggrievedly.

Su Yaoting on the side was very angry, when did his brother like a hero ruin his image so completely, he was treated like a bad guy.

Su Luotong really saw Brother Li Wang.

Do you know who her brother is now?

"Su Luotong, you're serious too. Didn't I tell you to stay at home well? Why are you running over to crowded places with so many people? Isn't this courting death?" Mu Jiu was really angry. In case something happens, who can afford it.

This woman Su Luotong really likes to mess around.

Few young people would think of coming to such a crowded place. She, a pregnant woman with a big belly, actually came here to squeeze, really... not afraid of death.

"Su Luotong, you have to have a limit to your nonsense." Mu Jiu was really angry, that's why she said such serious words, otherwise, she definitely wouldn't have said it like this.

Su Luotong also knew that Mu Jiu was really angry, if it wasn't because she happened to meet her brother here, she would never bother Mu Jiu.

So it is full of self-blame. "Mu Jiu, I'm sorry, I know I'm capricious, I'm just... It's too boring to stay in the house by myself, so I want to come out to watch the excitement, I don't know that I will run into my brother."

When Mu Jiu heard her words, she really had the urge to strangle her to death.

This woman, yet to realize her mistake, blamed it on her brother.

Su Yaoting really had a big scapegoat, today he was too bored, so he wanted to come to a place with a lot of people to feel the atmosphere of the New Year, how did he know that he saw Su Luotong.

What made him angry was that, with such a big belly, she still squeezed into a place with so many people. Did she have common sense? What would she do if something bad happened.

Although he was very upset before that his sister was pregnant with Cheng Mingfeng's child, he wanted her to abort the child.

However, now that his stomach is so big, and he has figured it out, this child is also innocent. Besides, if he kills him now, Su Luotong will also be in danger. .

So if you think about it clearly, you won't force her to abort the child anymore.

When we met this time, I just wanted to take her back to take good care of her, and wait for her to give birth to the child smoothly.

Who knew that Su Luotong would run away as soon as he saw him, but he was still afraid that he would take her to kill the child, so he kept chasing her.

Now that he has been caught, Mu Jiu is also here.

Things are really getting bigger.

He really will treat Su Yaoting as a bad brother.

Really drunk.

"Su Yaoting, do you really want to take Su Luotong to...kill him?" Mu Jiu didn't want to say such cruel words, so she looked at Su Yaoting and asked.

Su Yaoting was a little sad, it turned out that his image in Mu Jiu's heart was so bad.

"Xiao Jiu, you also think I'm a bad brother, don't you?" Su Yaoting looked at Mu Jiu with some discomfort and said.

(End of this chapter)

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