cute in his palm

Chapter 1559 Nightmares Are Scary

Chapter 1559 Nightmares Are Scary

The first thing Mu Jiu and the others did when they came to the island was to go to the Fuxing Temple to do harm.

The name of Fuxing Island comes from this thousand-year-old temple.

I heard that wishing here is very effective, so many tourists from other places often come to the island to pray for safety and make a wish.

Therefore, when they arrived, the temple was crowded with people. In addition, many people rushed to work after the year, and it was full of people.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people in their group, and they soon arrived at the place where the incense was burned.

Mu Jiu knelt down to make a wish devoutly.

As for what she promised, no one asked, but everyone would know.

It must be making a wish for Jiang Dingcheng's peace.

Everyone made a wish, and when they came down from the temple, it was already noon.

A group of people went to eat.

In the afternoon, Lin Weishuang and the old lady took the little guy to rest in the restaurant, Mu Jiu went to the beach with a group of young people, and Jiang Dinghe booked a boat to go fishing.

Mu Jiu didn't have much intention to go, but she didn't want to spoil everyone's interest because of herself. After all, there are her good friends here, and she came here because of her.

It's just that the sea fishing didn't last for 2 minutes, and Mu Jiu's face turned pale and she felt uncomfortable.

"Xiao Jiu, are you seasick?" Guan Xiaotong asked directly when she saw her like this.

Clear signs of seasickness.

Then everyone came over to ask how she was doing.

Mu Jiu was a little weak and told them that it was all right. "Okay, I'm fine. I probably feel uncomfortable because I took too many boats today. I don't usually get seasick."

"Second sister-in-law, I think your face is pale. Why don't we stop fishing today and go back first, and come back tomorrow after everyone has rested. Anyway, we will stay on the island for three or four days." Jiang Ding He looked at Mu Jiu and said.

The second brother is not at home, as a man of the Jiang family, he must take good care of the women in the family.

Especially the second sister-in-law, during the period when the second brother is away, she must not let the second sister-in-law have anything to do.

"It's okay, I'll just go and take a rest. You guys must catch more fish, because we have a whole fish feast at night." Mu Jiu looked at them and said.

In fact, she was just flustered with tightness in her chest, and she was always restless for some reason.

That's why there are such emotions.

How about a whole fish feast?
"Xiao Jiu, when did you become a foodie? I don't even know." Guan Xiaotong said jokingly.

Mu Jiu said this because she simply didn't want them to worry about her affairs, and she didn't want to spoil everyone's mood because of her, after all, they came to play together.

"I want to eat fish, preferably a seafood feast, so you have to work hard." Mu Jiu smiled at them and said.

"Don't worry, if you don't catch that much, you still have to catch it." Guan Xiaotong patted Mu Jiu's head and said.

What Mu Jiu dislikes the most is being slapped on the head like this, but today is an exception.

"Go fishing, I'll just take a rest." Mu Jiu said to them with a smile.

Mu Jiu was really asleep, but she was just dreaming.

Nightmares haunted her one after another.

This made her very scared.

What I was most afraid of was dreaming that Jiang Dingcheng was chased by a group of people, followed by gunshots, and then saw Jiang Dingcheng fall into a big and deep black hole.

Then his people disappeared inside, no matter what Mu Jiu called, it was useless.

"Due to..."

Mu Jiu woke up and saw the scenery outside. It turned out that she was still asleep on the boat at sea, but the sky outside was gradually getting dark.

She didn't know how long she had slept, but the group of people outside were fishing vigorously.

But, why would she have such a dream?
In the dream, Jiang Dingcheng was not only seriously injured, but also fell into a black hole and disappeared.

Mu Jiu didn't know what the metaphor in the dream was, anyway, a terrifying emotion surged out of Mu Jiu's heart every now and then, making her afraid.

Did something really happen to Jiang Dingcheng?
Thinking of this, Mu Jiu quickly picked up her mobile phone and called Jiang Dingcheng.

Prompt to shut down.

Mu Jiu's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

Could it be that the dream was reminding that something happened to Jiang Dingcheng, and it was a very serious matter?

Why is it like this.

Mu Jiu was really in no mood at all.

Just in time, Xu Yanke came in to see her, and saw her sitting on the small bed holding her mobile phone in a daze, but her expression was very bad.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu?" Xu Yanke called out twice, but Mu Jiu didn't respond any more, which scared Xu Yanke.

"Xiao Jiu, are you okay?" Xu Yanke reached out and shook her shoulder.

At this moment, Mu Jiu was awake, and then looked at Xu Yanke with a dull look in his eyes.

"It's Cocoa."

"Xiao Jiu, what's wrong with you? I didn't want you to have a good sleep. Why did you look even worse? I'll let Jiang Dinghe go back now." Xu Yanke got up straight away.

Mu Jiu grabbed her hand.

"Ke Ke, I just had a dream." Mu Jiu said it calmly, but in a very uncomfortable mood.

"Nightmare?" Xu Yanke asked her.

You don't even need to think about it, you know it must be a nightmare.

"Well, nightmare, I dreamed that Ding was injured, a serious gunshot wound, and then fell into a bottomless black hole. No matter how I told him to find him, it was useless... Keke, you said you would What should I do?" Mu Jiu looked at Xu Yanke very sadly.

Xu Yanke felt a little uncomfortable when she heard her words, and then gently hugged her into her arms to comfort her. "Xiao Jiu, it's all right. This dream is all reversed. This shows that Jiang Dingcheng is all right. He must be safe and sound."

"I also want to be like this, and I also think that the dream is reversed, but...why does it feel so real, and I can't contact Dingcheng for several days, that's why I'm so scared." Mu Jiu hugged her tightly Xu Yanke's shoulders seemed to be looking for a trace of warm comfort from her body.

She was terrified, and her heart trembled with fear.

If that was the case, what would she do?
Mu Jiu didn't dare to think about it now.

"Fool Xiaojiu, you only dream because you think too much day and night. Believe me, Jiang Dingcheng will be fine. He is such a powerful man, isn't he?" Xu Yanke comforted Mu Jiu and said .

In fact, now she herself is not sure if Jiang Dingcheng is okay.

"Didn't you contact his assistant? He said it's okay, so it's okay." Xu Yanke said all the words that could comfort her.

Mu Jiu's mood finally got a little calm.

Could it be that she really thought too much, that's why she had such negative emotions, and then brought out some bad assumptions?
I really hope that this dream is the opposite.

Jiang Dingcheng can be safe and sound.

(End of this chapter)

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